Disclaimer: Thanks to Famous Footwear for supplying gift card for giveaway and sponsoring our gift guide. All opinions expressed are my own. Fathers Day Gift Guide Giveaway Oh goodness are ya’ll ready for a Fabulous gift card giveaway? Thanks to Famous Footwear myself, Kelley from TheGrantLife and Anjanette from MommaYoungatHome we have a $50 gift…
La Familia
Father’s Day Gift Guide
Father’s Day Gift Guide Are you looking for a gift for dad yet? You better hurry, Father’s Day is on June 16th this year! Kelley from TheGrantLife, Anjanette from MommaYoungathome and I have put our heads together and gathered 12 gift ideas just for Dad! Check them out!
Wordless Wednesday Inks Lake State Park
Wordless Wednesday Inks Lake State Park A full write up today’s Wordless Wednesday Inks Lake State Park coming soon! Question: Have you ever been there?
Baby is Getting Flavor with Beech Nut Goya
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. Product were provided for review, all opinions expressed are my own. Baby is Getting Flavor with Beech Nut Goya a portion of the products provided for my review Having babies is an amazing experience, watching them grow and learn is beyond words. When my baby turned four months I…
Peanut Butter Playdough Fun
Peanut Butter Playdough Fun Hey Candypolooza friends! My name is Kelley and Im here to share a fun homemade playdough recipe with yall! My daughter was a little baby when we tried this peanut butter playdough and it was so much fun. It’s all natural and perfect for entertaining a toddler or even a big…