Disclosure: I am promoting brand on my own behalf. All opinions expressed are my own.
Ok so it’s not Wordless Wednesday, but I just had to share this pic! On the final day of Blissdom I went and chatted up the ladies at the Always booth. Always, not a product many women really want to rave about, because we all know what we associate with it. Well me, I LOVE Always products. They probably thought I was a little off to admit to them how much I loved Always products.
But in all honesty I truly do!
Get ready for some TMI.. There were months as a teen and young adult where I’d go months without a cycle. (You were warned) It was never really diagnosed as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) until much later when trying to conceive. That’s a whole other story.. But in all seriousness, I actually look forward to getting my cycle. It makes me feel normal and if we ever decide if we want to try for #3 that’s my sign saying- “Hey my body is ready!” anyhoo
I wanted to contact Always after the conference and I wanted to wait until after the post-conference frenzy of emails slacked off before I sent them an email. Well would you believe they actually beat me to it. While reading their email, I loved that they remembered what a HUGE fan I told them I was of Always brand products. They even mentioned it in the email a couple times. Made me super happy! They offered to send me products (OMG! YES! I about fell out of my chair) and also a few other items to share with my readers! Yes!! You get a prize too! Only if you play along ofcourse 😉 I replied with my address and thanked them for remembering me and making me feel special!
Guess what came in the mail last week? Oh yes! Always Love for little ol’ me! I’m not going to lie to you all, I had the pile of boxes, etc. on my dining table so I could proudly show it off to my husband when he got home from work. And when I would glance over at it- I would smile. It’s the little things people! 🙂 I’m a fan.. can’t say it enough.
Ok so here’s your chance to score some Always love for yourself! Tweet the following:
“Thanks to @Always for hooking up @Candypo I’m getting a hook up too! #Always30 “
Rules: Open to US & Canada. Ages 18+. Must follow @Always on Twitter and @Candypo (me) tweet it daily and come back and leave me a comment with your Twitter handle telling me you tweeted. If you aren’t on Twitter, follow them on Facebook at Always leave them a comment telling them the above comment and come back here and tell me you commented on their Facebook page. *If you don’t come back and let me know you tweeted or Facebooked- you won’t be in the drawing!*
3 Winners
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/MommaYoung/status/328862815869861889
Thanks for your tweet Anjanette! I’ll be mailing you out some Always love at the end of the week 🙂
So great that they contacted you and sent you product!!!!!! Love it. Thanks for sharing.. I believe as a Blogger nothing is TMI. LOL!
Connie message me your address so I can send you some too! info at candypo dot com
Congrats Allie! Send me your mailing info to info at candypo dot com please!
I’m late to the party, but wanted to chime in and say I’m rather loyal to that brand too. 🙂 They’re the best products in that market, hands down.
Jane!! Your comment went into my spam 🙁 Send me your address (or do I have it already?!) and I’ll send you some Always love! 🙂