When you’re pregnant, everyone has an opinion. The chances are that you’ll want to chuck most of that information out the window when you’re preparing for your new arrival. You need to decide on your own parenting journey. What works for someone else might not work for you. Realizing that and sticking to your guns is what parenting is all about. You won’t find the following tips like I’m sharing in that parenting manual you’re reading right now. 😉

Photo Credit: Pixabay
That’s not to say, though, that all the advice you’ll receive is rubbish. You’ll find that some parent friends have tips rather than preferences. And, these tips can be lifesavers when your baby does arrive. That’s because there are some things that only parents know. While these may seem small, then, keeping them in mind could help you stay sane. To prove how valuable tips can be, consider these three which you would never find in traditional baby books.
Not all diapers are the same
Baby books and resources do, of course, urge you to invest in diapers. It’s surprising how fast you get through these babies with a baby in your life. But, what none of those baby books will tell you is that not all diapers are the same. You can’t just grab the cheapest box and hope that they serve. This is a sure way to leaky diapers and diaper rashes. By listening to your parenting friends, though, you’ll soon see that you should head to resources like Innerparents.com/best-diapers-for-sensitive-skin/ to pick diapers which suit your needs. In general, you need options for soft skin which have the best absorbable qualities. Better you realize this now than when you have a diaper disaster with your baby!

Nappy Infant Newborn Baby Cloth Diapers Reusable Photo Credit: Max Pixel Net Image
Never book an appointment on a Monday
Early motherhood comes with a whole load of appointments. You’ll have checkups, and your baby will need to go for weigh-ins and jabs. You’ll be at your doctor’s surgery so often in those first weeks that you’ll feel as though you’ve moved in. But, no one apart from your parent friends can tell you NEVER to book an appointment like this on a Monday. Still, this one tip could take you far. The problem is that the doctor’s close over weekends. As such, all the people who got sick on Saturday and Sunday will head out on Monday morning. This puts you and your baby at risk of unwanted illnesses. It also means that you’d be waiting for hours on end.
Don’t neglect your hygiene
You mightn’t think that personal hygiene would be an issue, but trust us; it happens. New moms get so lost in the baby bubble that they don’t take time to wash or look after themselves at all. This can leave you feeling a little delicate, not to mention stinky. By listening to your parenting buddies on this point, you can stock up on tasty shower treats like those mentioned on HarpersBazaar before baby comes. That way, you’ll have an extra little something to tempt you into washing, even when you don’t fancy. Because the chances are that you won’t!