Families are funny – there’s always one family member that can really make you laugh out loud, right? Well in our case, our whole family is full of goofballs! We seriously love to laugh. Big A has my type of humor and Little E and the hubs share the same dry sense of humor – which is something i’ve never considered before now. Big A loves to come up with his own jokes and sometimes we laugh and then sometimes we say, “Really, you think you’re so funny don’t you?”, which he just finds even more hilarious. Little E is also becoming quite the comedian. These boys are truly becoming their own people and I love it! I call them my funny boys.
With Christmas on the horizon, we have been busy trying to keep all of their gifts hidden from them. The hubs didn’t do so well trying to hide the recent box of LEGOS the boys will be building in the New Year. I almost opened the box not realizing what it was! The box wasn’t completely opened, but we left it on our bed and guess who thought so much of himself that he’d go see what was in the box? That’s right – Little E! After the hubs went in and tried to act like the box wasn’t full of anything special, Little E saw the box full of Legos and said “I’m not building all that!” Ezra has had some verbal disabilities and a developmental delay so his speech is gold to us. Hearing those words come out of his mouth was hilarious! We can’t even be mad about it, even though, hiding a Christmas present on the bed? Fail.
There is always laughter in our house. One of the things that made me realize how much I love to laugh was when my mom told me how much quieter her house was when I got married and left. So you can imagine the roar that is constant in our house. One of the ways we love to get our laugh on is by watching funny movies together! We are so excited about watching “Daddy’s Home,” with our favorite actors Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg! Have you seen the trailer yet? You are going to lose it! Watch it now! Hilarious right?!
“DADDY’S HOME” follows a mild-mannered radio executive (Ferrell) who strives to become the best step dad to his wife’s two children, but complications ensue when their freewheeling and freeloading real father (Wahlberg) arrives, forcing him to compete for the affection of the kids.
I cannot imagine how nuts the competition can be between father and step-father. Everyone just wants to be liked more right? Totally normal! The antics that Ferrell and Wahlberg pull are outta control! This will definitely be a great family film to watch on it’s opening day – Christmas Day! Make sure to follow the fun on Daddy’s Home on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
But don’t leave just yet!! Here’s a fun giveaway to get you even more excited about Daddy’s Home: Follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter to WIN!
This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Daddy’s Home blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.”
Our dog would always knock over the tree when we first put it up. This was our first Christmas without her. 🙁
Would love to win!
My mom almost set the house on fire during Christmas Dinner. She moved a candle right beneath the centerpiece and it caught on fire.
My christmas disaster was when I got confused and put salt on ALL of the christmas desserts thinking it was sugar lol and the worse part was that I didn’t realize my mistake until everyone sat down to watch christmas movies and eat desserts lol .
My Christmas disaster last year was when my son woke up before Santa had his gifts under the tree. Luckily he played just long enough for me to race those gifts under the tree.
One year at Christmas there was a blizzard and I sent emails and left messages to my guests that I was canceling the party because I did not want anyone driving in a blizzard. But low and behold, most of my guests still showed up, I did not have any food made. So I ordered pizza, but the Pizza delivery guy got stuck in the snow for over an hour. When we got our pizza it was cold. Not a very fun Christmas Eve!
One Christmas morning, I woke up really early to get my breakfast casserole in the oven and prepare the turkey. I had been in the kitchen, multi tasking for at least 45 minutes, when I noticed the oven was not working. Sudden;y, the lights went out. I thought I blew a fuse, so, grabbing a chair, climbed up to the fuse box, flipped it and nothing. Without looking outside, went to wake my hubby to assist. He calmly tells me to look outside, that we probably would have power for hours. We had a major ice storm and power was out until Jan. 2nd. He did manage to drive into town, our Christmas dinner consisted of Wendy’s, the only place open. We managed to have a good Christmas, but it was challenging.
My worst mistake was when i marked one of my daughters gifts to my husband instead and put from Santa. That was tough one to explain.
Lottery tickets that turned out to be fake $25K. Didn’t tell me for 2 hours! Wasn’t funny then but now it’s been years, still not funny.
Last year I completely ruined Christmas dinner. I burnt the ham so bad and everything else just kind of fell apart. Dinner was ruined on my account. We ended up having pizza 😛
The only holiday disaster I’ve experienced was forgetting to thaw the turkey in time to cook.
Was the dog knocking down the Christmas tree
I can’t think of one!
That would be on Christmas Eve when our Christmas Tree fell and broke 1/2 the lights and ornaments. It was so not funny at the time but trust me many years later we are still talking and laughing about it.
This year my mother has decided for the whole family that no one would recive any presents.
Just before we were leaving for midnight mass, the faucet blew off the kitchen sink and we were all soaked to the skin.
I don’t think my family has had any.
The only Christmas “disaster” I can remember is the year everyone got sick on Christmas Eve. We put off our celebration for a few days!
I few years back I forgot to take out all the stuff in the cavity of the turkey and cooked it all in the bird. My brothers have never let me forget about that one!
we would untangle the christmas tree lights -put them on the tree-plug them in and only find out then that all of the light bulbs have burned out and they all need to be replaced..SIGH!
We lost power one year due to a snowstorm and had to cook on the grill.
my dog ate the ham(most of it) while we were in another room having drinks
There’s been a few but I will name one of the best ones. We had spent all day cooking and getting out turkey perfectly and it was sitting on the counters setting and my oldest son came in and knocked it off the counter on accident all over the floor where our dog was waiting ever so patiently until it hit the floor and then I had never seen her move so fast in her life. We just decided it was going to be a Golden Corral kind of Christmas.
would love to win this
Forgetting to buy pies until Christmas Eve.
The worst Holiday disaster I ever had was as a young adult miscalculating my paycheck and spending money to get my family members a nice Christmas and then realized my mistake when my rent payment didn’t go through and I got kicked out. Now I manage my money better!
We took in some foster kittens, left the house for a little while and came back to the tree on its side, ornaments broken and the kittens still climbing through it…
A few years ago when my daughter was learning to walk, she knocked down our entire Christmas tree! She was not hurt, but it sure scared her and our cat! We actually got the whole thing on video, including me freaking out! We can laugh now, but then I was a nervous wreck!
The entire family (20 members) were staying at my 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home…and one of the kids backed up the toilet….4 adults took over 2 hours to get it fixed…they still won’t discuss what they found.
Does the whole family getting a bad stomach bug on Christmas eve count? That was a very sad Christmas…
It wasn’t really a funny but we had to drive home in a nasty blizzard one year.
I’ve really have never had a holiday disaster occur, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that one doesn’t happen.
Put rib roast in oven, went to check and see if was done….oven was not working
I set a glass dish of candied yams on top of the stove without realizing that the burner had just been on. The dish exploded, but luckily no one got hurt.
When i made the turkey, i forgot to take out the insides.
the year my mom ran out of toilet paper at the annual christmas eve party, and no stores were open. lol so now every year when grandma comes she always brings a 4 pack of toilet paper just in case. its always a great laugh
I went to a party with friends and I had several gifts that I brought and I get there and give my gifts and my friends open their gifts and I brought the wrong gifts, these were gifts for my kids I brought, so felt very bad
Hope I can win.
Our disaster was at my parent’s house. The turkey didn’t cook on time because my dad was trying to cook it in the BBQ, so we had to move it into the oven and it wasn’t ready for hours. .and we had in laws visiting.
I had a turkey explode because is was still partially frozen when I put it in the fryer….no one was hurt thank god.
Last Christmas our cat jumped into the Christmas tree and and knocked it down to the floor shattering our glass ornaments luckily our cat was not hurt.
Set up a huge holiday for the family. Good, drink, dancing…the works. We had a lovely dessert table and we forgot to have someone supervise it. By the time we got to dessert the dog and kids had already gotten into it. D’oh.
Two years ago while I was pregnant I was trying to get Christmas dinner cooked and the dog was loose in the house. I had forgetful pregnancy brain pretty bad and had just made some jelly rolls that I left cooling on the counter. I turned around from preparing the filling and they were gone! I looked everywhere thinking maybe I moved them?! Nope the dog destroyed them all over the living room! Disaster!
Luckily, knock on wood, we haven’t had any big disasters. We came close yesterday when 2 days before Christmas we realized we haven’t seen Santa yet and my son bursts into tears that Santa isn’t going to know what he wants. Guess where we are going tonight?
My dad put the turkey in the oven, but forgot to turn it on. We were ready to eat so we checked the oven and realized it hadn’t been cooking the entire afternoon. We had to eat frozen pizza.
I don’t have a funny Christmas one… But one time my daughter ate the paper grass from her Easter basket before we could grab it away from her. It came out the other end, if you catch what I mean. D:
My worst holiday disaster happened when I made my first Christmas turkey and didn’t defrost it ahead of time! Needless to say, we ended up eating it the next day instead and just ate trimmings for dinner!!
I don’t think I have one. I have made a couple side dishes before that didn’t turn out too…tasty. 🙂 But nothing huge.
A few years ago I shopped in July/august for the presents as I normally do however I got the idea to put the wrapped items in the basement in order to hide them from the kids…we had our basement flood out in September ruining literally $600.00 worth of items and toys/electronics! I was devastated!
My dog opened all the presents, guess he thought they were all for him.
Watching our cat try to climb the Christmas tree or bat ornaments was a kind of funny disaster. After a few times- it lost its cuteness and funniness and became annoying.
everytime we would leave the house our cat would play havoc with our tree!
One time a bag of flour and sugar fell to ground, which wouldn’t have been to bad if the dogs didn’t go running through it.
When the cat pulled over the tree and it almost went into the fireplace – omg !
Our dog was able to get on the table and devoured our gingerbread house while we were out
My boyfriend and I decided to do a romantic fondue NYE and of course he got second degree burns on his hands…we never even got to eat!
We were unable to make my family’s Christmas last year because our car broke down. It was supposed to be the first Christmas we were going to have with my family in years.
my cat always messes up the tree 🙁
We went on vacation to visit friends for the holidays, only to find out when we were three states away we had forgotten the bag with the clothes for my three boys.
A holiday disaster that comes to mind is when the power went out one Thanksgiving and the turkey was in the oven… a whole power crew had to come out to our house and they saved the day and the bird lol.
Last year my poor toddler son thought he could climb the tree, lol. Fortunately he wasn’t hurt but he definitely wasn’t happy!
My most memorable disaster was when my dad put a ham in the oven and forgot to set the timer and by the time he remembered it the ham was CRISPY! So instead of having our traditional ham we had to order pizza. HAHAHAHA!
One year, mom forgot to defrost the turkey. And, four hours later, it was still raw. My turkey is ALWAYS thawed.
I remember when my aunt burned the tamales and we still had to eat them because that was the only dish made on Christmas. It was very hard eating them but quite funny in the end.
Forgetting to leave enough tie to thaw out the turkey and racing to Boston Market.
This movie looks hilarious!! Can’t wait!
We always seem to get each other the exact same thing for gifts
The Christmas Tree fell down just missing me and my daughter who were playing a duet on the nearby piano
Well, just yesterday I was baking spiced nuts to give as gifts and burnt them terribly. There was black smoke coming out of the stove, and now the house smells like charred rosemary and some other terrible scent I can’t even describe. Hopefully that will dissipate before my family comes over on Friday….
When we were little, my baby brother pulled the Christmas tree down, it hit a small table with a plate on it, which fell on my aunt’s dog, who got scared and bit my uncle.
One year our new kitty climbed the inside of the Christmas tree and broke a dozen bulbs.
Dog and cat chasing each other around. Cat climbed into Christmas tree, then they knocked it over. The dog somehow got her paws tangled in the tree lights and then dragged it to the other end of the house breaking most of the ornaments.
We had our Christmas tree fall over on Christmas Eve and nearly all the ornaments and lights broke. 🙁
Oh no!!! Oh Christmas tree.. 🙁
Once I burned my hand cooking the turkey. OUCH!
i went to visit a friend with three daughters i gave the big ones a big girl gift but the little one i gave a garfield doll well she flung it against the wall and wailed boy was i shocked it seems she wanted what the older ones got who knew?
Aww kids.. yeah we never know which way they are going to throw.. LOL
I Burnt Christmas Dinner while trying to multi task last year. It was not a good christmas.
Aww.. but what matters was that you were all together right?! 🙂
I shop ahead of time for gifts. The time came to wrap them but I couldn’t remember where I hid some of them. I have several hiding spots. I found a gift just last night that was meant for my daughter two years ago.
My oldest daughter was about three and she was not tall enough to see into the kitchen sink. As I was fixing the turkey, she walked over to the sink and poured her used watercolor water all over the turkey. I was horrified! I swore her to secrecy. We still laugh about it.
LOL oh this is rich!! Love it!! LOL
Happy Holidys!!
Adding lights to the tree without testing them! Yikes!
We tried to deep fry the turkey… and realized WAY too late that the thermometer was broken. We kept waiting and waiting for the temperature to rise… and when we finally pulled the turkey out, it was a black burnt mess.
I just opened up an Amazon package that had my Husband’s Christmas present to me, ooooops!
LOL my sister did that this year too!! LOL
Had no dessert one year because someone turned off the oven while we were cooking & we had a frozen pie to gaze at after dinner!
Last Thanksgiving we had a huge snow and ice storm that knocked out power for several days. We couldn’t cook a turkey with no power and the ONLY place that was open was fast food places. So we had cheeseburgers for dinner!
One year I dropped the ham on the floor and my toddler destroyed the tree while I was in the kitchen.
A Christmas to remember when all found a way to get along while trapped in the house together during a major winter storm. A normal Christmas usually includes classic fights and squabbles but that Christmas we actually found a way to get along and have fun.
Aw well at least! Gotta make the best of wild situations.
The first year my hubby and I got together we put up a Christmas tree which our cats thought was for them. The next morning the decorations were scattered all over the floor and the tree was knocked over. We put the tree back together but our cats would not have it. After all, they thought it was theirs to do with what they wanted. We finally had to tie the tree to the window handles and the TV stand so they couldn’t knock it down. They did continue to climb in the tree and knock off the ornaments so we finally just gave up and let them “undecorate” THEIR tree!
One year I cooked the turkey with the bag of stuff still inside, ick…
One year my dog unwrapped all of the presents under the tree! It was awful, but also hilarious! She thought they were all for her!
When my siblings and I were younger one year my brother went and poked holes in all of his presents. He tried to tell our parents that the cat did it.
It’s more of a leftover Halloween…we had a family emergency and didnt get to do pumpkins one year so at Christmas we took the pumpkins and smashed them in they yard for fun
I haven’t had any memorable holiday disasters.
My family once had a flat tire on the way to my grandmothers house. It took hours for us to get there. Christmas dinner was over by the time that we got there.
My newlywed daughter cooked the turkey, and left the bag of innards in it. She cried, and we all comforted her.
My mother in law knew that my daughter loved ducks, so my dear mother in law purchased a smiley-duck beanie from a garage sale. Unfortunately, it was NOT a hat. It was a used toilet seat cover.
Oh dang.. 🙁
Some of my Christmas light strings stop working, seems like every Christmas!
We are all plagued by this 🙁 LOL
The only holiday disaster that I can think of is when I made a cheesecake that I didn’t wrap very well before sitting it in a water bath to make. Needless to say, it had a soggy crust and didn’t taste too great.
Aww man.. nothing like soggy crust 🙁
My Christmas disaster was when I go caught opening the presents. I was prepared because I had brought extra tape but I still go caught because my 3 year old niece told on me.
Those sneaky kids.. LOL
I don’t recall ever having a funny holiday “disaster”. Hopefully my luck keeps up.
LOL no kidding right Tara!
My SIL fell down the stairs on Christmas Eve.
Oh gosh.. I hope it wasn’t too serious!!
Well it’s not a major disaster, but one year my pumpkin pie wouldn’t set…..it was soup!
just got hit by a drunk driver. Does that count as a holiday disaster? 🙁
Goodness gracious no Timmy! Hope you are doing alright.
Every year for Christmas we would have a huge gathering at my grandma and grandpa’s house. They would put us in the living room where there was no carpet because we were kids and had to eat on the floor. Every year we would have someone knock a drink over and spill it everywhere. That last year we were rejoicing because we went the entire day without making a mess when all the sudden 2 of the kids knocked 2 drinks off and spilled them. My grandma could only laugh.
The time the cat climbed the tree and broke lots of ornaments. We now have unbreakable ones.
Thanks for the contest.
We waited to long to buy a Christmas tree and it was all sold out, no Christmas tree anywhere. It was quite sad : (
looks pretty funny
When somebody leaves and nobody even notices they are gone for 3 hours.
Potatoes boiled over a few times.
Thankfully I haven’t had a disaster like everyone else’s. I guess a few Christmas’s ago my I tried a new recipe for a red velvet cake roll and it didn’t turn out at all. It fell apart and looked like crap. I hid it in my mom’s laundry room.
Merry Christmas!
one year I totally forgot to label the Christmas gifts!! it was crazy! everyone had to open gifts and then switch! it was funny!!
One holiday I was so broke that I couldn’t afford to buy any gifts for my loved ones and I felt so bad when I got gifts from them. That was a disaster to be so broke. Never again!
one year when my kids were little they were more interested in the bags then the presents
I remember to turn to timer on but not the oven – NO turkey that year!!
actually no disasters come to mind…
forgot to turn the oven on for the turkey
My sister and her large family joined us for Christmas. Someone noticed my youngest niece was no longer in the living room with the rest of us. We found her in the laundry room eating dry cat food out of a bowl on the floor.
One year the cat climbed the tree and knocked it over.
We didn’t set the alarm and woke up an hour late. We almost missed our flight.
WE always do two christmas trees. The last few years, at least one has fallen down. Such a sight! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
I would love to see this movie! I can’t really think of a true “disaster” that happened around Christmas Time to be honest. We’re pretty low key. I suppose having to wrangle the dog who isn’t allowed around the niece and nephew is always a bit of a disaster hah
I can’t think of any daddy disasters off hand but I bet if he had to compete with another there might be. This movie looks fun.
One year we headed to Utah to visit for Christmas and the snow was so bad the roads were shut down and we couldn’t make it there until the next day. When we finally got there, their dog had gotten into a bunch of the Christmas stuff and ripped open and chewed on some of our presents. The thing I love though, is even though so many things (even more then I just mentioned!) went on that Christmas, it was still such a fun Christmas. I love time with family. 🙂
I don’t recall ever seeing any funny disasters
Whenever my family and I get together we always laugh and have a good time. I think the movie is going to be really funny.
The new kitty the kids got for Christmas Decide to help itself to the turkey that was left cooling on yhe counter.
I haven’t had any funny disasters yet anyway. Hoping it stays that way.
ione year we had an ice storm and lost power so we had to eat as much food as we could before it went bad! it was so funny!
I can’t think of any holiday disasters we’ve had….yet.
Our elf on the shelf fell over this year and he had to “magically” sit back up when the kids weren’t looking.
I remember my mom cooking a turkey for first time. She knew she had to take out “the extras”. Was looking in the neck couldn’t find it, she called my aunt, my aunt said look in the other end. My mom said “they wouldn’t put it up there!” Then watching my mom gasp in horror that “they put it up there!” And watching her attempt to get it out was entirely comical!
Funniest disaster was waking up Christmas morning to the cat stuck in the tree. I couldn’t get to her with all the gift in the way. I had to pass out the gifts while the kitty cried and meow. The kids were worried she was hurt. It was a hot mess but a good laugh now.
When we were growing up we always had a real tree. One year we used the spray snow and our cats knocked it over- snow and broken ornaments all over the carpet.
Once I forgot to take the giblets and gizzards out of the turkey.
Probably my dog knocking over the Christmas tree and ruining half the ornaments! 🙂 [email protected]
Our dog knocking down the christmas tree on Christmas day.
My disaster was when my cat jumped from the chair to the top of the Christmas tree and down it went!!
We travelled for Christmas and in the flurry, forgot to bring the presents!
My ex planned a “romantic” dinner and ended up catching my scarf on fire!
Our disaster was that after we got the turkey in the oven, Christmas Day, the power went out & so we didn’t have any way to prepare Christmas dinner, so we had to cancel the company we were having over & ended up going out to dinner hours later!
One year i burnt the turkey so we had to find something else to make very last minute. It was so stressful
Forgetting to thaw out the pie crust.
I really can’t think of a Christmas mishap that has happened…yet! Thankfully!
The dog started openings presents!! opps!
The cat saw something interesting on the tree and the next thing we knew the tree was on the floor with a giant crash!
I was cooking thanksgiving dinner and had pulled the pie out of stove. I was trying to get the mash potatoes going on the stove top, turned on wrong burner and my pie burst everywhere! I hd accidently turned on the burner with the pie sitting on it. lol
My dog usually gets over excited & knocks over the tree.
Out cat jumped on the table after I set it for dinner.
I don’t think that I have ever had a real holiday disaster
I was in the Navy and I wasn’t supposed to be able to come home for Christmas, but I ended up being able to and organized it with my dad and grandfather to surprise my mom. My dad isn’t good at being sneaky.. He was talking to me on the phone whispering right before I showed up, and my mom caught him.. She asked who he was talking to and he said no one.. She heard my voice and knew it was a woman. He started acting extra suspicious and mom almost thought that he may be cheating! She was getting mad because he wouldn’t explain it.. Thankfully I knocked on the door about 2 minutes later!
Aww!! Now this is awesome! LOL Thanks for serving Anna!