It’s Cold! Enjoy an EggNog Latte!
We are expecting snow today in west Texas! How exciting right?! The kids are super excited. I’m happy with a warm mug of something hot! Today I’m sharing with you what my dear friend Melissa, recently made for me at her home.
They have their own espresso machine, the set up is really impressive. Who knew my dear friend who is an amazing mom and wife was also an awesome barrista! I had always admired their espresso station with fresh coffee bean grinder but had never seen it in action. It was very cool.
- 1 1/3 cup of PromiseLand Eggnog
- A splash of milk
- 1 shot or 2 of espresso
- Begin by steaming the eggnog.
- Prepare your shot of espresso.
- Pour espresso into mug and then add frothy eggnog.
- Top with a little nutmeg and enjoy.
You must be warmed. This is a high calorie drink. If you are watching your waistline this holiday season you may want to save it for a really cold day or a brunch, or after a holiday meal. We used Promised Land eggnog, Melissa has found this brand to be one of her favorites. It is truly delicious.
Looks as amazing as it tasted!
Are you in the mood for a shake instead? Check out my friend Kelley’s Easy Homemade Salted Caramel Eggnog Shake!
What’s your favorite hot drink to enjoy during the winter?
This looks so good! This is my new favorite drink for the winter! YUM! 😀