I have been using TweetGrid for over a year now (I’ve officially been sweeping for a whole year!) and have found its the best way to keep up during a Twitter party. Ya’ll know how much I love to party! How many of you have attended a Twitter party by watching your feed only to…
Sweepstakes etc
Win a Target Gift Card
My fabulous friend Kelley, at The Grant Life invited me to join in with a few other bloggers for this awesome Target gift card giveaway! I want one of my readers to win it! Enter the Rafflecopter below and put in as many entries as possible so you increase your chances of #WINNING! Contest is…
Wednesday Double Take
As you know I love entering sweepstakes- You know you are a sweeper when you do a couple double takes on the picture below to read what it really says.. I had to do several double takes.. 🙁 Clearly someone misspelled “WIN”! Never mind that it’s a grocery store ad for mixing and matching- The Mind…