October Group Target Gift
Card Giveaway
Many thanks to my dear Kathy from Sparkles & a Stove & My Fashion Forward blog for including little ol’ me in this awesome giveaway! Get your entries in to win the October Group Target Gift card giveway! Any chance I can get in on a giveaway I try to! I love to win, and even when I can’t- I love it when others do!
Decoration and sweat pants :oD
My fave things to buy from Target is too wear as the carry size 11.
I meant to say…. my fave thing to buy at Target is foot wear as they carry size 11 shoes & boots.
I love stocking up on beauty supplies, shoes, clothes, jewelry!! 🙂
I love their jeans!
I like to buy hair products from there.
I like to buy Games (;
Definitely the clothes!
The Tiny Heart
Scarf Giveaway!
I love to get clothes off the clearance rack!
I like the little girl clothes!
I love their clothes for kids and for women.
I love the baby clothes. My favorite place to bye baby stuff
Love to get my paper products with stacking coupons at Target!
My kids (or me) always need athletic wear
I like to buy clothes at target.
My favorite thing to buy at Target is kids clothes for my girls. I love to shop their clearance racks.
I like to buy seasonal items to decorate my house.
My favorite thing to buy is kids clothes!!!
Legos!!! for my boy
Grocery items that I can stack coupons especially on sale items
Cool clothes 😀
Anything…but if I had to choose, home decor or toys!
My favorite thing to buy at Target is clothes. I like that they have great sales.
Kids pajamas and toys.
I love to get stuff from the dollar bins
Love the kids clothes at target. The have great prices and seriously the cutest kids clothes!
Clothes for my girls. Thanks for the chance
I love to buy clothing and toys for my 2 graddaughers.
Baby stuff for my growing bump!
Love clothes for my daughter
I never leave Target empty handed!
We buy everything from our groceries to clothes, to all of our holiday shopping at Target!
i love shopping at Target for clothes!