Goodness gracious it’s Thursday again!! Is it just me or do the days just fly by?! It’s time for this week’s Thursday Thoughts!
The Summer is officially ending for us on Monday. Little E is going back to day care and Big A will start school on Wednesday. Crazy right? I love that Big A has been questioning why “Summer” is still being advertised since it’s almost over.. I had to explain that just because he was going back to school didn’t mean summer was over. Summer isn’t actually over until Wednesday, September 23 at 4:21 am.. yeah there’s actually a time too. WILD! Anyhoo.. it’s back to the school routine grind for this mom. Am I sad? Yes. Am I excited? Absolutely! We all do better with a routine and school provides that routine we need.
I’m excited that I’ll be a Scout parent again. Big A will be going back to Cub Scouts. I won’t be as active as we were in San Angelo, but he’s going back and it makes us both happy. He’ll also be playing soccer. I can’t say enough about Big A. He’s such a great kid and is super understanding, we held off on joining sports and scouting when we moved back in January. He agreed that we needed to focus on school and the transition. Love my big boy. We are looking forward to third grade too. He’s nervous but I know he’ll settle in and have an awesome year.
I’ve never really talked about Little E and his speech delay. Big A was such a talker at an early age and E definitely took his time. So me being the overbearing mom, I was concerned. He’s been going to speech therapy since he was two and his language has really grown in leaps and bounds. We were able to get placed with a great therapist here in Augusta and he loves going. I plan to share our experiences with having a child with speech delay and if you worry that your child isn’t talking, is hard to understand or has a lisp, how speech therapy has helped my boy. *I’m no professional, just a mom.
When do your kids go back to school?
Does this mean you’ll actually come to the gym? 😉
Hell that’s the plan Krista!! LOL