There comes a time for any couple or family, when they decide they want to have a child. It may be your first one, and the excitement of making the decision together is both overwhelming and fills you with joy. It could be that you already have a child or more than one, and you are just getting to the stage where you want to add to your family.
However, the journey to conceive a child can be different for every couple. You will have the couples that decide they want another child and are blessed with a pregnancy quite quickly. You will have the couple that tries for a long time and have to start exploring other options to help them reach their goal of a baby. There are the couples that experience loss along the way. There is no right or wrong journey, each one is different, special and unique. However, there are things that you can do to help yourself when it comes to trying to conceive. With that in mind, here are some of the options to consider.
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Look at Your Diet
One of the first things that you may want to look at is your diet. You may not realize it but there are certain foods out there that are really helpful when you are trying to conceive. Leafy greens, foods like sweet potato, they all contain properties within them that can boost the nutrients and vitamins in your body and help you have a better chance. The healthier you are, the better chance you have of conceiving and also being able to continue the journey through pregnancy in a healthy way. Don’t focus too much on it, but just try and incorporate some of the foods into your diet naturally.
Get More Active
Just like it is important for you to focus on your diet, you may also want to look at the other side of a healthy lifestyle and that includes getting more active and exercising regularly. It doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym every night or head to very intense workout classes. Even just walking daily can increase your heart rate and fitness levels over time. Getting active and being fitter can help you to have more energy, to be in better shape, and therefore again give yourself the best possible chance when it comes to conceiving.
Understand Your Cycles
It is important for you to understand your cycles as best you can, and this can often be the tricky one as not everyone’s the same. A great tip would be to start tracking the beginning and the end of your period and using an application on your phone that can help you to start predicting your ovulation period. You can also track your basal temperature by taking your temperature each day and looking out for when there is a slight rise. Getting to know your cycles means you have a better chance of knowing when the ideal time is.
Be Aware of Fertility Options
There are, of course, different fertility options that you can try if you think that you have been trying for a while and just not having much luck. Things like IVF, or even investigating as to where the potential problem may be. You could look into egg diners, where people have searched out how to become an egg donor or even become one yourself off you are thinking about the future. There may not even be a reason as to why this has happened, but investigating it and exploring all of your options can help you to feel more at ease with the situation.
Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself
It may feel hard to do in this situation but try and avoid putting any unnecessary pressure on yourself and your partner. This is always going to be a testing time, and often the pressure to conceive can overtake your relationship and take the fun out of the whole process. You can become to focused on when the right time is, what you are eating and drinking, and it can then become stressful and pressuring. Which isn’t good for baby-making anyway.
Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License
Reduce Alcohol and Caffeine Intake
There are certain things that you may want to reduce or avoid when it comes to trying to conceive and that means things like alcohol and caffeine intake. Alcohol is something you may want to avoid throughout your pregnancy anyway, so it may just be a good time to get into the habit of not drinking. Caffeine is something that you can still have, but it is recommended to reduce the intake, so it might be worth again getting into that habit now. This can help increase your chances as you focus more on giving your body the right nutrients and vitamins that it needs.
Make Time For Your Mindset
Your mind is a powerful tool, and often in situations like this, it can have a negative effect on you as you start to listen to that inner voice telling you it isn’t working or adding the pressure on. Take some time out for things like exercise and also meditation. Focusing on positive affirmations and a positive outlook for the future. It can help you to feel better in your mind which in turn can help you throughout the trying to conceive process.
Go With the Flow
Finally, make sure that there is an element of going with the flow when it comes to baby-making. There are many things that you can do and most of them benefit you anyway such as improving your lifestyle, your diet and fitness levels. But they can also be all-consuming, and it means that this one thing takes over your whole life and relationship. Often these things happen when you least expect them to, so it is always worth just taking better care of yourself and still being a little carefree in the bedroom.
Let’s hope these tips help you if you are in the process of trying to conceive. Wishing you all the best!