The day has finally arrived! The battle begins Captain America: Civil War film review. Thanks to Disney I was invited on an all expense paid trip for the #CaptainAmericaEvent, however all opinions expressed are my very own. The day is May 6th and the most epic battle between good and good goes down in a theater near you. It’s all kinds of epic and to say that you will have all kinds of emotions while watching the film is an understatement.
Hopefully you’ve been following along and read each of the interviews from the press junket we were a part of for Captain America: Civil War. It was completely incredible to see the film first hand and then speak with the talent behind it.
Each time I see a commercial or the trailer for Captain America I absolutely get chills. It was hard holding back my thoughts on the movie after we saw it in April. And I surely didn’t and still don’t want to put out any spoilers. Well not any you’ve not already heard of or seen already! Yes, Antman does have a role and Tom Holland is an amazing Spider-Man. While I did miss seeing Thor and Hulk, the addition of Spider-Man and Black Panther were a phenomenal addition to the cast and really enriched the plot. Black Panther adds so much to this story!

Photo Credit: Marvel 2016 Zade Rosenthal
Lots of action, AMAZING (yes I have to use all caps & bold) fight scenes and the conflict between #TeamCap and #TeamIronman really tugs at you and as I mentioned yesterday, you will find yourself torn. Did I choose the right side?

Photo Credit: Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War..Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans)..Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal..© Marvel 2016
Each of the actors and writers did an amazing job really making me feel like the two hours and twenty-seven minutes was an epic adventure. I really enjoy loosing myself when I’m watching a movie. All the emotions and yes, all the feels.
Here’s a brief synopsis on the film from our press materials:
Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed team of Avengers in their con?nued efforts to safeguard humanity. But a?er another incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, poli?cal pressure mounts to install a system of accountability, headed by a governing body to oversee and direct the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers, resul?ng in two camps—one led by Steve Rogers and his desire for the Avengers to remain free to defend humanity without government interference, and the other following Tony Stark’s surprising decision to support government oversight and accountability.

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War
Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
Photo Credit: Film Frame
© Marvel 2016
As of today, Friday May 6th Captain America has averaged a 93% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I can only imagine that it’s going to bust the doors down in terms of ticket sales this weekend. I can only speak for myself when I say this but I think the majority will agree that Captain America: Civil War is by far the best Marvel film. Yes, it’s that epic, I can’t stop saying epic.. Amazing, Awesome, Kick-ass, Bad-ass, Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up.. you get the picture!
GO SEE IT! You will not be disappointed!
Which team are you representing!
Looking for your own way to claim your side? Head over to the Disney store online! We were provided gift cards to personalize our own items and of course I went with the obvious! The boys were super excited to be able to be a part of the house. While it is a house divided we know it’s all for the power of good! I changed the original color of the shirt and I personalized the back by adding the awesome hashtags! You know me.. I love me a good hashtag!! LOL
I love the muscle poses so much, my little super heroes! You can find lot of awesome products that will show which side you’re on! I think it’s pretty obvious who I’m all about: