This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TheMoodStrikes #CollectiveBias
To me there is nothing more beautiful than a woman that knows what she wants. We were raised to be quiet voiced and meek, you know how the older generation is. Yet we are all lionesses roaring, because in all truth we are all bad-asses! I should add that we are in more control then ever, and the bedroom is no exception. I know you were waiting for it.. because when #TheMoodStrikes we are ready! Here’s to the freedom of being spontaneous whether your partner is home or not, YOU are in control of the situation. That’s right I’m going there, but I promise to not make you blush. It’s natural and it’s a beautiful thing.
Let’s get down to business I purchased the K-Y® Liquibeads as part of this #CollectiveBias shop and honestly I was curios about the product. I like to “roar” just like you my fellow lionesses but sometimes I do get shy. I purchased my K-Y® Liquibeads at Target. I found myself in that aisle. You know the one..
Ah yes.. this one!
That aisle you hope your priest doesn’t catch you in.. LOL I’m a good girl I promise! In all seriousness. That aisle can be quite confusing. Don’t even get me started on prophylactics! The K-Y® Liquibeads can be found there. If you want, hide them under a few things in your cart, if not -girl you just go ahead and roar! You got what you came for.
Now if you are wonderful what is this exactly.. It’s a type of personal lubricant. Lubricants can provide a different sexual experience with your partner. As women and mothers our bodies change so much it’s nice to have a little extra when it comes to being intimate. Nothing like a smooth ride, right ladies?! The K-Y® Liquibeads has your pack on this minor problem. Please note: Ladies who are pregnant or nursing should first consult a doctor before using K-Y® Liquibeads. As I mentioned above this is a personal product that can be used with your partner or alone. How many want of us have traveling spouses? Exactly.
I was really curious and since I know some of you are too.. Here’s what the product looks like! The bead is inserted into your lady part and you wait 30 minutes for the K-Y® Liquibead to do it’s thing so you can do yours!
See that wasn’t so bad was it? Just like we use things for other things, it’s nice to know there are items that can take your love making to another level or restore the feeling.
Now let’s talk about the true freedom of being spontaneous! With the K-Y® Liquibead you can put it in and be ready later in the day or night! Here’s some spontaneous ideas for you and your spouse:
- Wake up a little earlier to “really” start you day off right
- You’ve heard the song “Afternoon Delight” -Nuff said
- Don’t schedule it- Let it happen naturally! -Or if that’s not soon enough put a note in his work bag – fair warning right? 😉
- Save water -take a shower together
- Be in the moment and enjoy it!
Want to try K-Y® Liquibeads? Here’s your chance to save! Click the image for a $1.00 off coupon!
Those are great ideas. And your right our bodies change so much that a little help from KY goes a long way…
*Standing Ovation*! You DID IT, Candy! You totally did it. You talked about an awkward thing and made it sound totally natural. I’m crazy proud of you right now, great job! I like roaring too, but sometimes the vaginal dryness just gets in the way. It’s such a bummer, but I’m SO grateful for a product that takes care of that issue without all the mess of traditional lubricants! #client
Thanks Summer!! It was a lot of fun and just came naturally! LOL Thanks for the opportunity!