We’re Homeless.. Well ok not really.. but in a sense.. we kinda are. The Army has decided it’s time to leave San Angelo and head east. Georgia to be exact. Right now we are “in-between” homes.. Shacking up at my parents house. And you know I say that kidding. We are en-route to our new duty station in reality.
This is pcs is unlike any we’ve done. Each of the duty stations we’ve been to in some capacity; Fort Bragg, MacDill & Goodfellow we had some kind of history there. Heading to Georgia we are going in blind. And I say that lightly because we have friends that are there already so they are our eyes, until we get there. But still right? It’s a completely new to us location. I should be shaking in my boots..
If you’ve read my blog before you know I like to keep it positive. I’m not a “glass half empty” type gal, I’m glad to have the glass in my hand and it be “half full.” LOL So with this move thanks to a few massages before we left San Angelo, and lots of stretching.. I’m not as stressed as I thought I would be. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m still worried about the fact we don’t have a house yet and we will be house hunting when we arrive with the boys along with a few other things, but I know it’ll be ok. I’ll have a short list of places to go check out compiled for when we arrive. (BTW I’ll be writing a few posts on tips in the coming weeks.) We will find a place and hopefully get all of our things delivered in perfect condition. Ya’ll say a prayer for my stuff please! 😉 The packers were very good but the movers are always a different story and our stuff is going into storage for a few weeks.. I hope the Ramen box doesn’t get busted into.. -that too will require a post of it’s own.. You’ll get a laugh out of it.
I just wanted to give you a heads up on what’s up with Candy & co. Yes, I’m also taking a bit of a break for the holidays, enjoying being with friends and family. With each of our suit cases and a few totes with some extra stuff we loaded up Dec 23rd and headed east. It was a beautiful drive home to east Texas, but I will definitely miss those beautiful west Texas skies.
Sorry about all of the … moments in this post. I’m kinda nervous and super excited. And I have to admit, it’s not really real to me yet that we won’t be going back to San Angelo. I feel like we still had so much more to do and see there. I’m going to miss all of my friends there so much. Some will be moving and the few that are local I hope to visit again as soon as we can. San Angelo truly became home to us.
New Year, new place & new fun things to share with you all! See it’s gonna be ok 🙂 (It’s therapeutic for me.. gotta stay positive)..
When my husband was in the Air Force, he was moved a few times – and two of them were out of the country (Panama and Columbia), so at least you get to stay in the US 🙂
Best of luck to you and your family in GA! Sounds like you’re on a bit of an adventure.
I was born and raised in Georgia, so welcome!! We live in a small town (for all my 30 years), but I would love to move closer to Atlanta. Hope you enjoy living here.
I can only imagine what it’s like to be between homes. So much stress when t here’s family involved!
I bet picking up and moving on someone’s notice must be difficult. Good luck in GA! It’s great to hear you have friends there already so hopefully that makes things a little smoother for you.
Best of luck to you and your fam! I would feel homeless for sure. I am not so sure i could do that!
Best wishes for safe travels while you transition to your new home. Be sure to visit Savannah during your stay in Georgia.
It’s def on the list to visit Deb 🙂 Very excited about all the areas to see!
I live in Georgia! It will definitely take some adjusting, but I’m sure you’ll settle in and love it here!
I am sure we will love it there. Have’t had a problem falling in love with every area we have lived. 🙂
Oh my! Best of luck to you on your move and house hunting. I hope it is a smooth transition.
I think that would be so tough having to move like that! Best of luck to you and your family.
I’m really not a fan of moving. I like to feel settled. Good luck to you; I hope you love your new home!
When I was married before, we moved a lot of times (and we weren’t even in the military). I understand moving is difficult, but try to embrace new beginnings and new friends. Keeping you and your family in our prayers.
Thanks Shannon! It’s definitly a process.. Always hoping for the best 🙂
It is stressful and scary but you will fall right in to place in no time.
Luckily, we haven’t moved at all since we got married. I have lived in different houses in Kansas City but I haven’t lived outside of Kansas City.
This post sounded very positive. It sounds like you’re ready to explore the new world, and take it head on. I respect you for that, and it seems like you can do anything you set your mind to. I will pray for you and your family that it works out there. Good luck in the new home, and rememeber there is always phone, chat, snail mail and email for catching up with old friends. I have a friend who is stationed in NJ right now and headed out soon too. It’s part of the life, as you know.
As far as moving? I try to keep myself cool and collected by remembering that once I’m moved, I can make it my place. Even if it is a new place, it will still be mine and have my gathered life (all my stuff) with me.
It has to be hard to move without an idea of where you are really going. Georgia is nice, but will likely be a big change. Hope you come to love it.
Luckily we have been recommended areas to look in. That is really helping us get down to a short list of places to check out. Thanks Kathleen!
Good luck with your move! Moving can be hard for everyone, we moved a little over a year ago from OR to CA and we love it now, taking it one day at a time for adjustment.