I Got a Face Lift
Ok, I didn’t really.. but my website did! What do you think? My dear friend and web designer extraordinaire Anjanette Young did me right!
Momma Young Media, got me off the ground and had me blogging in no time after I purchased my domain back in September. I wasn’t sure what I wanted design wise, all I knew was that I wanted it to be FUN! After looking thru some themes I thought the party lights would be fun and with a little bit of my opinion she made Candypolooza magic!
Since that initial start up, I’ve grown and so has my site. I wanted to change up the site a little bit and give it more flair! More flair to me was an addition to showcase posts. I was worried that if I blogged more than once per day my good posts would get lost. Insert the Slider!
I love the slider of pictures! I think seeing a picture can peek a readers interest. I mean besides the title the picture gives you an idea of what you can possibly expect to be reading about. The slider was what I really wanted.
Ah I just love it so much!
Other than the slider, I left the creative genius to Anjanette. I think when you are close to someone they get to know you and share in your ideas. It’s true! When I was home my hair dresser Phelicia, did my hair for as long as I can remember. Did I let Phelicia loose on my head? YES I did! There were times I’d set an appointment and she’d say, “Well what do you want to do this time?” I’d tell her to do what she thought was best. I loved it every time!
That’s why I feel so comfortable with Anjanette. We talked about what I wanted here and there and she was able to create it so quickly. She blows my mind all the time!
Blue mainly but something colorful and unique
I love color Alvina! Good Luck!!!
I like my colors, but would love a navigation bar with more options.
Blues and greens, maybe a navy chevron and kelly green, Your blog looks great!
Classic but chic.
Pinks mostly and clean
I remember you telling me about her!
I like purple but need something new with a little less purple for my new blog
I love bright colors but simple and i’m not to picky.