Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I was compensated for this post, however all statements and opinions are my own. I love being safe!
Feeling Safe with React Mobile an app Review
Click, Click, Click -those are the sounds you will hear when I close my door to my home every time. My friends that come visit me think I’m crazy. “Why are you locking the door like that?!” My answer: “I always lock my door.” I feel that we live in a safe neighborhood, but you never know! As a matter of fact when it comes to locking us up; I don’t even realize that I do it anymore. The other day a friend came by to just drop something off; so it wasn’t a long visit and I completely locked us in. It was kind of funny. We can laugh at me together. But I always say, better safe than sorry!
I don’t joke or laugh about our personal safety. With moving every three years, we get to know the areas we move into, but we never really “know the areas” if you know what I mean. When I was contacted about reviewing the React Mobile app, I replied to the Co Founder /CEO Robb Monkman, “Why don’t I have this app on my phone already?!” True Story!
I’ve been playing with the app lately so that I can offer you the awesome features and how you should download it to give you that extra assurance of safety. Here’s my favorite:
Follow Me
How many times have you had to walk by yourself in the dark and if you are like me, you’ve got your car key in your hand ready to strike! React Mobile has a really awesome feature called “Follow Me.” I will be using this app a lot when the boys and I go anywhere alone at night or if I happen to be out after dark. Most of the times I like to get all of my running around done during the day, but there are times when we have to get out. I’ll be feeling safe from now on.
Using the Follow Me option in the React Mobile app makes it easy to alert certain people in my contact list that I am out after dark alone. Or it actually doesn’t even have to be after dark. Runners? Where are my runners?! I don’t like to go out for a jog alone for the very reason that, “What if something happens to me while alone on the trail?” using Follow Me, my selected contacts will be able to keep track of where I am. How many times have you said to someone, “If you don’t hear from me by then call me or send a search party!” No more, React Mobile will keep everyone on your heels, per say.
Pretty cool right? Don’t think that it’s only to keep track of you either. If you happen to see an emergency situation happening you can contact the authorities with the swipe of a button. .Send S.O.S will call 911 for you. I can already think of some ladies that I will be mentioning this app too.
Being a Military spouse, our better halves are called to war for months at a time or training and being alone with the kids it’s important to practice OPSEC or Operational Security and I think in my opinion it should also be practiced at home. The people that matter will always know, it’s the others you shouldn’t worry about updating. You don’t want to let people know, you are alone and vulnerable.
Or you could let everyone on Facebook and Twitter know! It’s an awesome app! If you don’t have it on your phone already, I highly suggest you add this as a tool for your safety. By the way did I mention it was FREE?! Yes! Even more reason to go download it NOW!
Download the app today for the iPhone here or for Android in the Google Play Store.
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Will you be downloading this fabulous app? Who would you list in the Follow Me feature?
All pictures are courtesy of the video. Watch it here!
Wow, I really like the sounds of this. I’ve been so over cautious later (if there is a such thing). I’ve watched far to many of those crime shows… this is just the kind of thing I need to put me at ease!
Wow, the follow me option is GREAT! I would love to run surface streets at night… but I won’t!
Oh that is awesome. I know that would make my husband feel much better.
This definitely sounds like an app for me. I am a total worrywart so this would really relieve my worries! I am going to see if it’s available in Canada. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Oh wow, downloading this app right now! I’ve always wanted something like this if I am ever out and about at night alone! I’m a paranoid person by nature, so this will definitely be great for when I don’t have someone to ‘safe’ call on my walks or runs at night. Thanks for sharing.
I always want to do what’s necessary to be safe. I love this app and I will be downloading it tonight.
This is an awesome app. I’m definitely downloading it. Like you, when I’m out late at night I have my keys and phone out while I get to the car.
This is SUCH an interesting approach to an increasingly urgent problem concerning safety in using social media. I am pretty excited to give a great safety app a try, and I know so many with husbands who travel often too. Such a great resource- thanks for sharing!
Definitely checking out this app! Now that we have kids, I would much rather let my husband know where we are (especially at night) than something bad happen. My husband and mom would be on my Follow Me list!
I know my boyfriend would feel a lot better if he could make sure I was getting to where I needed to get, especially with my road trip for the holidays coming up.
I love this app. I have three kids that have it on their smart phone. Makes me feel a little better when I cannot be with them.
Thats a great app with lots cool features. I love running too, the follow me feature comes real handy here. The app doesnt have a windows version?
At this time I don’t believe so Brande. I’m sure they are working on one though. Follow them on Facebook and ask there.
Def worth checking into this app. I believe you can never be to cautious or safe.
with my hubby on the road for 4-8 weeks at a time, safety is always a concern for me. I rarely leave the house after dark these days… I’ll definitely be downloading this!
This sounds like an awesome app and like you I’m reading this going “Why is this not on my phone already!?!?!?!”
Interesting app. I’m going to check it out.
Looks like a great app. I love that I can follow my kids!!!
As someone who takes walks and goes for runs, I could definitely use this app! It would make me feel a lot safer!
I love hearing about new apps and this one seems so helpful! I’m going to check it out now!
I would love try this one out!
Thanks I’m going to download this app!