It’s truly a balancing act isn’t it? As a spouse, mothers, caretakers, etc how do we do it all and still seem sane? So the truth of the matter is that most of us are running on “E” most days but we continue and go on as if we are full. I have the hardest time with balance. I’m so excited to share an amazing book that I’ve been reading and how I’m figuring out the balancing act with The Fringe Hours. The following statements are all my own in exchange for the products received for this review. The Fringe Hours by Jessica N. Turner from has truly made an impact on me.
I’ve tried reading “self-help” books before and just wasn’t impressed or quit reading them. I found myself taking my time with The Fringe Hours book, but I’ll tell you why. I’m not a slow reader but I would stop to think about myself in the same situation and make notes in the book. I’ve not done that in years people! It’s brought out so many feelings and realizations that I can’t do it all and it’s ok to admit it. And I find myself sharing the tips with the hubs and my friends as I go along.
We are all guilty of wanting to do more than we should. Albeit some more than others, and once you realize it’s too much you are too far down the rabbit hole, so to speak. Without giving too much of the book away because it’s honestly such a great read I’m going to share with you the four parts of the book. Within each part the topics are broken down and you find how upon the thousands of women Turner researched how to make things work for you and make real actual time for yourself. This is legit in so many ways. Ok so the parts:
- Explore
- Discover
- Maximize
- Life Well
Pretty self explanatory right? You’re going to be blown away. Like I mentioned before it’s one of the best books that I have read when it comes to realizing I need to make changes now. I’m not saying you need this book or but I have a feeling that you will connect with The Fringe Hours like I have.
Can you tell how absolutely smitten I am with this book?! I truly am, I have a feeling I’ll be re-reading this book a few times over. And it gets better! There are some amazing extras that keep the good feelings going! Yes! There is a workbook My Fringe Hours Discovering a More Creative and Fulfilled Life! The white book in the picture below.
I also received a beautiful set of greeting cards to send in the mail and post cards with great encouraging words. Another piece of the pack received was this bound journal. I have a few journals and I love them all equally but this one was very exciting to receive because of all of the notes I’m making in the book I can transfer them into the notebook and come back and re-read those thoughts as well. It’s pretty therapeutic to go back and see where you were to appreciate how far you’ve come.
And don’t forget friends:
I’m so excited for you to read this book!
The ebook of The Fringe Hours is currently on sale on Amazon January 11-16 for $2.99 <– Lowest price to date! Pick it up today!
This post contains affiliate links, all opinions are my own.
I make time for myself every day! I would be a horrible wife and mother if I didn’t.
I really need to read this book. I am terrible at balancing family and work.
I could definitely be better at making time for myself. I need to pick up this book.
I bought The Fringe Hours when it first came out and I love it! I need to re-read it, because the tips are just so good.
I try to make enough time for myself, but I know that I fail. Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day!
This sounds like a good book. I am going to go and check it out on Amazon right now.
This sounds like an awesome book for people looking to get organized and back on track. I may have to check out the Ebook version.
Sounds like just the type of book I need. No, I don’t feel as though I allow enough “me” time.
Now that my kids have grown and moved away I have more “me” time than I’d like some days, but when the kids were small I never took time for “me” 🙁 It is definitely a tough balancing act some days.
Now that my kids are older and can do more for themselves, I do get a little more “me time” each day. I still think this sounds like a book that I would like to read. Putting it on my reading list!
I have not felt like I have had enough “me” time for many years. I know I have mentally and physically paid the price for that so I am starting to carve out me time and take better care of myself.
I keep hearing about this book! It’s only $2.99??? Wow that is a real deal!
I have not taken the time i need for myself. This year both of my kids are in College so i am going to concentrate on pampering myself. I need to take better care of myself.
I’ve been reading about this lately. To answer your question, I do not feel I have enough time period, whether for me or anything/anyone else! My hope is to become more efficient with what I HAVE to do so I can do more of what I WANT to do.
The Fringe Hours sounds like a truly uplifting guide to achieving the important things like keeping it all together. That’s an excellent e-Book price, too. One of the points in your review motivated me to make New Year’s Resolution 2 (and here I was going to stick with 1). I always wanted to learn conversational Russian. Something always got in the way. I am going to sign up for an on-line class and follow through. It’s for me.
I don’t always prioritize well. I really want to focus on what I love doing and make more time for that. This book sounds like a great resource for getting there.
I think this sounds like a great book! I am changing my attitude to be more positive. That is my goal for 2016.
My happy time and me time is at the gym and I make time for this every day! That was my goal last year, to make more time for myself, and it’s made me a better person.
I don’t have any free time let alone time to read a book. But I would love to get some free time.
This book is right up my alley. I’ll have to grab it soon!
I do not give myslef enough me time. When I do have some I find myself vegging out in front of the TV. Luckily I am also reading The Fringe Hours.
I love encouraging books like this one! I definitely need to pick this up for the new year
I need to get this book. I have little time to myself these days!