This is such an important message from me to you. Talk to your spouse on a daily basis. Tell your spouse what they mean to you. I attended an FRG Symposium at Fort Gordon recently and at the beginning of the event there were three spouses that spoke. Each spouse talked about how having a Family Readiness Group (FRG) could have or helped them while being a spouse to a soldier. Their messages were on point and their stories truly made an impact on me. I’m sharing one of the stories with you today and hope that it also impacts you. By the way, this isn’t just for military spouses, this is a message for all couples in committed relationships.
One of the spouses was a widow. Her husband died of a heart attack while downrange. She had just spoken to him the evening prior and the next morning he suffered cardiac arrest during morning activities and died. She was in complete denial as I can imagine I would be as well. I cannot imagine losing the hubs and honestly tears well up in my eyes just thinking about it. I have to share with you one of the things that weighed heavy on my heart. She mentioned that during the funeral preparations all of the people she dealt with during the process kept telling her how much her husband loved her. And she was so surprised. Surprised that he would tell these complete strangers that he loved her so much yet they never really said it much to each other. She talked about being married so long that she just took it for granted. I can see how that can happen too, life got in the way sounds like. She continued by saying she regretted not doing more things with him and spending time with him. It broke my heart my heart for her. But I knew that it was a poignant message for us all that still have our spouses with us.
You know I’m a crier, and Military stories get the water works going on overdrive for obvious reasons. I was able to keep it together and not cry as I stood there listening. But I knew I had to share this story with you. I think I’ve cried more writing this than any other post I’ve written.
People, tell your spouse. Tell your spouse that you love him/her. Tell your spouse how amazing he/she is. Tell your spouse what you love about him/her and for goodness sakes continue to date and court your spouse. Courting sounds so antiquated right? But it’s true. Don’t let that man or woman forget why he/she fell in love with you and continue to grow on the love you two have already.
I’m not saying our love is perfect but the hubs and I have an amazing foundation. I didn’t think it was possible, but I fall in love with him more everyday and notice that what I thought was strong before is even stronger now. We tell each that we love each other several times a day, corny maybe but will I ever doubt that man loves me? Never. It’s rare that we go a day without kisses, loving touches or hugs. and you shouldn’t either. I was talking to the hubs last night telling him about my day and the event. And I told him I couldn’t imagine not knowing how much he loved me and he says to me, “Some people hate each other.. ” Don’t hate your spouse, why did you marry them? If you aren’t sure well that’s another post.. but for now I leave you with the thought of acting on your love. Please.. tell your spouse.
I love this post Candy! It is so important to talk to your spouse. So put down that cell phone and have some face to face time. Hug each other. Love each other xoxoxo
Love the blog and this blog post! I am sorry I did not know about your blog sooner. I will make sure to share your content on the multiple social sites I run under the Military PCS Network.
Thank you Duane! I appreciate you!