We have moved three times in the nine years my husband has been back in the Army. Each time we have moved we have taken the news of our orders as, “Ok, here’s to another fun adventure! Let’s do it!” Maybe we are way to optimistic, maybe we are just goobers, but seriously when it comes to your next duty station why be a downer about it.
Maybe we’ve been lucky or maybe not.. we have been stationed at Fort Bragg and all.. I have to say when my husband told me we’d be moving to Fayetteville, North Carolina my original thoughts weren’t, “Oh man! Fayette-nam?!” But then I remembered, “Ok, he’s been there before so we won’t be completely lost there.” and we weren’t. It was nice and we made the best of our time there. Unfortunately we were really only there for like fifteen months. But while we were there we made the best of it. I joined the FRG and made wonderful friends. Some of whom I am still in touch with.
When it comes to receiving your orders and taking what the Military has deemed your next duty station experience- just breath. If it’s not the place you’ve been dreaming of, don’t let your disdain cloud your mind and make everything there a negative. Trust me, if you can’t find a positive now, when you are there you will find it. Focus on preparing a home for your family and look into the schools that will best fit your family. oh and get on AHRN.com 😉 It’s my go-to site for looking for our next home. Hasn’t failed me yet!
We are potentially looking at another pcs in Jan 2015. Is it set in stone yet? Nope not 100%. If you’ve been in as long as week have you know until you have those papers in hand it’s happening.. and sometimes not even that can stop it from changing. Don’t be worried or scared, as long as your family is together, it going to be alright. You’ll figure it out together. It’s important to always keep an open mind, I’ve had friends that get their order revoked in one day to another or days before the movers are supposed to arrive. The Military life is not for the lighthearted. And your orders could get changed, but don’t harp on it either. Just move about the cabin and assume the position.
Make the best of it. Your next duty station will be what you make of it.
Have your orders ever been changed after you started to plan your pcs?
Thank you for your service to our country! I appreciate what you do. My son is in the military, too.
Well thank you for supporting your son’s service too. Hope he enjoys it as much as my husband does. 🙂
My father was in the military, I remember all the moving. It was hard especially leaving friends behind. We made the best of it though and are still a close family unit.
My hubby and I ended up leaving Germany about 11 months early so that was a great surprise to be back stateside sooner than we expected. There were a lot of things we never got to do that we had planned in our remaining time there, but it was nice to be close to family again. I loved traveling with the military! Thanks for your family’s service to our country!