I am a fan of M. Night Shymalan. I always enjoy his films and love catching his quirky cameos. Most recently I headed out to the theater to catch his newest film Glass. I was very excited to see the film, Unbreakable and Split were both great films and I was interested in how he would tie them together. Sharing my thoughts and review of M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass.
As with Unbreakable and Split, you can expect to see the main characters David Dunn (Bruce Willis), Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) and Kevin Wendell Crumb and his 10 other personalities played by the incredible James McAvoy. The three do a fantastic job of continuing the characters from their initial films. The addition of Sarah Paulson, as Dr. Ellie Staple was fitting and eerie at the same time. I think I’ve grown accustomed to seeing her in scary-type roles that her lack of emotion in the role was fitting. Dr. Ellie Staple is a main character that develops nicely throughout the film. I almost wish we knew more about her background though.
Casey Cooke from Split, played by original actor Anya Taylor-Joy joins us for Glass. When I first saw her in the trailer I expected she was brought back as a flashback of sort. I wanted to get more of her story to see what happened after she was rescued in Split. We get a little but not the full deal. I was impressed to recognize a face from 18 years ago too. Spencer Treat Clark reprises his role as Joseph Dunn. Now a handsome young adult, he helps his dad fight evil as the voice in his earbuds giving him directions and advising on locations. I don’t feel like we got enough of Joseph in Glass. The film was only an hour and twenty-nine minutes, there could have been some scene deletions to add more story but that’s just me. I like to get reacquainted with more character development but that part fell short for me.
I won’t give away too much of the storyline so you can enjoy the film. While I enjoyed the film, I feel it still had some more story to tell. Could there be another film added? Honestly I don’t think so. While the tie-in was great, the ending was a bit anti-climatic. I understand the budget was small for the film so the anticipated big explosive ending didn’t happen.
Here’s the gist- Dr. Staple brings the three main characters together and is performing studies on their beliefs to be super humans. She claims it is a delusion and tries to impart that they will be prosecuted and placed in a psychiatric facility forever if they don’t stop trying to hurt or help people. The good doctor maintains a tight ship in terms of security, but the two orderlies or nurses fail at life and don’t see the sneakiness that’s happening under their noses until it’s too late. You know that feeling when you see them about to do something really dumb and you think, “now why would they do that?!!” I had that same feeling a few times in the movie. But it is what it is.
We finally get more back story on the characters and see a tender flashback in Joseph’s eyes between himself and his father. We also see tragedy in each of the characters flash backs and we learn more about them. The complete tie-in happens near the end of the film and it brings all of the parts together, it’s really quite exciting. I love seeing the backstories! The film fell flat for me, I’m left to imagine what could have been and I just don’t have time right now. Give it to me straight M. Night.
I’ll be adding this at the end of every film review now. I think it’s an important additive if you want to consider watching a film in theaters or in the comfort of your home. I saw both Unbreakable and Split at home. In all honesty, I was a little nervous to see Split in theaters in case I got scared. Yes I’m a scaredy cat and yes, I look in the backseat before I get in my car now too. So with that you would think that I am going to say, wait til home release. Honestly I was very excited to see Glass in theaters, go see it in theaters!
You’ll enjoy the film either way. I should add that there is an advisory for persons sensitive to flashing lights. In theaters it was pretty bright. If this is you, you have been warned.
Movie Fun Facts:
Paco Delgado is the costume designer. Delgado was also costume designer for Disney film A Wrinkle In Time