Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
The time is now friends! The home of the future is HERE! And if you’re in the Atlanta/Alpharetta area you must go by and visit the Best Buy Tech Home! A couple weeks ago I visited the Best Buy Tech Home at North Point Mall in Alpharetta. I was completely blown away at the tech items displayed and shown to us. Technology is the way of the future and Best Buy has put it on display for everyone to see. You know how they say, “You gotta see it, to believe it?” Well, I saw it and I am so ready to set up my home with all of these amazing ways of the future! And so will you!
The blue shirt Best Buy associates were so knowledgeable and had so much to share about the home. We were briefed on what we would see and how it all worked together to make life easier via apps you can download on your phone to run your entire home. In my opinion, Samsung is leading the market in regards to connecting your home.
I know you’ve seen the commercial for the Ringer! Or seen ads for it online. Never will you worry about who’s at the door before you answer! You can actually see who’s at the door and decide if you want to answer or not. Very, very cool! The first feature we learned about. This technology can be wired into your doorbell or set up wireless that relies on battery power.
When you think of the network your home will be on you don’t really consider how to set up a bedroom. Lighting is everything! See the colored lights that help set the mood on the bedside tables. Those lights as well as the television and stereo, are all connected and controlled by a remote control that you can talk to. I’m all about talking to things now so waking up in a controlled environment is literally at your fingertips!

Thanks to Joyce from MommyTalkShow.com for sharing her pics! I was so excited I forgot to take a pic of the kitchen!!
Ah the kitchen. This amazing kitchen was set up with top of the line appliances. From a fridge that can message you to let you know what’s missing to a convection microwave that also grills! Yes! It grills! To a double oven that you can use as one big oven or split into two. I love cooking and baking, this kitchen was a total dream!
The entire house is connected and via your smartphone ios or Android users can literally control their homes via an app. How can you get this set up you ask? Well as you are aware Best Buy is leading on the best prices and they have amazing associates and The Geek Squad! You can set up an In-Home Advisor visit to discuss all of your connectivity needs. Here’s more info on how the IHA works:
Get the most out of your home with an In-Home Advisor visit- they will meet with you free of charge to discuss your needs. In-Home Advisors are:
o experts who visit your home and find out about what you want to accomplish
o available to answer questions and help add to and optimize your home’s tech setup
o able to develop a personalized plan for your home and be your main point of contact for your current and future needs
o From consultation through installation, your Advisor will be there to guide you
o No job is too big or too small
Visit the Best Buy Tech Home at the North Point Mall to learn how you could win a $10,000 Best Buy Gift Card, a Samsung SmartThings Smart Home Collection, Samsung Dream Kitchen, and a Samsung 55” SUHD 4K TV and more. If you’re one of the first 250 to visit the Tech Home at the North Point Mall through October 14, 2016 and you could win one of many technology prizes.
As a VIP I received this awesome gift box! Can’t wait to set it up!