We have been stationed here for almost a year. it’ll be a year in August and they’re sometimes where I still feel like I’m in Tampa.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s just me or other military spouses go to the same thing. you get used to living in the city or area that your station that and is become so familiar with what’s around what to do your stuff in general. I think I can bring food or call this sort of thing happening when we moved from North Carolina Ft. Bragg area to Tampa.
I would be driving or head somewhere and I would think oh wait where am I again.
I think it’s the funniest thing but then again sometimes I think it’s disturbing too.
I love it when I meet other spouses online that are living in previous areas that we used to live in and I try to remember where what was.
In general my memory is good and bad so sometimes I even get places mixed up as a matter fact.
A lot of the times I really just miss my friends. the friends I made an area the friends that are local and are not military affiliated and in that’s where there that’s where they’re like Aramis and I call it there forever homes.
I think there are certain landmarks to places that we’ve lived at that will probably be etched in my mind forever. there are times when I think of them and I miss it.
I have really got to start making a scrapbook or something because I’m actually really scared that I’m in a forget. Of course you always want to forget the bad. there could be times you will forget the good. there’s good and bad to every duty station and I think it’s important to realize to open your eyes to see the areas around you to enjoy it because if not you just like a fish out of water.
I love Tampa. I’ve lived here for nearly 20 years. I guess you can call me a native now. I hope you do come back to Tampa. That would be awesome. My daughter lives in Fayetteville. My husband would understand what you are going through. His father retired an Air Force Lt Col. And he was dragged all over the world. He spent his childhood in Germany going to school there. Wow, what a place to start your life, eh?
Followed you from SITS sharefest. Have a blessed day!
Wow Vicky, crazy how a small world it really is. We might have ran into each other and never knew. I’m so glad you commented, I just saw it in my spam! Wow.. this made my night 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.