Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with DiMe Media and Coca-Cola. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Latinos in general are super proud. Proud of our heritage, our culture, our traditions so you know we are passionate about our names! Ever since Coca-Cola came out with the #ShareaCoke campaign with the names on the bottles I have been scouring for a Candy bottle! Have you seen one? I need to just order one! Anyways as you can see I feel strongly about my first name, well I also feel much pride for my last names. I say names because I kept my maiden name after I got married. A lot of people don’t know this but the “p” in Candypo stands for my maiden name Perez and you can imagine the “O” is for Olivares. See I’m not of Asian descent, I’m Latina and so proud! I want to tell you about our pride today. Our pride that will carry on with our boys as they will carry family name into the future. In the Latino culture the first born male is almost always a Junior. Not the case with our family, not that I don’t like the hubs’ name but we wanted each of our boys to have their own name and plus they carry the last name automatically. Traditional in that sense we are not; but we talk about the family background with Big A often. He asks a lot questions too. When we lived in West Texas it was always neat to tell the boys about places the hubs had been to as a child. While there are cowboys and ranch hands in the history of our last name when they moved to East Texas the family became a lumber family. Hence the image of the Cokes on a pine tree stump. My father also worked in the same industry so this also represents my family as well. I can’t let the Perez side die down, te digo, I’m stubborn. 😉
As you can see we are Coke fans, so we really love the love that Coke gives for Hispanic Heritage Month. During Hispanic Heritage Month Coca-Cola is making Latinos feel prouder than ever about their heritage by celebrating one of their biggest sources of pride and evidence of heritage—their last name. National Hispanic Heritage month began last week on the 15th and continues until October 15th. Coca-Cola has been a part of so many of the important moments in Hispanic families’ lives and it wants to continue making new memories with them. This is why Coca-Cola is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, to unite families through their last name and empower them to share the story of why their family name makes them unique and #OrgullosoDeSer #[InsertLastName].
How many of you can say that las cocas from Mexico taste better? I’m saying YES I can! I can remember enjoying tacos or torts en la plaza (in the shopping square) with my aunt and uncle with an icy cold Coke. Memories I will treasure for all of my life. Coke has been a constant in my life growing up and as an adult. Now that I think about it we actually had a Coke dispenser at our wedding!! hahaha that makes me laugh. But as corny as it sounds I’m a Coke girl and it makes me happy to see the company do so much good.
Enjoy our mini video we made below and then watch the Coca-Cola video! Trust me you’ll get an immense feeling of pride watching it!
Coca-Cola created this unique film that embraces and touches upon feelings of unity and pride that come from our last names. Coca-Cola’s Heritage Tattoo Cans inspired moments of surprise and delight and celebrated the depth, variety and passion of Latino culture. This short film documents the profound feelings of unity and pride that come from our last names. Participants shared unique stories and displayed their pride by applying a temporary tattoo of their last name using the Coca-Cola Heritage Tattoo can. The film also evokes the power of family, culture, community and history, by bringing people together in celebration of their heritage and unique family stories.
How cool are those Coca Cola bottles right? Would you like to know how you can get your last name on a bottle?! “The Coca-Cola Heritage Tattoo cans were created for participants in Coca-Cola’s unique film that captures the profound feelings of unity and pride that come from our last names. These tattoo cans are not available for purchase. However, families can visit www.coke.com/OrgullosoDeSer to purchase a Share a Coke contour bottle personalized with their last names to share that pride with the world.”
Our pride signifies so much. We are a family with a rich past and I can only hope that the memories we are creating with our boys will help mold the name Olivares into so much more since they will be carrying it on. Wishing that you too share the orgullo/ pride with your children and share the meaning of your last name.
I visited there a long time ago too! I loved it, the polar bear chased us around.
I searched and searched and searched for a Coke bottle with my name on it ALL SUMMER and no luck. Makes me sad because I really wanted one.
I don’t drink soda so I have not looked for my name. It is neat that you can order one with your last name.
Mexican Coke is definitely better. It’s a treat every time we go to Mexico or visit an authentic restaurant!
I had no idea they had something like that to visit! How cool would that be! I have a friends obsessed with Coca Cola! I will have to order her last name for her! TOTALLY AWESOME!
Hope you do order one with your name. I like that they embrace all cultures with their products.
I don’t drink much soda but there is something about an ice cold Coke that just hits the spot every now and then. I would love a bottle or can with our last name as a souvenir to put on display.
Local gas stations used to stock Coke from Mexico in their machines when I was growing up in San Diego. And yes, Coke from Mexico tastes better.
This is such a great way for Coca-Cola to reach out to even more people. Coca-cola is such an awesome brand!
How neat! I know my kids would get a kick out of our name being on the bottle. It’d be perfect for a family reunion.
I haven’t found my name yet either, but I love that you can get a custom name. I need to order those.
I love that the Share a Coke Campaign is becoming so vast and diverse! Its beautiful and allowing you to showcase your last time!
This is going to be a fun Twitter party. I will have to try to go. I would love to order my last name.
I teach my kids the importance of the name. Some of them are grown and I still tell them from time to time.
I’ve looked for my name forever it seems and no dice. I didn’t think I’d find it but makes me sad because I’m a huge coca cola addict!
This is so awesome! I would love to order one with my name on it since I can’t find it anywhere!
I prefer Coke too… I think if I ever found my name on a can or bottle I would save it… I don’t think I would be able to drink it lol.
I will never find a coke with my name. They never spell it right.
I’m a Coke fan! Love that they’re including so many people in their campaigns.
We’re also very family oriented and found ways to incorporate my last name into the kids’ names. I love sharing our family history with them.
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