I always love reading these type of posts on other blogs so I’ve decided to share five things you didn’t know about Candypo. Yes, it’s only five because I didn’t want to over share. 😉 But I’m happy to let you in on a little bit about me. Nothing about my kids, this is about Candy. Candypo if you’re Kelley from TheGrantLife. LOL
one – English is my second language. I learned to speak Spanish first and then learned English when I started attending a day care center. I still speak spanish fluently. I can read it and write it, but I have to admit it can get rusty sometimes. If I don’t speak it often, I forget words etc.. It’s true.. “if you don’t use it you loose it!” It applies to languages as well! One of my proudest moments was doing one of the readings during my first communion in Spanish. I need to get a copy of that picture from my mom.
yes I’m going to be weird and write out the numbers.
two – I don’t like spicy food. Ok so I will go as far a mild.. but that’s a stretch. I make my husband try the salsa at restaurants and I won’t touch the green sauce.. if I know it’s made with tomatillos.. I know, sometimes I feel like I should turn in my Mexican card..but no I’m not. LOL The hubs jokes with me because if I hear “spices” I think its going to be too hot and I don’t even give it a chance. Kinda guilty of that. But whatev! and then there’s the Rotel.. I pretty much flipped out when he came home with a can of HOT Rotel. That’s too hot!! LOL
three – I almost signed up for culinary school. Yes, I could have been the next Food Network Star (ok probably not).. I couldn’t bring myself to sign on the dotted line and spend 50k for an associates degree to only start out at 30k. It wasn’t enough for me. I know.. when it’s what you want, you don’t stop til you do it. I couldn’t see having the burden of knowing I’d be upside down on my bills after graduating. But you know what, who’s to say I won’t do it later. or if I want to just open a restaurant of my own one day. You never know! #YOLO right?!
four – I love shopping on HSN and QVC.. I have to say QVC is my favorite. I’ve purchased lots of Diamonique products, my mom got me into Temptations dish ware and random products. I keep wanting to order the Total gym when it goes on easy pay.. Yeah Easy Pay rocks my socks off ya’ll! But seriously, you can get some great deals on Easy Pay! When we lived in Florida I always wanted to drive across the bridge to Clearwater and go check out the HSN studio and store. I never did… but I should go one day! lol
five – I’ve never smoked weed. I’m not asking for you to leave me a comment saying if you have or haven’t (i mean but if you feel like sharing).. but a lot of people (including my parents-i know right wth) assumed that I partook in the passing game. Nope. Never. Not once. Do I think if it ever became legal everywhere that I would try it? Probably not. Let’s be honest, I don’t need the munchies.. and I’m weird about knowing what I put into my body. That shiz can get cut with a lot of different things.. So why take my chances.
See nothing too crazy. I’ll have to share more later. This was definitely fun. Thanks for reading!
I always say I like spicy food, and I do, but I complain the entire time I’m eating it LOL.
Thanks so much for this! I always love getting to know the person behind the blog.
NOT the green sauce thing thats for sure!
My husband and son don’t like spicy food either! I made a really mild dip one day and they both refused to eat it because it was “too spicy!” I like spicy food, but my stomach sometimes doesn’t.
Well, definitely not number five since I am a medical marijuana patient, but I am a spice wuss, love watching HSN (although have never actually ordered anything) and prefer to actually write out numbers too!
Wow thanks for sharing Marcie! I’m glad it’s helping you. 🙂
I’m a Spice fan, but not too spicy haha! I’ve never bought anything on the shopping channel, I haven’t even watched in years. Was tempted lots though!
I have the same issue as number 1. My grandmother only spoke spanish so I learned spanish first and then english but now if I don’t speak it often I forget words but I understand it fluently and can read and write it. It’s so weird.
We gotta watch novelas Vanessa!! LOL When I visit my parents I watch with them and replenish my vocabulary!! LOL
What delightful things to share about yourself. I like spicy that tastes good. My opinion is that if you have to hide what you’re serving for dinner under hot sauce, there’s something wrong with it (kind of like the old commercials where lopsided, cracked cakes were layered with Cool Whip so they looked good).
I love reading these posts also. It’s fun to get to know people I meet online a little better.
I love spicy food! I don’t eat it a lot though because I’m the only one in the house who does enjoy it.
Nice to “meet” you and know more! I love most spicy food, and I love QVC! English is my first language, and I have never in my life smoked weed or did any illicit drugs.
Culinary school would have been an interesting choice! Defintiely with you on #5
i loved learning more about you in this post. So cool!
Fun facts, I love to learn about people. I HATE cooking so never thought of culinary school. I LOVE spicy food, though it is harder to eat these days and like you no weed EVER in my life either :). Thanks for sharing.
I haven’t shopped on QVC or HSN. I have caught it a few times when I can’t sleep.
I would love to learn a second language. My husband’s father’s family is from Mexico and living in California Spanish would be good to know.
I have done all kinds of online shopping and shopping from my phone. I have never tried HSN or QVC. crazy, right?
That is funny that you don’t like spicy foods. Some good friends of ours are Mexican and I know they love their food super spicy. I am definitely a mild person too. The spicy kills my stomach.