Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. AT&T has provided items as compensation and provided for giveaway, however all opinions are my own.
On Friday, May 9th it’s time to celebrate Military Spouses. In 1984 President Ronald Reagan, declared the first Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Military Spouse Appreciation Day, is celebrated the Friday before Mother’s Day each year. So very excited to bring you Five Ways to Appreciate a Military Spouse and Giveaway thanks to AT&T.
Do you have a Military Spouse near and dear to your heart? If you do, here’s five ways to appreciate a Military Spouse in your life.
Five Ways to Appreciate a Military Spouse
Be There
Being there for a Military Spouse isn’t just being in their presence. It’s just letting them know you are there for them. Doing something nice for a Military Spouse might be just what brightens their day. Pick them up a coffee on the way over for a play date or something you know they enjoy. I have a friend that her husband is currently deployed and if I don’t see her I’ll text her to check on her. I want her to know that I’m there for her in any way. There’s so many ways to be there.
There are times when we just need a friend to listen to us. Whether it’s about our family, missing our spouse if during a deployment or TDY. It’s nice to be able to have friends that we can rely on to listen to us. We promise we won’t be too much of a downer 😉 Or sometimes it’s nice to hear how you are doing to help us have a temporary break on whats on our mind. I love having long conversations with my friends, in person or on the phone.
Sometimes we just need a good laugh. If there is one thing that brightens a grey day is a great laugh. You can give a good laugh in person or over the phone, via an email or just by sharing a funny over Facebook. How many times have you shared a Facebook post because it literally made you laugh out loud? I do it all the time. Makes me happy and I hope that by sharing it makes someone else happy and LOL. Get a good laugh with your Spouse friends, they will appreciate you too.
Have Fun
Get out and plan an amazing Spouses Night Out or a fun activity you can do with the kids too. It’s so important to have enjoyable moments with friends. One of the things I’m looking forward to this Summer is visiting a couple Military Spouses I haven’t seen since 2009 or three duty stations ago. I love going to events together with friends and the kids. It’s a nice change from the normal hustle and bustle and everyone has a good time.
Be a Friend
Being a friend can mean so much more than just, “Oh hey- he/she’s ‘my friend.” I have become friends with some very amazing people thanks to the Military. There’s not a day goes by that don’t I think about how they have touched my heart with their friendship. And yes, you are totally being a friend for doing all of the above, but it’s an amazing thing when you can make a wonderful memory with someone that you would not have ever met had it not been for the Military. I have learned so much about different cultures, religions, customs. Be open to becoming friends with a Military Spouse.
And now for the
AT&T loves Military Spouses and truly wants to appreciate them by offering this fabulous giveaway of an AT&T Prize pack valued at over $500 that includes an Apple iPad Mini, AT&T iPad Mini Cover, Awesome Military inspired Hat ( I LOVE mine!) and bedazzled AT&T shirt (I LOVE it!!). All of this will go to one lucky winner!
I love these tips. It’s always a good reminder that everyone need a friend sometimes
Being available to listen, chat, bicker and laugh with them no matter what and no matter what time of the day! I believe it’s important to always make yourself available as a friend because there will always be highs and lows in their life.
I would send them to a spa for a message.
Id send them a care package to show my appreciation!
Don’t forget to appreciate the male-military-spouse too! My husband and I were dual military for 9 years of our marriage. He retired 4 years ago and has been my dependent ever since. In fact, the month he retired was the same month I deployed to Afghanistan for 12 months and left him by himself with our 2 1/2 yr old. He did an outstanding job raising our son, separated from all blood-family. Luckily he had many friends (that in essence became family) who were there to support him and lend a helping hand. A spa day and time away from the little one was a must for him when I returned from Afghanistan.
Absolutely Robin! You can do any of these tips for male spouses as well. Thanks to both of you for your service! I know several male Military Spouses and they are outstanding, I’ve definitely learned a lot from them.
I used to be a military spouse, my sister-in-law is one and we have cousins who are also military spouses. The best thing you can do is offer to babysit and give them some much needed “me time”. Even a lone trip to the grocery store is a special treat to ones who have kids. 🙂
I’d be there for whenever they needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to
Get them a massage or something to pamper themselves.
I am one! 🙂 Oh but I also make sure to be in contact when spouses are deployed
being there to lend a hand and ear and most importantly a shoulder for support.
As a military spouse, one of the most valuable things that helps me is having someone to help with my kids, run errands, etc.- all the “hands on” stuff.
I would offer to watch their kids (if they have any) so they can have a night with their spouse. I don’t personally know any military spouses, but I would do whatever I could to help out! 🙂
I would be there first and foremost as a friend to show support emotionally and I’d also offer to run errands or watch the kids, anything that would help.
Just be there for them if they need an extra hand around the house or to watch the kids for a few hours while they run some errands.
I love these ideas. I’m a military wife and show support to other military wives similar to what you mentioned.
Be there to encourage and pray for others going thru deployment
I would offer phone cards for extra skyping time.
DO something – actions show love! Watch the kids, mow the grass, bring a meal, ask if anything needs to be fixed, painted, etc…
Phone cards are great but so are ones for gas and restarants
I’d send them a playlist that they can listen to while relaxing.
By offering to help mow their lawns and donating phone cards to military spouse.
I’d Host A Dinner In Their Honor!
As a military spouse, I know first hand that the best thing to receive is time- time away from the kids, time with a good friend, time to de-stress to be a better partner and parent. Step in and give that person the gift of time.
I’ve tried to help out in little ways to support our military spouses, whether it’s meals or babysitting. 🙂
Just be there for them & understand their day can be stressful.
I would send care packages with handwritten cards.
I’ll take my sister out to dinner since her hubby is in the military
I would write a love note and pray for them
I would send them flowers & a gift basket. With a spa day gift card included. I think that would be a great way to show appreciation.
Watch there kids for them when they are having a tough day, or not feeling well.
I am always a great listener to them and try to understand how things are from their point of view and situations. Whenever I see a service member and their spouse I say thank you to both of them.
By having the house all ready and welcoming for them!
Always be supportive and positive! I have a daughter who is a young mother and married to a marine and I know it is so hard on her at times but she is a trooper!
i would sent them care package such phone cards..
We often focus so much on our deployed men and women that we don’t realize how much their loved ones here at home sacrifice and what they experience. We need to be good/true friends to military spouses – listen, support, cheer up, have fun with, etc. Remember that it truly is the little things that can make a person’s day.
I would share encouraging words and pray with them
Awesome tips and giveaway! I like showing appreciation to my military friends by sending them care packages and coupons they can use at the base store 🙂
My sisters husband is in the military and I know he would love to be sent to a Georgia game.
Listening. Babysitting. Just being there! We all need help sometimes!
I would try to help out as much as I could to lighten the burden of daily living: do errands, babysit, buy groceries, etc.
Help make meals for the family.
Praying for them daily: for guidance, for safety, for peace.
Volunteering for support organizations like Operation Special Delivery is important to give that extra hand during life transitions.
Just being available as a friend! Someone to go have lunch with or take the kids to the park with.
superb tips & giveaway;) thanks to all my military friends for their loyalty and hard work and for all of the sacrifices they make daily so I can live in peace 🙂
send a care package
I will bake them a few lasagnas they can freeze so they have ready made meals.
Great tips and thank you for the awesome giveaway! I like the tip of just being there to listen when they need it. A listening ear is so important. I would also make a special dinner with all their favorites.
I would be a good friend, listen while they are lonely, offer a hot meal when they feel overwhelmed, take them out for a spa day and offer baby sitting services so they could get a break. Thanks for a great giveaway!
by giving them a spa day!
Just being there for them and listening when they need an ear. Also if they have kiddos its nice to babysit for a day or overnight so they can have some me time.
I would arrange for a “Mom’s Day Out” for her. I would save money/raise money to get her a gift-card to a nearby spa and arrange for have a massage, pedi and manicure while I watched her kids/pets at home. I would arrange for her to meet some friends for a late lunch. I would have the kids clean up after playing all day and prepare a meal while they did that so that when she comes home – dinner is ready and she can have a glass of wine. Then I would go home:) I would also make sure she knows that I am there for her any time she needs help or wants company.
Babysitting or treating them to dinner and a movie
I used to be a military wife 🙁 . Always be flexible, caring, loving, and listen at all times, appreciate every moment because you don’t know when it be the last time you see him alive.
For some friends and family of mine I usually go to BJs and buy meat and other staples in bulk and help by preparing some meals for them. Usually one of my days off is spent preparing a couple of pot pies, stews, casseroles, lasagnas and so they can take few nights off cooking lunch/dinner on those hectic nights.
I would be a friend, and always be there for them.
I would get all my friends and family together so we could make a care package to show our appreciation!
I would try to just be there when they need someone………
I would offer to help them out with babysitting or errands or maybe give them a card or thoughtful gift to let them know I was thinking of them.
Be available for emotional support when needed.
Watch their children, send them dinner every now and then, send them gift cards for groceries, anything to lessen the great responsibility they shoulder.
Same way people showed it to me when my husband was active duty… saying “thank you”, offering to help me out any way they could (so helpful when we had our first daughter and he left for a month when she was only a month old), and just listening and being a friend!
I would make really good meals. I imagine they haven’t eaten anything tasty in awhile. Also, let them know that whatever their thinking or feeling can be talked about. Nice article. Thank-you
I would ask what I could do to help make their life easier, I would also pray for them, for sacrifice is not easy and whatever I can do to help I will do it.
I’ve had so many family members that have been in the military…they love just being listened to and appreciated most of all
Anything I could do to help out and make days go by just a little easier. I always am here to listen, take a child to practice, or run to the grocery store. I am an ex military spouse and I know what a toll it can take.
i send care packages twice a year, thanks
I’d be a shoulder to cry on when missing their loves ones, babysit, help with whatever they need & listen to what they’re going through. People stationed overseas always love to get packages from home : i’d be more than happy to help w/ that. Just be a friend.
helping out where needed
I appreciate all that the military does. My spouse is not in the military but I have a few friends whose husbands were. My neighbor also was in the military in Vietnam.. He passed away last fall 🙁
I was a military spouse. I appreciated it when people still invited me to do things even when my husband was deployed.
Welcome them home with loving open arms and try to reduce the initial stress of day to day.
my BFF is a military spouse. she says I’m always there for her to listen
For those near by, I would be a true friend and support. Being that one spouse is away, there is a heavy load of maintaining the home, possibly working, taking care of kids. I would offer to assist around the house, help with the kids, run errands. Anything to fill in for the absent spouse.
plan them the most awesome day may it be an activate they like or a nice spa day or even a nice romantic dinner.Listen to them and be there to lend a should,hugs,tears,laughter…just over all being understanding and loving
Be understanding about deployments and give adjustment periods when they come home. Don’t expect everything to go back to how it was before.
I would show appreciation by making them food.
Be available to support them in all endeavors. Accept and appreciate the time they have to give to their spouse and family by living them unconditionally.
I’d be there to talk to, to hear anything they’d need to say and to care for them.
I know a few military spouses, and I try to be there for them if they need to talk, or if they need help with anything – I know that having someone to rely on while their spouse is gone protecting our country is soo important!
Simply by saying Thank You. Seems small, but it’s really so huge.
Being there when needed, listen when needed…just be there.
Love these tips. I would show my spouse love with a care package with their favorite snacks!
I would love to win this. An ipad is an awesome giveaway! Thank you
Lots of prayers… I have a lot of friends who’s spouses are in the military, and i make sure I am always there for them when they need to talk, a shoulder to cry on, or anything else they may need =)
donate care packages.. when i was over seas. it would also great to feel remembered
Sending a care package or just saying thank you are great ways of showing your appreciation.
I’d send care packages to soldiers over seas with a hand written thank you note.
My mother and step mom were military spouses and they need friends to be there for them while they are missing there loved ones. Being lonely when they are gone has to be the hardest part and being a friend that is always there for that person can help a lot.
Have a fun night out — maybe a great dinner, or drinking and dancing, or even get away for the weekend!
i would try to arrange a surprise visit either here or there
Offer to help out. Sometimes they might need help with small things around the house or yard, childcare, or just an afternoon of pampering!
I would do a video for him each and everyday that he is away. Then I would turn it into a movie which I will give to him when he get home.
Surprise care package!
I AM a military spouse…and I think the greatest thing someone could do for me is offer to help (particularly when my husband was deployed)…watch my kids while I showered, mow the lawn, etc…
Military spouses have it so hard- many of my friends are military wives and I think the best thing to do is be there for them. It’s hard when there husbands are deployed and they have kids to raise and are all alone on base. I think a spa day or a chance to relax would be a great gift for them!
care package!
thank them, because I know what they go through, so thanks to all military spouses.
By listening, caring, loving, and cooking fabulous food! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
fairyfractal at gmail dot com
be there to listen when they need to vent…
Just plainly being there is a huge help! My brother was deployed last year for 7 months and it was hard on all of us. Just being able to talk to each other about it was great. My brother’s wife came back home during that time so she had her family for support (she doesnt live near my family). As for my brother…i sent me boxes FULL of childhood foods that he liked like potato sticks and fruit leather. 🙂 It helped his wife since she didnt know about those things.
I’m sure some home-baked treats would provide a lift, as well as a nice breakfast or dessert!
I think a special date night would be a great idea!!
Coffee, cookies & chat.
Be a good listener and don’t try to solve all their problems for them – sometimes they just need to vent!
I would be that friend to the end.
Watch the kids so they can run errands, date night or even just to nap.
I have a few friends that are military spouses and I tell them often how much I admire them! I could never do what they do!
To always listen and be supportive.
I would be a supportive friend.
I would keep their kids for the day so the could have some me time.
These are some really good suggestions!
I would be their shoulder to lean on and try to help out with the little things whenever I could.
I always appreciated a meal brought it or better yet a night out. I would bring a nice homemade meal with paper plates and plastic-ware. Food and minimal clean up.
supporting them, listening to them and being grateful and appreciative towards them. Let them know you care! I would love to spend a day just listening to them.
I would bring them meals, be there to listen, or offer to watch their kids so they could relax!
Send them to a healing spa for a weekend.
Id send them a care package to show my appreciation!
I would send a care package of homemade items and pics of the family.
As a military spouse, I really appreciate it when friends are willing to help out with yard work and watching the kids.
My best friend is a military wife! I love to take the kiddos so that the can have a care-free night out!
Skype them on a regular basis and send unexpected messages to keep them cheered up when serving away from their family.
I would just be there just in case she needed help with anything and to listen.
Donate your time for a task of her choice …yardwork, watching the kids, a home cooked meal.
I have quite a few friends that are Military spouses, I try to be there for them in good times and bad and just to let them know how Awesome they are 🙂
Send care packages. Regularly check up on them. Offer to babysit their kids.
I would show appreciation by sending a care package every so often to let the person know that I am thinking about her and care about her. Little things like that can make a big difference.
I really need to remember these swaps. I have been using avocado instead of mayo, and I really love it! Especially on sandwiches and burgers!. Wonder if I could make a chicken salad out of it.. lol.
lol Krissy!!
Just being there is the best thing, I think. I’ve never been a military spouse but I’ve been a dependent. Community is so important.
just being supportive, writing or Skype whatever you do now but most of all remain true until they come home and be that wife they remembered well they were gone
I would show appreciation by praying every day for them and sending care packages
by being a friend
I would show my appreciation by listening and being attentive to his needs.
Care packages and videos 🙂
By being there for them and maybe taking them out for a spa day or something you know that they enjoy doing.
Listening them !!
I would skype with them as much as possible
just try to be there for whatever they need.
The only military spouse I know is nowhere near me…. I could send her GCs and coupons to show her I’m thinking of her : )
Just by letting her know you are there for her will mean so much 🙂
I would show my appreciation by having a whole day about them, doing whatever they like.
Care packages are a great way to say thank you and let them know that you are thinking about them.
By going out on dates with them! 🙂
show appreciation for what they do for us as a family, ad for the things they do in the military.
always have fun, be happy, listen, and don’t pick fights because time is limited.
I’m a military spouse with my husband deployed right now. I received a gift card to the movies this past year with a note saying thank you…it was so wonderful because the note meant a lot to me and I got to take my kids to the movies…..sometimes its the gesture and heartfelt words that mean so much.
That’s a wonderful gesture! Glad you’ve got friends looking out for you!! Will say a prayer for his safety 🙂
I would write cards!
I would plan a night out for dinner at their favorite restaurant on me. And just have fun and relaxing evening out.
I would offer to babysit or take the spouse out for dinner.
I would send care packages and including videos of family events.
Being there for any thing they want or help them when they need help !!
I’d send them a care package to show my appreciation!
I would try to remember to not burden them with situations they have no control of. Worry free/stress free.
i know whenever my husband sees a military person he says thank you for your service no matter where we are!
with a home cooked meal.
i will always keep in contact let them know i am here for them and thinking and praying for them. keep them up to date on everything happening at home. send photos and videos and letters. facetime with them. thank them every night
By preparing a care package for their serving loved one and maybe gifting them with a spa gift card
I would have a fun pamper me gift basket with all kind of goodies, snacks, smell goods and a gift card to a favorite restaurant.
A night out & a Big THANK YOU!
Say thank you and pay for them to have a night or afternoon out
My girlfriend is military wife and she holds everything down in the household. We show her appreciation by always being there for her no matter what. To help out around the house, take care of her child or just having a good old girls night out. 🙂
I would try and make sure that the stress level at home was very little by trying to take care of all the day to day things. I would try and be a good listener and do little things to make them feel appreciated.
You can show appreciation with care packages and cards to show support and love. You can also be there as a friend by spending time with the person.
a day of activities of their choosing
Try and be there for them by being a good listener.. sometimes that is just what someone needs and can make a big difference. Also offer to do little things like watch their kids while they run errands, invite them over for a meal, or stop by with dessert, small things like that can really mean so much.
I would like to send pictures and cut our place to keep our memories!
Saying thank !! and give them help when needed !!
I would show appreciation by telling them how much I appreciate them. Don’t assume that someone knows how much you care about them and love them, TELL them, they will really value your words.
Help them out whenever I can, with the kids, the home, just hanging out and supporting them.
You can show support and appreciation by asking to watch the kids once a week to give her time to herself or to run errands without the hassle of small kids or prepare a meal or two just to make things easier.
I’d make some freezer meals so she could just pop them in the oven and it would save money as well.
I’d offer to babysit or to cook dinner!
Keep them company, always lend an ear and volunteer to babysit some.
I would ask them what they needed most,try my best to make it happen
These are amazing tips! Thank you
Thanks for the chance!
I offer to babysit
Do more family activities with them. Help out around the house.
Invite the family to activities. I would like to support them and show that that even thought their spouses are away, they can still smile once in a while.
I make sure that I have babysitting duties so the parent can have some recharging time.
I love the Ideas and I would love to send them special gifts or something written and of course saying thank you !!
Help them when they need help !
I would be a great friend to that person and most importantly a listener.
Always willing to lend a helping hand
would love to be friends with and help in anyway
Watch the kids and let the spouse (whether female or male) have a day on their own whether its to treat themselves or even do something simple like read a book in the park. And be there to listen.
I would make dinner and babysit her kids! I would also lend an ear, if they ever need to vent or talk.
Help out with chores….the need help around the house.
I can help with babysitting
I would love to send them care packages !!
Saying thank you and help them with the kids also I would love to send them special gifts ..
I would show appreciation by always being there to lend a helping hand, and an ear to listen.
I would give her a spa day.
Listening & showing my appreciation (even if that’s just by cleaning house & taking care of the kids)!
I would help them out, with deployment meetings, spouse meetings, being a parent, supporting their spouse, I would love to give them a meal, watch their kids, or just give them a date night. That is how I would show appreciation.
Be available for them if they need anything, even if it’s just a listening ear.
This is a great post Candy. Thank God for ask the men and women who serve and their entire families.
I would lend a helping hand and listen if they would like to talk
It’s just nice to have a person to talk to.
i used to be a military wife and it was important for us to have a good support system esp, when the member was away! always be there even if just to check in. also please offer to babysit sometime so the spouse can have a little ‘me time and down time’ to recharge!
I would definitely hang out with a military spouse and listen.
Great tips! As a military spouse I know that is it the little things that make a difference. Sometimes just someone making a phone call instead of a text makes my day.