To me it’s a holiday in itself. I don’t really call myself a big shopper, but this is completely different. I live for it and it’s the only day I truly enjoy shopping ok I won’t go that far. I likes it A LOT!
My husband doesn’t even wonder if I’m going to go each year now. His question- “What are you going to buy?” Ha that silly man- if I could I’d buy everything on our shopping lists. But in the past I’ve noticed the majority of the items I purchase are for ourselves! It’s the thrill of it.
But first a shameless plug on the Blk Friday Freebies I’ve Scored! Keep an eye out for stores offering Freebies! You can get freebies by being the first so many people in line for the opening of the store.
Here’s a pic of my sister and I after we got our wrist bands so we could collect our freebie at checkout.
I have had the privilege to take a few of my friends and family members out for their first Black Friday experiences. They totally think I’m crazy, but we’ve scored some great stuff at awesome prizes. Hello! Kodak camera free from Old Navy last year! and A $25 gift card to Sports Authority! Oh yeah! Year before that I got a Just Dance game for the Wii!
Now for the tips!
Candy’s Tips for The Best Black Friday Experience:
- Battle Buddy–Here’s the Army in me. LOL. Don’t go out there alone. I’m not saying it’s too dangerous- well in some cities it might be. Go with a friend. 1) It makes waiting time not as boring and 2) when you make the huge score you both can high five and be excited. I have gone out by myself before and it was not as fun. I was actually paranoid LOL- but it happened and I now prefer to always have a friend or family member with me.
- What you are going to buy– This I say for the big ticket items such as TV’s, gaming systems etc. I think electronics are always “must buy” items. If you know you want one of the big ticket items, there will be waiting on your part. I’m not saying go camp out at Best Buy already. A good tip I figured out a couple years ago (unless it’s posted) ask a sales associate how many of the items (that you are vying for) they will have for purchase when the doors open. I have heard of stores that will keep back stock of some items and maybe you can score that way. It’s a huge plus to know ahead of time. I hope you have been reviewing the Black Friday ads since they started leaking them in early October!
- Attire– Don’t show up in your heels and your tight jeans. It’s not a social event (well you will see just about everyone but..) so think comfort. Comfort is key. Layering your clothes is a great idea. I’m all about wearing jeans, good pair of tennis shoes, comfy t-shirt and a light jacket. You could possibly be waiting outside and depending on the weather in your area you may need a little more or a little less clothing.
- Store information– There’s nothing worse than not knowing where things are going to be. Wal-mart has gotten really good at this, by offering patrons maps of where everything will be. Genius Idea!
- Also what time does the sale start?! Some stores such as Wal-Mart that don’t close are continuously open so the line outside doesn’t form. There are marathon walkers going around and around the store waiting for the sale to begin. Last year my mom and I almost missed out on one of the cycles. Walmart decided to have certain sales go live at different times.
- Car care– Oh yes sometimes else to consider. You don’t want to be driving around and have your car mess up on you. Make sure you are gassed up and check your tire pressure. If you have other mechanical issues going on- go with a friend and have her/him drive!
- Coupons– If you have them bring them! But first make sure that the stores will be taking them. I am in no way telling you to bring your binder of coupons, bring a few for the stores you are going to hit. Like a 20% off a (insert brand here) shirt or pair of shoes. If you are going to Target make sure you bring along your Target RedCard to get your additional 5% off your total purchase!!
- Cash or Credit– Make the decision on how much you are spending before you leave. I think it’s always a good idea to get as much as you can, but don’t over spend either. Try paying cash for most of it. That way you decrease your holiday credit debt.
- Pack a Snack- Yes you might get a little hungry out there so pack a snack bar in your purse and def a bottle or two of water. Don’t worry about potty breaks after you score you things, you can run to the potty.
And last but not least:
BE COURTEOUS- Although others might not share in your sentiment there’s nothing worse or scarier than a mean person trying to elbow you in the throat to get that last $18 Pyrex 30 piece set.It’s never happened to me, but my mom had a woman steal her shopping cart at Wal-Mart one year.. that’s just crazy! And make sure to thank the sales associates, they are working (probably to their dismay) and it’s just a better environment if everyone is pleasant.
I hope that my tips give you something to consider before you head out after your Thanksgiving dinner. I will be out enjoying the evening with my mom and her friend. I have a feeling she’s going to make me drop her home after a couple hours- I told her we’d be staying out all night long! LOL Oh the excitement is just too much for me. I can’t wait to get out there!
Good Luck, Be Safe and get your Shop On!!!
Question: What are you hoping to score on Black Friday?! Do you shop on Black Friday or are you a Cyber Monday kind of gal or guy?
I’m staying in but I’m sharing these tips with my readers! Go get’em, Candy!