I follow All Things Fadra on Facebook and noticed her post titled Stream of Consciousness Sunday. I’m setting my timer for five minutes and not editing anything I type. Here goes my first time posting a SOC Sunday.
Ok here goes nothing.. I just wiped my hands real quick because I’m eating a Samoa.. You know the Girl Scout cookies.. They weren’t always my favorite because of the coconut but now I really like them. Is it because I’m older? Who knows. The boys are in bed and it’s just me and the hubs up watching a movie. He was watching Hunt for Red October and now we are watching Nebraska. Nebraska was nominated for an Academy Award last year or at some point. Here’s a tidbit.. You know how much I love watching television and movies. The hubs and I were movie theater rats before we had children. I hear that a lot from people with kids.. like some that haven’t seen a movie or been in a theater since before their oldest child was born. I can’t imagine. That’s too much time away for me. I did go a few months, maybe almost a year but we are slowly working towards getting out more. You have to be resourceful or I guess get your priorities straight. We make it work. Thank goodness. Back to the Academy Awards.. it’s tonight! I’m super bummed that I won’t be able to watch it but I’m super excited to go visit with a friend instead. Maybe we will get to watch a little bit of it – shoot the timer just went off..
Does that mean I can’t write anymore? I guess so..
So this was my first time joining in the Stream of Consciousness Sunday with that cute girl Fadra. It was fun. Make sure and check out the rest of the posts on her link up.
Happy Sunday!! Enjoy the Oscars if you watch it!! Tweet me the winners if you think about it! 😉 @Candypo
Visiting from Fadra’s SOCSunday link-up. The only movies I normally see are the kid movies I take my son to. The last – Sponge Bob SquarePants & I kid you not – I totally fell asleep in the middle of it. Putting the blame on the new & fabulous red recliners that the theater now has – they are man cave worthy gems. Speaking of Oscars…I have not seen any of those nominees.
OMG Monika I did too!! I totally fell asleep after the crossed into the real world. LOL I saw a couple of them.. on Netflix I think. LOL This wasn’t a good year for me with movies. I’ll blame the hubs being gone half the year on this one. LOL
I LOVE movies and now that my girls have turned 12 (almost 13) and 17 … it has opened the doors to sharing all kinds of favs with them … i love this. Putting my animated movie days behind me? #sheerbliss 😉
I’m super jealous Nicole!! 🙂
I hope you enjoy the Oscars tonight! I plan to watch but my husband and I haven’t seen a movie in over a year (and we don’t have kids!)
What?! Go watch some movies for me Susan! 😉
MMMmmmmmm… girl scout cookies! I have not had one in a couple of years! I need to get some ordered now!
No lie – I wrote a whole post last week about how I used to be ON TOP of all the latest movies. I looked at the Academy Award nominees and realized I hadn’t seen any of them. So I watched all the trailers and made all my predictions based on that. It at least made me feel like I had some familiarity (and I even got some of the winners right!).
So glad you stopped by and jumped in the fun!
(P.S. I didn’t like Samoas as a kid but I love them now!)
What is it with the Samoas now?! LOL Is it because we are older? 🙁 Meh! I look forward to joining again on Sunday! Thanks Fadra!