Disclosure: This is a compensated post for MarketVision and its advertiser Hershey’s. All opinions are mine alone. #VeranoHersheys #MVculture.
Where has the year gone exactly? It’s almost May and you know what that means! It’s time for Summer! While I recall complaining about the cold and wet winter I’m ready to complain about the hot and humid Summer we will be having here in Georgia. Don’t get me wrong, I love it! But I’ll still complain a little. One of the things I’m very excited about is having time off with the boys. I’m hoping to do a lot of fun stuff and still get some educational things in there too. Last night we had a mock trial of things to come for summer. It’s time to Get Ready for Summer Nights & Smores with VeranoHershey’s and your chance to win a Summer VeranoHershey’s prize pack!
Who says it has to be a weekend to enjoy a delicious hotdog off the grill and s’mores! It’s a weeknight and we are using our Weber Little Smoky Joe to grill some hot dogs and get our Hershey’s s’mores ready to enjoy for dessert. The WEBER® SMOKEY JOE® grill worked perfectly for this! Room for hotdogs that the hubs was cooking and Big A was on s’mores duty! The weather has been a little wild over here lately so we caught a stop in the rain to get out and prepare dinner.
While we waited for the grill to be ready we prepared a dish with our s’mores ingredients. Hershey’s chocolate bars, Honey Maid graham crackers (that were a cute s’more square size!) and marshmallows (that were also s’more cut!). I love that pretty much everything is s’more ready in stores now, that makes it even more convenient to enjoy s’mores whenever you want! Everything is ready and so were we at this point!
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It was really awesome capturing these moments with Big A and the hubs. He was Big A tips on how to keep the marshmallow from touching the grill and to keep an eye on the marshmallow so it wouldn’t fall off the roasting fork. It was really cute. Great memories between a father and son.
See that cute WEBER® SMOKEY JOE® and the s’more fork Big A is using? That’s the Verano Hershey’s prize pack that you’ll have a chance to win! You are going to LOVE it!! It’s great for a family and ideal for when you go RV’ing! The hubs was super excited about it’s portablity.
Before we had dinner we let Big A try out the first s’more. I mean he totally worked for his dinner that night! It was delicious! How could it not be right?!
Now for the giveaway! Head over to the VeranoHershey’s website to enter to win a Hershey’s S’mores Grilling Prize Pack consisting of:
one (1) WEBER® SMOKEY JOE® charcoal grill with HERSHEY’S BRAND logo
one (1) extension fork
I entered, but it was all in spanish so I was lucky that I was able to figure out how to fill out the entry form. Thanks!
Awesome Kim!! Thanks! Good Luck!
I entered!