You’ve seen the show, the one with the super handsome John Stamos at the helm? Oh yes Grandfathered! John Stamos stars and is an executive producer of the show. We had the pleasure of meeting the cast members and asking questions during our time on set, here’s highlights from Grandfathered: Meeting the cast & checking out Jimmy’s!

I attended an all expense paid press event by Disney, however all statements are my very own.
As I mentioned in my other posts, this was my first on set visit and I couldn’t have been more excited to meet the cast of Grandfathered. We interviewed the cast in small groups so it was very intimate and personal. When we sat down in our booths John came out and pretend to make us drinks behind the bar at Jimmy’s. Yes, we actually got to sit on the set area of Jimmy’s the restaurant that John Stamos’s character runs.
Our first interview was with none other than star and executive producer John Stamos and his co-star Paget Brewster. One of the first things we asked the on screen pair was if we could expect Jimmy and Sarah to get together in future episodes. They were fantastic at eluding us but we are hoping that they do! If you’ve been watching the season, you know that they were love interests in their younger days and share a grown child played by Josh Peck. So here’s the back story as to how the story of this couple developed told by Stamos: “We find out through the show that Jim’s a guy that gets in his way like, two steps forward and one step back and when we created the show, Sarah’s character was always really interested in me but first of all she’s a strong woman in her mid-forties, single, which you don’t see on television a lot. I started writing towards that ’cause it’s a great dynamic too for Sarah to go like “hey I’m mid-forties and I’m accepting it while Jimmy is fighting and kicking and screaming and trying to, act like he’s not his age. But yes we’re leading to that.“

Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX
Paget also added: “There are moments where it seems like we’re coming close and you don’t want to do that too soon in the wrong way and so they don’t want to lose if they did because well it didn’t work out so good.” Stamos then added, “cause we know we’re at least going towards it or at the end maybe because I think it was like how do we reinvent this thing? It’s straight up a romantic comedy and if you do it well it doesn’t have to be so, gimmicky. And I think we’re finding out that it’s–– it’s going really well. In fact we’re just seeing where we promise that if we are not married by 60, 65, 70 we will get married. We have so much in common, we have a kid, we have a grandkid, and it’s a great thing for men to see. It’s like hey dummy, it’s not chasing a younger girl, the bigger, better deal. Like, the–– the, what you, everything you really want is right in front of your face if you could get over your bullshit. She’s beautiful, she’s smart.” I have to say that I loved when he said this! It’s so true sometimes, men just fight what is good for them, am I right?! Men I hope you are listening!
John and Paget have great chemistry on screen and you could tell the immense respect they had for each other and how well they work as well. There was a little bit of finishing each other’s sentences, it was really cute.
John was asked how he became involved with Grandfathered: “I was looking for, I love to be on TV and I was looking for something that was right in my wheelhouse. I love family, like family comedy and this was a character that I remember doing. Danny Chun created, got the idea of me being a playboy guy and finding out that I had a son. And then we kinda stumbled upon, what if we had a granddaughter and that would be funny. But that kinda was how it worked out.” -I think it’s a perfect show for Stamos, what do you think?!
They talked about working with the twin girls Layla and Amelia Golfieri, that play their granddaughter. They are the twins that they work with the most. Does anyone remember another set of twins he worked with years ago? I love that they use twins right? If one is fussy, the other is called to set. Very cool!
They also mentioned possible guest stars on the show, maybe but probably not co-stars from the former shows they were a part of. Hey we can dream right? LOL Paget Brewster was very friendly and warm, it was a pleasure speaking with her and John Stamos.

Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX
Up next we got to talk with one of my favorite actors Christina Milian and the super cute and charismatic Josh Peck! They were very candid about working with the twins and their on screen relationship. Milan tells us how it’s been learning the rest of the cast and getting comfortable with each other, “It’s been a growing chemistry from the beginning. The chemistry at the very beginning was just like, hey, nice to meet you. Everyone’s really nice. We can all deal with each other. Like, these are all very cool people and as episode by episode has progressed and I think the writing has helped us to define ourselves and our characters even more and the relationships we all have kind of intertwined with each other now, it’s allowed us more time to spend together and now we’re at the moment where we’re all doing annoying group chats.” Sounds like a great show family to me!
Milian also shares how she sees her character evolving as a YouTuber! “I actually came up with that idea when we met with the writers when they started writing my character and they’re like, well, what do you think? And I was like, well, think about the new generation. People want to write some traditional story. The new generation is making YouTube videos about makeup, about this. They’re becoming online celebrities now to the point where sometimes, it’s up against us to like, you know, a deal or something. Well, he would know. He’s part of Vine, all that. He’s got twenty-five million (Talking about Josh’s following on Vine) no, two billion views.What that can do is just amazing and you can just express yourself, that’s what I loved about her.“
It was really nice to hear the both of them so so highly of each other. Josh didn’t disappoint either when speaking about his co-star, “She’s funny. She’s got a lot of ideas in her head and she pitches a lot of ideas. It’s been great to watch Christina’s character sort of come into her own because especially when you start a show, I think inherently, some characters are more defined than others and then you hope as the episodes go on that a character sort of grows into themselves and Christina’s been so great like, weaving in part of her personality and real life into Vanessa and just killing it. At table reads I’d be jealous.” What a sweetheart! I can’t wait to see how the characters continue to grow with the show!

To learn more about Ravi Patel’s This Bar Saves Lives bars seen in the pic by clicking on the image.
Last but certainly not least, we had great laughs with Ravi Patel and Kelly Jenrette! Talk about a way to end the interview for our group. They had us laughing so hard and they were laughing right along with us. Kelly told us what she loved about her character Annelise, “I love being an Annelise’s character. You know ‘cause she’s straight, but you have these great zingers.” I would have to agree! She’s always got a great comeback and is so funny yet manages to keep a straight face! “Someone said that my sense of humor was like Tommy Lee Jones. Very dry, like– is she joking? Is she not? I love that about her. We are very similar in that we are very dry, sarcastic, witty. Like we’ll come in, we’ll do a drive by, drop a line, and then we’re out.”
I asked Ravi about his restaurant experience, “I do but I’d forgotten all of it. I’ve done all sorts of stuff for restaurants and I don’t know. I, I– I have put so little effort into being a real Chef. I feel like–.” I told him he looked believeable to me! LOL He replies, “Oh thank you very much. Well I’ve always faked– I, I have honestly like 4 moves that I’m gonna’ give them. This is, this is mommy blogger exclusive. Okay.” as he showed us his moves. It was so funny. We got the mommy blogger exclusive!
They really had us laughing when they were telling us about the pranks they pull on each other on set. “Yesterday we were back here for the scene and Ravi was playing around and he missed his cue.” Ravi tells us, “I play around a lot in between takes.” So to get him back Kelly told him, “John needs to talk to you. So he walks up there and John is in the middle of talking with the Director, yeah. I’m standing back here just watching Ravi. He’s just waiting and he was like, “Yeah John.” And John was like, “What are you doing out here?” We need you and we all had a great laugh. We do a lot of that kind of stuff. There’s a lot of– yeah it’s constant messing. It’s great.” Sound like it right?!

Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX
One of the things I loved was how quickly this group of actors became a family. Each of them had so many nice things to say about each other and truly lift each other up as persons and as actors. I absolutely loved it! They all had such amazing energy about themselves too what a great place to work.
GRANDFATHERED on Facebook, Twitter (make sure to always use the #Grandfathered hash tag), Instagram, YouTube Fox Broadcasting Grandfathered, and Fox Flash for Grandfathered.

Photo Credit: ABC Studios/Jordin Althaus
You know the cast of Grandfathered, now make sure to follow them on social media! A week after getting back from the trip, each of use actually received an email from John Stamos thanking us for coming to set! How cool is that? So follow and engage with these awesome individuals! They could respond to you!
John Stamos (“Jimmy Martino”) Twitter & Instagram
Josh Peck (“Gerald”) Twitter & Instagram
Paget Brewster (“Sara”) Twitter & Instagram
Christina Milian (“Vanessa”) Twitter & Instagram
Kelly Jenrette (“Annelise”) on Twitter & Instagram
Ravi Patel (“Ravi”) on Twitter & Instagram
A brand new episode of Grandfathered airs TONIGHT on FOX. Tune in at it’s NEW time 8:30/7:30C! I’ll still be on the road home but tweet along using the #Grandfathered hash tag for some fun!! Here’s what you can expect on tonight’s episode perfectly titled “Perfect Physical Specimen”, Jimmy is tricked into going to the doctor on an all new “Grandfathered.” After hearing that Jimmy hasn’t been to the doctor in over ten years, Sara and Gerald trick him into seeing their family doctor (tonights guest start: Dr. Phil McGraw) for a routine physical, which results in an unsettling discovery. Meanwhile, Gerald and Vanessa stress over Edie’s upcoming surgery and Annelise and Ravi stumble upon Jimmy’s secret safe in tonight’s episode!

Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX
It’s going to be a great episode! I can’t wait to hear what you thought about it!!