I don’t know if it’s because I’m turning 39 on Sunday or what, but I’m feeling some kind of way lately. Very emotional and just super sentimental. I share this only because, I can’t be the only one. Whether you read this today, weeks, months or even years from February 2019, there will always be someone that can relate. I want you to know that you are not alone in your feelings.
I shared the image below on Instagram this week and I feel it resonated with a lot of people. The word board arrived back in December, I wanted to start sharing some of my random thoughts with it. Better than just doing up a graphic online, I wanted to put it together by hand. Not only do I get to come up with my own thoughts for it, but the time it took to get all of the letters placed I had time to really think about the impact of the words. I actually woke up with this thought in my head. It’s so true, so I had to share it with you.
I have a lot of moments of self-doubt and (I hate to say it but) negativity. Knowing that I’m not the only one that struggles helps me. It helps me allow myself grace to sit back and say, “Someone else is also struggling with something like this maybe. You are not alone.”
We can agree that I am an emotional person. I’ve mentioned here in the past that even Publix commericials make me cry. The holidays are said to be a very hard time for people that suffer from depression and I think the month of January is as well. So maybe that’s why I’m feeling a little blue. I’ve never been diagnosed with full on depression, just being a little sad.
My life changed a little bit just this past month for the good of myself and my family. I’m no longer working full-time and am spending more time with my boys. Truly enjoying being in the moment and not thinking about all of other times I missed. It’s important to move forward and find fun ways to connect with my boys. They need it and I do too. This is going to be an amazing year and I’m really excited about what’s to come.
On to a new month and with a new attitude and outlook. It will get better and there will many more sunny days. Just remember you are not alone my friend. We got this!
Sister, you are not alone. Turning 40 was a pretty sucky time for me. Now I’m 45 and I’m still hard on myself. But I do have a group where I can be pretty vulnerable and open with other women. We ALL feel this way. We all wonder if we measure up.
You aren’t alone either.
Thanks my friend! I wanna be happy and positive for everyone else all of the time and sometimes the blues take over.