La Familia:
Tackling the Carseat
It’s all fun and games until you have to clean out the carseat. Not only is it a challenge to take the damn thing apart, I struggle to keep all the pieces together sometimes. Yep I’m the “mom of the year,” when it comes to loosing small pieces of this and that. Luckily for the boys I’ve never lost a pertinent part of the carseat- I mean obviously I wouldn’t put my lives in a defective carseat- but they have been known to go without the little padded seat cover strap thingies.. I wonder who else Would admit to that! Hey I never said I was perfect..Back to the monster that is my baby’s carseat.
So this seat is one of the convertible ones that “grows” with the kid. Lucky for me it’s never really gotten so filthy that I had to take it apart.
Until Friday that is.. We went out for dinner and Aramis walked out with a to-go lemonade. I normally don’t let him, but since it was his first week of school I gave in. Ofcourse Ezra would want a drink- and a drink he got. All over himself and his seat. Nice job Aramis!
I don’t recommend taking apart a car seat with the child it belongs to around. Ezra thought it was the best thing ever getting into his seat and moving it around all while I’m trying to carefully pull the covers off. Not easy. I’m always afraid that I’ll rip something off that should not come off..
The washing and drying was the easy part. I was not looking forward to putting it all back together. Again, if you can- remove the child from the area of set up. Unfortunately for me, that was not an option. This time the coverings were nice and clean, but getting the belts was almost my breaking point. Thank goodness I was able to get it put back together in time to pick up Aramis. So our Tuesday wasn’t’ a complete bust- little man has a clean and fresh car seat. I didn’t post this status on the Candypolooza Facebook page and I totally should have..
Someone get busy on inventing that already! I don’t need credit or payment, just thank me on the packaging 🙂
Carseat cleaning is no fun and I usually use some youtube videos of someone who was generous enough to show me how they did it, so I just copy them. I have found some very unique mummified food in my kids car seats. How the heck do you drop a chicke nugget underneath it, but when it mummifies the crumbs are nicely attached. Also, not sure how long it took for a grape to turn in a raisin and turn into the stickiest thing I ever touched. Also, where does all the hair come from, I don’t recall giving them tribbles, but them must be multiplying somewhere as that is the only place all the hair could have come from.
LOL Michael what are tribbles? I have never thought about looking up a YouTube video for cleaning a carseat! I’m going to go look them up now! LOL Yeah I forgot to add that with all the cookie crumbs I found I prob could have put together a whole cookie.. That’s why they need crumb trays! 😉
Candy tribbles are from the original Star Trek, they are like space bunnies that just keep multiplying. Also, a crumb tray would be nice.
Ah! Thanks for explaining! 🙂 Wouldn’t it though?! LOL