What am I to do? The Vanderpump Rules season has ended.. yes I’m kind of sad. When I first saw the commercials for it premiering I thought, “Ugh another show full of beautiful people.. yeah I’m not watching!”
Well one late night I decided to check it out. It was On-Demand so I said to myself, “Eh if anything it’ll be background noise I can work with.” Boy was I wrong! I was immediately taken by the staff at SUR. Lisa Vanderpump, one of my favorite Housewives, she’s fabulous, an owner and den mom (sorry Lisa) at a restaurant named SUR in LA. I loved watching her interaction with her staff and I think it makes for a fabulous series because she kind of gets involved in their lives. Each staff member is like one of her children, kind of. But I love that part.
Makes me think of when I worked retail when I was younger and I totally saw this type relationship with my bosses. Because when you work in close proximity with people when you clock in, you also clock into a world that’s separate from your other life. There’s drama at SUR like there is drama at everyone’s workplace. Granted we weren’t as beautiful as the servers at SUR, but life was def interesting.
What I think sucks for Lisa is that in the end she is still running a business; whether the staff members care or not. I wonder if it has been a good move for Lisa financially to bring cameras into her restaurant? My guess is yes and no. If anything it made it more popular! I’d love to go have lunch or dinner at SUR!
Overall it was an amazing first season. It caught my eye and I kept watching. I kind of wish Bravo (anyone at Bravo if you read my baby blog- could you tell me if it’s coming back!) would have done end notes on each cast member like they do on all of the other shows. From what I saw at the reunion everyone still works at SUR, so maybe there’s a season 2?? But what happend with Laura Leigh? The never mentioned what movie she was cast in opposite Jen Aniston. Yes, nosey people like me want to know! LOL
Do I have individual thoughts on each cast member? Eh not really… well ok maybe just one. Stassi was clearly the drama queen of the show, it sucks for her that viewers actually went out of their way to hurt her feelings. People get a life! I think a lot is editing like there is on other shows and face it people we need to have someone to love or hate. Unfortunately that was Stassi this season. My heart actually goes out to her. And yes, I totally follow her on Twitter! Here’s her link: @Stassischroeder if you want to follow Stassi too! LOL Oh do you wanna follow her column on Pandora’s (Lisa’s daughter has a fabulous site!) website? I won’t call it a blog darling. Check it out here: www.thedivineaddiction.com
By the way, if you are wondering what SUR stood for: Sexy Unique Restaurant! I just figured it out! LOL and it totally is! Click the source tag underneath the pic to see pictures on Bravo’s website of the inside of SUR. Looks amazing!
I love this! I had the same viewpoints when the show came out esp because it started off with Brandy & the cheating situation which generally makes me uncomfortable and now im addicted and waiting for it to come back.
I hope it comes back too Tipper! Thanks for your comment! Love me some Bravo realities!