As a mom to a small child there are times where I’m up several times a night. Most nights I can go back to sleep, in the rare case I can’t- what do I do? I get online of course! Don’t you?! and I’m not saying I’ll log into my computer. I’ll just grab my phone! If you are up as well what have you found that helps get you back to sleep? Or do you just say “Stuff it I’m staying up!” I never know which direction I’m going in so it’s a surprise for me. What I have come up with is a list of what you should Not do when you are up late and trying to go back to bed.
Here’s my DON’T list; that is if you want to stay awake:
Don’t log into the following social media websites:
If you want to ever sleep don’t log into those accounts. I get sucked into any or all of the above and five minutes turns into two hours later. BIG MISTAKE!
Don’t get me wrong this isn’t a “Hate Post,” I love all social media sites. It’s just so damn hard to unplug once you are on. Stumble Upon is my latest obsession. I could “stumble” for hours!
What’s your favorite social media site?
I have to share with you all something that happened almost a year ago. You know the phrase “The Freaks Come out at Night,” well some people really take that to heart. I was on Facebook one night, minding my own business getting blog posts done. Well I get I-M from a guy I went to school with. He goes on to make an unsavory reference and after I told him I wasn’t up playing online and I un-friended him. He thought I was online being naughty. Umm I don’t think so, I don’t play that mess.
Yeah, don’t get on Facebook late at night thinking you’ll have a wholesome conversation with someone that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. I’m not going to say that it’ll only happen with people of the opposite sex either, I think that could go either way. I was very disgusted. I told my husband and he was like, “Don’t friend idiots.” Hmm easy enough babe- Thanks. LOL
Delete, block, erase… repeat!
Absolutely!! LOL