Disclosure: I was provided an all-expense paid trip to the #TomorrowlandEvent in order to facilitate this post; however all opinions expressed are my very own.
“When I touched this pin, I saw this place. Someplace amazing, and it felt like anything was possible and then it was gone,”said by Casey Newton character played by Britt Robertson in Disney’s Tomorrowland. As part of the TomorrowlandEvent press trip we were able to sit down with Robertson and ask her questions about the preparation and filming of Tomorrowland. Learning about the life lessons learned from Tomorrowland for Britt Robertson during the Tomorrowland Event press junket held at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills.

Photo Credit: MomStart.com
What stuck out for me when watching the trailers for Tomorrowland movie was the courage and cunning by young actor Britt Robertson, portraying the character of Casey Newton. In person Britt is a delightful young woman with such a presence. She was as excited as we were when she entered the room.
One of the first questions asked was of the audition process and later learning that she had gotten the part. It was wonderful to see her reflect on those moments. We truly felt her excitement.
“Yes. it was very lengthy. I started auditioning for the movie the November before we started shooting, so November of like two thousand twelve, I think. Wait, did that sound right? Thirteen? Fourteen?”
As a group we were all surprised that the process began three years ago.
“Yeah, I think so. Yeah, Two thou-, of two thousand thirteen and then I had like multiple auditions from November to July. I first sent in, in a tape from New York in November and then I went in for Brad Bird a few times and for the casting people and then right around May they, they brought me in to do like a full, like a full read with Brad and then at that point they, they flew me to Vancouver to actually do a screen test with Raffey Cassidy who plays Athena. And then from that point, like a week later they told me that I got the part.“
When she learned she got the part:
“When they told me that that I was Casey? It was, I mean, to be honest with you, it was like really an overwhelming moment. It’s something that I, I still remember in my mind as being like the most euphoric feeling that I’ve ever had. I was happy, I was like elated and I was crying. I was just so excited. It was such a cool movie to be a part of and I loved the story so much and also just the people attached to it. It, I just knew that it was going to be a changing point for me in terms of career.”
As we listened to her explain the process you could tell the feelings and emotions she felt then were with her still. It was very moving.
“But also as an opportunity, to be part of this movie was like, it’s just a deal. It was something about when you read the script and the story, you know, the story itself is really sweet. It’s an original idea and it’s something that I had never thought about because the themes of the movie. It really covers the future and how we look at our future. As a society, we can actually influence our future and make it the world that we want to live in and, and I thought that that was a really powerful message and especially for a young woman to be the lead in a movie like this was, was really cool for me.”
When asked about the movie and what she felt about it.
On Tomorrowland:
“It was something about when you read the script and the story, the story itself is a, is a really sweet, it’s an original idea and it’s something that I had never thought about because the themes of the movie, it really covers future and how we look at our future and how, as a society, we can actually influence our future and make it the world that we want to live in and, and I thought that that was a really powerful message and especially for a young woman to be the lead in a mvie like this was, was really cool for me.“
Her first scenes were the wheat field pin scenes and they were also a few of her favorite scenes to shoot
“I loved all the pin experience scenes. There’s one in particular where I end up out in a lake or, not even a lake. It was like a swamp really, and in Florida, what, but what was so cool about it is, in Florida in swamps there’s like crocodiles or alligators. Alligators. That’s’ what it is. Crocodiles. That would be even scarier. (As she laughed out loud) I was like on the hunt for an alligator the entire time I was there and it, we were actually out in the water and they had spotted some, but then something about just like being in the water and having to also create these little pin experiences, it was just a lot of fun.”
Casey Newton is the heroine of the film. Here were Britt’s thoughts on being not only the leading lady but the hero:
“You know, it’s a really great thing, to be like the hero, of a movie like this. A Disney film and to be a youg woman and carry a movie like that. I found it really intimidating but luckily Brad Bird, he’s such a wonderful human being and he’s a family man. He he understands people on a very real level, so I think he gave me the encouragement to, to be brave and just, take it one day at a time. So that was I wasn’t too overwhelmed by being the hero.”
One of the questions I loved for Britt was when we asked how much of Casey she saw in herself. Her answer was pretty awesome.
” You know, I think her mindset is very different from mine. Not so much anymore because, I’ve adopted a lot of her traits and characteristics because I like her and I think she’s a cool chick. Prior to this movie, I always looked at the future at being this ominous thing, you know and it was kind of daunting in this day and age to be so young in this world knowing what it could bring and the circumstances, you know. Everything that’s going on, it’s pretty intense so then once I read the script and I realized so many things that I hadn’t before, and I just totally went off topic and [LAUGHS] and off track. But I just, you know, the experience because of Brad and like, you know, that group. Everyone was supporting me so much, um, it, it was just, it was a fantastic experience. I can’t say enough about it. I feel like I’m constantly like, word vomiting great things.”
Casey Newton clearly made an impact on Britt Robertson
Working with George Clooney
“Working with George, going into it, you have all the expectations of like, you know, a person like that. A movie star and what that means and, and for me, if I was George Clooney, I don’t know that I would be able to handle it as well as he has and that was what was so surprising to me is, is being able to be around him and see how he’s just completely himself. Like, he hasn’t been lost in, in the process of becoming George Clooney. He’s still the person that he wants to be and that’s working with him. It made me realize you can still be who you want to be in this industry. You don’t have to be tainted by uh, the process or the people. It’s just, he’s so professional and I just learned a lot from him.”
A self-proclaimed Tim McGraw fan, she had this to say about working with Tim McGraw:
“I love Tim McGraw like nobody’s business. I’m a huge country music fan. In fact, when I first met him, I attacked him. I was like “You have no idea how much I love you. I love your music, I love your wife, I think you’re the coolest!” he was such a sweet man and he’s a family man. He has three daughters and just hearing his stories about his daughters was really sweet and I got to pretend I was his daughter for a second, so that was nice.“
“Hugh Laurie is a gem” -Britt Roberston
“Oh, Hugh Laurie is just such a gem. I remember being in the makeup trailer with him. I was often there when he was getting his, going through hair, makeup and wardrobe. He would be there and every day it was just like a new fun fact about life, but not even a fun fact. He would give you like stories and theories on life. He’s really informed on everything that’s going on, so I, I sort of looked at him like a book of knowledge, you know, and, and he’s also really talented.”
“Her professionalism and her spirit throughout the entire film..” on working with Raffey Cassidy
“I’ll tell you the main thing that I learned from Raffey. I remember early on, in the process working with Brad because he’s so involved and he has so much direction and um, as an actor, you know, you’re used to taking the direction and kind of making it your own and I remember trying to do that a lot of times and he’d be asking very specific things and I would sort of, you know, have a conversation with him about it and then I would watch him give Raffey direction and all she would say is okay. Okay. Okay. After every single time and I was like, you know, like that’s how you take direction. You just say okay and you do it and you’re professional and you just say okay, so I really, I like made a pact with myself from that point forward. I was like, I’m going to do what Raffey does and I’m just going to say okay and I’m going to give it my best shot. Whatever he asks me to do, I’m just going to do it, you know, and, and it actually really worked out for me by the end of it because I just completely trusted Brad and I knew that his vision is the vision that we’re going to bring to life. Her professionalism and her spirit throughout the entire film not matter how long the say was, no matter what they were asking of her, physically, emotionally, she just did it. She did it to the best of her ability and I think that’s a huge lesson for me.”
I am really looking forward to this movie. It sounds awesome.
Wow.. how exciting to meet and talk to her. I have seen so many previews for this movie. Can’t wait until its out so we can see it.
Britt sounds like a genuinely nice person person. Can not believe it was a three year long process for her and the movie. The movie looks amazing, can’t wait for it to come out in theaters.
My kids are so excited for this movie. I can’t believe it took that long to make
How cool you got to do this. This looks like a great movie. My son is so excited to go see it this weekend.
She is so humble! You don’t see that too much with these young stars.
Thus movie sounds great! I had no idea who Britt was before Tomorrowland so it will be great to see her in this!
Gosh, I had no clue it took so long for the audition process. I’m so excited to see her in the role. It looks like it’s going to be a terrific movie.
I can’t even imagine being such a big part of a movie this big at such a young age. I can’t wait to see her perform in the movie.
I love how her role in Tomorrowland made her start thinking differently about the world. She was such a friendly actor, to be so young, the industry hasn’t changed her. Loved getting to chat with her!
This really looks like a great movie! I can’t wait to see it when it comes out. Thanks for sharing the interview with Britt! She seems like such a nice person.
Sounds like a great experience. Can’t wait to see the movie.
What a cool experience, I can’t wait to see this film!
This is great info to know! Thanks for sharing!
I’ve heard so much about this movie! I can’t wait to see it!
My whole family wants to see Tomorrowland. Maybe Monday afternoon we might head to the movies.
When my middle child saw the previews for this film he promptly said, “this is not a Disney movie” and I laughed and asked why. He just said it doesn’t. He is high functioning autistic so I am curious why he feels that way. I think it fits right in with Disney and I am glad you shared more about and had this wonderful experience. I can’t wait to see it.
Thanks for sharing the interview! This definitely sounds like an interesting film. I heard lots of reviews about it this morning on NPR.