It’s another birthday week here at our house. I’m super excited to be celebrating Ezra’s one year birthday on Thursday. We are going to just have cake and ice cream for Ezra. The Elmo Files- is the appropriate title for this post because for birthdays 1-3 Elmo is almost always present. We went by Sam’s today and ordered his little cake. There was a sample Elmo cake with the cupcakes around it on the shelves for sale. I showed it to him and the smile was just priceless. I knew that was his cake. Elmo cake it is.
Both of my children have been huge fans of Sesame Street and Elmo ofcourse. I don’t know what the attraction is for babies and Elmo but Sesame Street knew what they were doing when they decided to market Elmo for babies.
Here’s a fun fact- Elmo and I share a birthday! Yes we do! I love it. Our birthday is Feb 3rd. Although Elmo never ages.. he will forever be 3 years old. Ah to be young forever, right? LOL It works for him.
Last year I happened to participate in a Twitter/Birthday party for Elmo and won a walker for Ezra. This began the love for Elmo.
At 5 months he knew Elmo was his buddy.
Will have to post pics of the cake and the sugary birthday boy after Thursday.
Lucas loves Elmo too, I think it’s his vibrant red color & that high pitched voice.
Happy 1st Birthday Ezra!! woohoo **\o /** (that’s my virtual cheerleader lol)
We love Elmo too, he’s a classic like Big Bird. I would have to say Elmo is our favorite we buy him just about year lol.
I never knew (or thought about) Elmo’s birth date. Cool.
I’ve always been fond of Oscar