I have battled my weight for years- sometimes I feel like I’m always on a diet. But you know it’s not supposed to be a diet. It’s supposed to be a life style change. I think in a lot of ways I have changed my eating habits and the habits of my family. More fruits and veggies and way more water and a lot less soda. I’m not one of those people that would drink a 6 pack in a day or whatever, but I can go weeks without carbonated anything. Even though I know it’s not the best for my body I indulge from time to time. Not happy about that- but I’m trying.
A lot of people get “back on track” with their diets/weight-loss at the beginning of the year. I’m not starting for any specific time of year or waiting until “Monday.” I will soon be starting the 90 day challenge with the help of Creative Bio Science. I have decided to follow the hCG method. I’ve heard a lot of great things about it and want to try it out for myself. The first month I will use the hCG cleanse, then the hCG energy, and the last month the hCG 1234. I’m super excited!
If you follow this guide to my 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge you will be able to read re-caps at the end of each month on my progress and hopefully my guide will help you guide your way through your own weight loss challenge. I also plan to do before and after pics to post at the end. I’m not sure I’ll actually post my starting and ending weight but I will be posting pounds and inches lost- I will also be working out and getting back to running.
As an added bonus to you all, I’ll also be giving away three 30-day products for three of my readers, thanks to Creative BioScience!
I’m totally excited and ready to start the Creative BioScience 90 Day Challenge!
**Bloggers are you ready to start the 90 Day Challenge for yourself? If you are interested in a Review/Giveaway opportunity click here.**
I applaud you for not waiting for a milestone like New Years Day to commit to making changes. If you really want success there is no reason to wait for it!
Thank you and Creative BioScience for this opportunity!!