Being Apart
Being apart sucks. Not necessarily being a part from my husband if it’s deployed or TDY, it sucks being away from family and friends back home. As I sit here watching The Real Housewives of Miami {I know, I know.. stay with me.. 😉} and seeing Lea going to visit, enjoying her visit but quickly being ready to go back to her life in Miami. I feel her and can sympathize with her.
I feel her when I’m home, I’m excited to be home and love being there. Catching up with friends, seeing familiar things and just being home, is completely priceless when you are away as much as we are. But there also comes a time during the visit that I’m like, “Ok I’m ready to go “home.” Because in all honesty that is home. But I guess I yearn for my material things; my bed, my own surroundings. Which I only feel that way on the way back, thank goodness. I’d feel like a complete shit if I was home with my parents and constantly be like, “Umm ok it’s time to go..” How rude would that be! 🙁 I would hope that you would cherish the time you do have to share with your family when you are with them. We are all on borrowed time, don’t miss out on time with your family when you have it.
I wonder what it will be like when we PCS home for good. It’s exciting and sad at the same time. My hubs and I made a deal that being apart was only temporary, thank goodness right! The next chapter of our lives together will start after he retires and we head home. Our Army adventure will end and we’ll be civilians.. anyways I don’t want to go in circles.. lol This is definitely better suited for when we are on our way to retirement.
I guess tonight I’ve just got a feeling of melancholy. He isn’t separating any time soon.. but I believe another move is on the horizon. I’ll share more on that in a few months. It’s therapeutic for me to share this way, so I don’t get too full of anxiety and worry. I’m so glad to have you all to share with.
And I know and realize being apart isn’t the worst thing in the world too.
I am very weird about moving away from my family – my parents and my sister all live within 10 minutes from me. lol.
My husband however, his family is mostly in Maine and New Hampshire, and it worries me if something happens trying to get him there.
I love home, I’m a homebody – During the week don’t even try to get me to do anything but go home and have our regular routine, lol.
Wow that is a ways away, Krissy. I’d love to visit New Hampshire and Maine! It’s nice to live near family. I enjoyed being about five minutes driving from my sister in Tampa. I miss having family near by.
It’s good to be a homebody- sometimes! 😉 lol
oh yes I am a bit of a home body! I try to get out but if I do I like to go alone. Sometimes as a woman I just have to regroup! I like to regroup with my friends though.
I don’t have any major life events coming up but I’ve learned to expect the unexpected. lol Just when things are calm… you know! lol
No kidding right.. I think as moms we are just more apt to always be on our toes for the “just in case.” It’s always so much more fun with friends Pam!! 🙂