This is a sponsored post on behalf of The Pfizer Pediatric Platform. All products,information, and additional gift pack have been provided by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare and opinions are all my own.
t never fails, my medicine cabinet is empty or everything is expired when we need it most. Today I’m talking about having the essentials when sick happens! This cold/flu allergy season, I’m prepared I tell you. Thanks to Pfizer Pediatric I am prepared! The month of April is a super busy month for me in regards to travel. As a matter of fact I just got back from Miami on Wednesday night and I took Aramis to the ER bc he was complaining about an ear ache last night. What did the ER doctor recommend? Infants’ and Children’s Advil® of course!
Having an arsenal in your medicine cabinet to keep your kids feeling better is key when you’re a parent. Pfizer products: Infants and Children’s Advil®, Children’s Robitussin® DM Day/Night Pack and Children’s Dimetapp® Cold & Cough are the ones to have too! Here’s some quick facts about each from our sponsor:
- Infants’ and Children’s Advil® provide unsurpassed fever and pain relief(1) , and contain ibuprofen, the medicine pediatricians use most for their own kids’ fevers(2) (for ages 6 months -11 years)
- Children’s Robitussin® provides soothing action and cough control with some formulations lasting up to 8 hours (for ages 6-12 years)
The night time formula is great to have to prevent sleepless nights when your kids aren’t feeling well. Sleep is key to recovery.
- Children’s Dimetapp® provides great-tasting cold-fighting power and is the #1 pharmacist recommended brand for children’s cough & cold symptoms(3) (for ages 6+)
Where can you find all of these great products under one roof? Target of course! “Pfizer Pediatric wants to help you get prepared for the fevers, coughs, and colds coming your way this season, and Target has all of the Pfizer Pediatric products you need to fight against the “ick’s” and “ew’s” that bring your kids down. If Children’s Robitussin® for your family, there are solutions to help tackle even the ickiest of symptoms.”
Here’s three simple tips to keep your kids healthy and keep reading for the giveaway!
- Teach your kids to wash their hands! At daycare that’s the first and last thing kids do. Wash those little hands, well what about other times. I don’t recall Aramis washing his hands when he’s home. I know boys right.. But talk to your kids (boys and girls) about always washing their hands when they aren’t feeling well so that they don’t continue to spread the germs. It can become a never-ending cycle.
- Give your kids vitamins! It’s very hard to make sure our kids are getting all of their nutrients. My kids are picky so I have to make sure they get supplements like vitamins to stay healthy. Choose a great multi-vitamin for your kids that offers the maximum amount of nutrients.
- Cover their mouths when they cough! When I grew up it was cover your mouth, so naturally we used our hands. Now it’s recommended that you cough into the crook of your elbow. Well I’m teaching my kids to pull the neck of their shirts over their mouths and cough into their shirts. The fabric serves as a better barrier than a hand or elbow in my opinion.
*These recommendations are my own and I am not a medical specialist.. so there’s your disclosure on my tips. 😉
Now.. for the giveaway! One lucky winner will win a Pfizer prize pack! The products I received, one winner will receive so you will have the essentials when sick happens in your home!
How to Enter:
Leave me a comment telling me your best tip to keeping your kids healthy. If you don’t have kids, tell me how you stay healthy during cold/flu and/or allergy season.
Contest Rules: One comment per day, so come by daily to enter. The contest ends Thursday, April 21st at 1pm EST. This contest is open to US residents 18 years and older only. Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment not Good luck everyone!
I’m constantly telling them to wash their hands! I have three boys and you never know what they are getting into.
lots of water and rest.
We wash our hands a lot and I try my best to have my little ones keep their hands out of their mouths.
We always use the wipes for carts while at the store if available, and as soon as we walk in the house….we all wash our hands. We try to keep those little sickly germs out as much as we can!
My best tip is probably encourage hand washing and lots of fluids.
I tell them to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer if we are out in public.
Wash our hands when we get home from school and remove our shoes when inside our house
We take daily vitamins and try to wash our hands often.
Drink lots of water, wash your hand, cover your mouth, eat fruits and veggies.
Vitamin C and hand washing are two things that come to mind. I also have an air cleaner and UV light attached to my central HVAC system to keep germs, viruses and allergens to a minimum.
We consume a lot of vitamin C!
My best tip is having them wash their hands often
My kids take vitamins to stay healthy.
Wash hands often.
I tell them to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.
My best tip is to always carry hand sanitizer with you.
Wash hands often, eat healthy.
They wash their hands, play outside, eat healthy.
My best tip is to keep everyone’s immune systems strong before the cold and flu season. Eating right, exercising daily, and getting enough hydration and sleep seems to keep us from getting sick.
We all take a multivitamin daily.
Drink lots of water and wash hands often
Keeping their hands washed is my best tip for keeping our kids healthy!
I would say feeding food ans supplements that keep their immune system up and wiping down and disinfecting doorknobs and other surfaces for the germs.
Vitamins! wash your hands a lot and get plenty of sleep at night.
Always wash your hands and cough into your sleeve.
Plenty of rest, drink lots of water, eat healthy and wash your hands!
They get daily vitamins and have a good sleep schedule. We keep the house clean and make sure to get fresh air.
wash your hand always cover your mouth and dont drink after each other
My best tip for keeping children healthy would be to wash hands frequently and eat healthy.
Wash Your Hands
I tell them to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer!
One of the best ways to keep children healthy is by feeding them nutrient-dense food, and keeping their consumption of sugar and junk food low.
Another good tip to stay healthy is to drink lots of water.
Keeping active, drinking enough water and washing hands are all very important things we do to keep healthy at our house.
sleep, washing hands and plenty of veggies
I try to have my kids eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies and get lots of sleep to stay healthy.
My best tip is to encourage hand washing to stop the spread of germs.
Handwashing is key! Getting plenty of sleep and eating healthy foods.
Hand washing is the biggest one.
Tissues, clean hands, keeping them dry and comfortable
Another tip to stay healthy would be to stay active and spend a lot of time outdoors.
making sure he washes his hands well after using the potty
Make sure they always wash their hands