Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies, however, all opinions expressed are my own.
Oh Baby!
Ay Mijo
I find myself saying, “Oh baby” or “Ay mijo” so much lately. Sera because he’s turning two soon? Honestly I’m not really sure. Mijo Ezra, has been a totally different child than our oldest, Aramis. He is active, es cariñoso (he is affectionate) and he is CRANKY. So cranky that we have called him Mr. Crabby-pants at times. What do we do to make Mr. Crabby-pants happy? Just about everything; within reason of course. One of our favorite things to do to make him happy is give him his trains! He is a huge train fan. He loves to see them along the road and he loves to play with them all day long. I think he even sleeps with one in his crib.
Huggies have been our safety net since our oldest was born. Huggies has also made a few changes to their diaper recipe recently. You can expect up to 12 hours of protection for your child. The new SureFit design makes the diaper perfect for any shape/size baby. No more too tight diapers thanks to the flexible waistband for all around better fit and you won’t be seeing that ugly diaper gap either. In conjunction with the diapers we also use the Natural Care Wipes! My favorite thing about the Natural Care wipes is that they feel strong and capable of cleaning up even the worst of diapers. Can’t beat the Triple Clean Layers, either. Last thing I want to do is get poo on my fingers. LOL
Has visto el segundo webisode de Zuleyka y Sebastian? If you haven’t been watching the sweet videos of Zuleyka and her son Sebastian click below to watch the second webisode and view last month’s as well!
Zuleyka Rivera, former Miss Universe is Huggies newest spokesperson and is sharing personal moments of her and her son. It’s so sweet to see them interact. You can also view the webisodes on the Huggies Latino Facebook page! Sigue las conversaciones en Twitter también @Huggies usando el hashtag #HuggiesLatino!
Oey do I have crabby babies? My girls are what I call “Saucy” the best thing for us has been to embrace it. Let their Diva Shine!!! Oh and I might need a time out once in a while. LOL.
Saucy.. I like that! LOL Yeah I can imagine it’s a whole different ballgame with girls.. Alba has a little girl too!
just yesterday we had a bad crabby baby acting out on our walk. She was screaming and crying because she didnt want to be strapped in her stroller. We kept talking to her and telling her why but what toddler is really going to listen at that moment. Tantrum City. We let her get it out of her system. We acknowledge the situation, try to talk with her, and then let her just calm herself down. When she is done, we know. Sometimes tantrums are longer than others but this works for us. If not, we call grandma and she always makes everything better. A plus is that my mom lives with us!
Aw! Most of the times they calm themselves 🙁 My mom always says- “el solo se pone sus monos, que se los quite el mismo..” LOL I bet it’s nice to have your mom in your home with you! I wish we were closer to ours.
Ahhhh your Mr. Crabby Pants is the cutest!!!!!!! Yes. Crabby is the norm in our home! These days it takes a lot just dealing with it… sometimes ignoring it and other times… trying to figure it out and get a solution to the crabby-ness! LOL… In all they do calm themselves but if there is something truly wrong some how we just know….other wise it’s just an everyday tantrum…. 🙂
What is it with crabby babies?! Everyone I know has kids that are quiet and don’t cry- except us.. and you too Connie! What are we to do right.. just deal..
i actually had a crabby baby today since she got woken up from her nap and I held her and rocked her and she calmed down and was happy again. Nothing like being rudely awakened by a loud preschooler
Aw!! That’s no fun 🙁 Poor little mama! Yep I’ve got to figure out my little one’s nap schedule once school starts back up next week.. it’s going to be tricky 🙁