We love reading together at our house. You can always find books laying around in any room of the house, the newest book you can find in our home? Mother Bruce, by Ryan T. Higgins. I received Mother Bruce for review, however all opinions stated are my very own.
When I first received Mother Bruce, I had no idea what the book was about. The cover of the hardback children’s book was very interesting but I have to admit I didn’t notice the little ducklings in my initial look. Big A grabbed the book one morning before school and began to read it. I noticed while he was reading he was giggling and he would read some of the text a loud and laugh some more. I love seeing him read and seeing the joy and the page turning made me very happy.
After he finished the book, he says to me, “Momma this book was very funny and cute. I didn’t think it would going to be this way.” I don’t want to give anything about the book away, but to leave you excited about the book. I have to admit I didn’t see it going that way either. Interesting right?! We loved Mother Bruce and are sure you and you’re children will enjoy it as well! If you are doing a book Advent calendar this would be a great addition!
Well I’m very happy to share with you that you too have a chance to read this funny book to your children and win a $25 Visa gift card as well! Keep reading about how to win! For now here’s more about the book, Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins.
Bruce the bear likes to keep to himself. That, and eat eggs. But when his hard-boiled goose eggs turn out to be real, live goslings, he starts to lose his appetite. And even worse, the goslings are convinced he’s their mother. Bruce tries to get the geese to go south, but he can’t seem to rid himself of his new companions. What’s a bear to do?
Ryan T. Higgins is an author/illustrator residing in Southern Maine. He lives with his three dogs, three cats, two geckos, one tortoise, one son, one daughter, and one wife. He has wanted to be a cartoonist since as far back as he can remember. (Actually, that’s not entirely true—he wanted to be a tiger until he was three, but, sadly, that didn’t really pan out.) Ryan’s first picture book, Wilfred, was named a 2013 Wanda Gág Read Aloud Honor Book. Visit Ryan online at ryanthiggins.com.
Visit DisneyBooks.com Make sure to follow Disney on Twitter and Instagram And use the hash tag #FollowBruce! We can’t wait for your to read Mother Bruce!
I read The American Girl doll of the year Grace book to my daughter.
The last book we read is the Very Hungry Caterpillar to my daughter.
Green Eggs and Ham
I read The Velveteen Rabbit to my daughter.
some lego book
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
The last book we read is Charlotte’s Web.
We just read Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!
I last read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. My girls love it.
Since we are in the middle of traveling lots of people have been taking turns reading our boys books, but I think the last book we read was Moo, Ba, La La La – the toddler LOVES that one!
The last book I read to my grandson was “Why I love My Daddy”
I read my kids the Boxcar kids the first book.
My son loves to read. The last book we read was Dr. Suess books and Laura Numeroff books.
Charlotte’s Web is our favorite
the last book i read to my child was tonight…mermaid tales..
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The last book I read to my grandson was Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site.
My kids just love the book the little engine that could.
the 3 little piggies
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
Disney Princess Lullaby & Good Night
The kids are all grown up now.
I used to read to them before their going to sleep.
Lots of old fashioned fairy tales.
thank you
the last book i read was crazy bones
the last book was matilda
I read how the grinch stole Christmas to my kids last night
The last book I read to my children was The Polar Express.
Goodnight Construction Site
I read them Goodnight Moon.
The last book read was The Berenstain Bears’ Christmas Tree!
Amelia Bedelia!
The last book I read to my children was Ants In Underpants.
I read Winnie the Pooh to her!
The last was Dexter Saves The Day.
we just read The Polar Express.
The last book we read was the Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans. Its a good book to read to kids for Christmas.