Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
Where are we going and when? We absolutely love going on trips as a family. Since moving to Georgia we have done a couple trips to Atlanta and recently ventured to South Carolina to a drive-in and to the zoo. There is still so much more traveling for us to do. I get giddy just thinking about it. Sometimes I think I might over-plan but it’s all about making memories with our boys. Isn’t that what life is all about? Sharing and seeing with the ones you love?! I sure think so! Let’s Get Going!! I’m sharing the Best Buy Family Travel Tips with you all today!
Everyone is excited and there’s nothing but the open road ahead of you!
We’re on our way out of town and the house is all locked up and secure right? Or Is it?! One of the six Family Travel Tips from Best Buy that really resonated with me was:
Always Connected
What does “Always Connected” mean exactly? Well the obvious- constant connecting with the three loves of my life. Being in the now and sharing the wonders of our travels with each other. Oh yeah.. and the other meaning for “Always connected” being everywhere at the same time is the way I like to think of it! One of the things I never do online is post when we go out of town for fear of burglars taking us being gone as an invitation into our home. My parents always remind me, “Candy, don’t be posting that your house is going to be empty, because it will be when you get back!” I think they do it kidding but it’s always a possibility right?
I’ve talked about security being a huge thing for me. Personal and for my things. Installing a security camera system that you can keep tabs on via your cell phone is a fabulous way to be always connected. Nothing like knowing your home is safe and secure while you are out having the time of your life with your family.