As a child in elementary school, I always tried out to participate in the UIL events. Poetry was one of the events I always went out for. A couple of years I was selected, and a couple I wasn’t. Ultimately I decided it wasn’t my thing and tried out other events. Either way, every time I tried out, whether I made it or not I always read a certain poets poems. As you can imagine, that poet was Shel Silverstein. I came across a poem a few days ago and I realize now that the words have even more meaning as an adult. It’s funny how you interpret things as a child and see them so differently as an adult. I hope you enjoy a few of my favorite poems by Shel Silverstein. There are many many more..
*Images from google images
To be honest I do not have a favorite poem.I love your selections above.
Thanks Kay!
Gah! I forgot all about him. I remember getting Where the Sidewalk Ends when I was in 4th or 5th grade and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
I know right Robin! If it wasn’t for StumbleUpon he wouldn’t have crossed my mind either.
I used to LOVE those books. My favorite poem is Little Word, Little White Bird by Carl Sandburg. it’s so beautiful!
Oh Lindsey that’s such a beautiful poem!
I love the Happy Ending poem above. I don’t really have a favorite poem otherwise (though, I do appreciate poetry.)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely into poetry either. This was a wonderful “stumble” online. I’m going to pick up a few Silverstein books this weekend. 🙂
I remember him from when I was in school. I don’t really have a favorite poem.
I find I can relate to them even more now! LOL
We had 2 large Shel Silverstein books when I was a child. I used to love reading those poems! I need to get some for our family now.
Mickey, I’ll be picking them up and sharing with my boys too.
Wow! This brings me back! I love all his poems.
Right! It totally brought me back too when I Stumbled them. 🙂
Those are great! I had forgotten all about those honestly!
Those are great poems. They brought back many memories!
Thanks Robin. 🙂
I love the poem about the end being. The end I want a happy middle too!
Dina we all deserve a happy middle 🙂
I love Shel Silverstein! I recently bought The Light in the Attic to read to my daughter. I really like the one about the nose snail:)
I LOVE his poems too! I have several of these books and me and my kids love reading them together!
I love Shel and have all his books tucked away at my mothers house. I really should bring them here for kiddo, but I am so particular about some of my book collection.
I love Shel Silverstein. I’ll have to dig out these books for my boys.
Oh my goodness. I have such great memories of Shel Silverstein as a kid. I love a few of those poems.
love Shel Silverstein. Someone ate the baby caused an uproar in our school. Was really funny.
I love any of them from Where the Sidewalk Ends. It was one of my faves
I do not remember the names of poems, I honestly love all poems but prefer ones that have a rhyming scheme of sorts to them.
OMGosh I remember that book. I used to read it all the time, I loved so many poems – I’ll need to get it and look through to see what I remember.
These are great poems and I can remember a few of them from when I was younger. I don’t think that I have a favorite poem, there are just too many.
I have to admit, I’m not really big into poetry. I do like the In Flanders Fields. We had to recite it on Remembrance Day at school each year while I was growing up (Veteran’s Day in Canada).
That’s pretty cool Tammy! I’ll be looking it up shortly 🙂
I remember reading Shel Silverstein’s poems all the time in school! I don’t believe that I have a favorite poem, though.
I love anything written by Maya Angelou. And I remember the ones I learned as a kid so they are still my faves
The voice is my favorite poem by Shel Silverstein- love it! All of his poems have great lessons!
I love Shel Silverstein! Such a wonderful children’s author. His story of Lafcadio the Lion Who Shot Back remains one of my favorites to this day!
I love Shel’s poems. It reminds me of when I was younger and we used to read them at school.
I adore Shel Silverstein. I have all of those books still! Even my kids have a fondness that lasts for them.
I don’t know if I have a favorite but I LOVE Shel Silverstein!! I have all of the Shel Silverstein poem books!
We own numerous Shel Silverstein books at our house. Our most recent is “A Giraffe and a Half” which is actually an entire book. 🙂
My daughter LOVED these. She really loves poetry and she said the first and last poems were her favorite!
Aww that’s so cute! Thanks for sharing with her Dawn.
I used to LOVE Shel Silverstein! I like “The Voice”. Aww, thanks for bringing back this memory.
These are all great poems. I love Happy Ending? poem you shared.
Love these poems! I haven’t read them in years!
I haven’t read anything from Shel Silverstein in a long time. I love the Happy Endings.