Thanks to everyone that entered! Hope to have even more local contests for events happening in the CSRA!
Squee! Peppa Pig LIVE is coming to Augusta on October 23rd! We are huge fans of Peppa Pig and her family! There’s nothing I love more than to hear my kids giggling right along with Peppa! I’m ecstatic to partner with the Augusta Entertainment Complex for this post! To say we are excited to attend the Peppa Pig Live show is a complete understatement. But I’m even more excited because we’ve got a surprise! We’ll be giving away a family 4-pack of tickets for the Peppa Pig LIVE show! Keep reading to learn how to enter this awesome giveaway for my local readers in the CSRA! And I’m also sharing how you can save when purchasing tickets for large groups!
Ladies and gents get your friends and playdate groups together to take advantage of the great pricing for groups! Here’s the pricing information and there’s an image of the stage set up below. Get your group together and contact The Group Sales Department to book your group!
*Last Day to Order: Thursday, October 21th at 5:00 PM
Office: 706-262-4573 / Fax: 706-724-7545
Email: [email protected]
Ticket Pricing:
- BLUE (reg. $42.50) groups- $37.50
- GREEN (reg. $29.50) groups- $24.50
Enjoy the show with friends!
As I mentioned above Candypolooza readers have a chance to win a family four pack! Yes!! Entry will be very easy and you can enter once a day by submitting a comment below by answering the following questions, completing the actions or just leaving me a 2 sentence comment:
- Who will you be taking to the show?
- Have you been to the Bell Auditorium for a show yet?
- How long have you lived in the CSRA?
- Who’s your favorite pig?
- Go to Candypolooza Facebook page and leave a comment on one of the posts and come back to tell me
- Retweet this tweet and leave your link in the comment section:
Hey #Augusta & #CSRA friends enter to #win a Family 4-pack to PeppaPigLIVE #giveaway AD
— Candy Po (@Candypo) September 19, 2016
I would take my two children to this event! My son loves peppa!
I would take my three girls, they are big peppa and George fans!
Would love to win some tickets, my kids love peppa pig! How exciting!
Who will you be taking to the show? My Girls and hubby
Have you been to the Bell Auditorium for a show yet? NO, but I have heard a lot about it and would love to attend
How long have you lived in the CSRA? almost 3 years
Who’s your favorite pig? Peppa of course!
Go to Candypolooza Facebook page and leave a comment on one of the posts and come back to tell me- Done
I would just love to take my son and daughter, who both absolutely love the show! My favorite pig would have to be Daddy Pig who is always eating cookies haha!
My daughter loves peppa pig. We have never been to bell auditorium so it would be a great time
I will be taking my daughter to see peppa! We’ve lived in the csra for 11 years. Out favorite is Peppa & daddy pig!
aweeee i never been to a kids show and since i have four grands i want to take them i know they will be excited for me it will be fun and busy
We have lived in the CSRA for a year and a half, and we’ve never been to the Bell Audtitorium. I’d love to win the tickets for our son! He is a huge Peppa Pig fan! His favorite pigs are Peppa and Daddy.
I know my son would love to go see Peppa Pig.
I would live to surprise my niece and my daughter with tickets to the show. Melody is 2 and my daughter is 3 they are big Peppa fans. Of course I would like for my sister to join us as it will be great sister/cousin bonding time and memories to last a life time!!
Would love to take my babies! <3
I would take my daughter and husband. Props pig is my daughter’s favorite character in the whole universe! So much so that she speaks the British language. 🙂
I would take my little boy, a friend and her little one!
I don’t have a twitter but if I win I’m going to make it a birthday trip for my son who will turn 3 on November 5th he loves peppa pig so much. I have lived in the CSRA my whole life and I have never been to a show at the bell. I would say me as a parent I love Daddy Pig because he reminds me of a typical man always thinking he know everything and never asks for directions haha (you can tell I watch this show a lot :). I will also be taking my husband and my 4 year old. I commented on Facebook
Our “heart hero” and one of her older sisters would attend. My baby sister’s HS graduation was held at the Bell in 1996 and my book club went to a comedy show there in 2011. We’ve lived in the CSRA for more than three decades. The episode where Peppa is upset that she doesn’t know how to whistle solidified her as our all time fave!
My three girls would absolutely love to go see Peppa pig live. My 7 yr old is autistic and absolutely loves Peppa. Life has been a big change for our family since we moved from California. But starting to get used to Georgia 🙂
Entering again Today not really sure on the rules do I just comment everyday to enter?
Hi Rachel! Yes thanks for your comment! Come back everyday!
Would take my 2 great-grandsons that are 4 years old and love George and Daddy Plg We been in CSRA life time Been to Bell Auditorium for several shows
Isn’t the opportunity to WIN something so exciting?!?!? I’m trying to decide whether or not I should mention to the girls that Peppa Pig will be in town soon. Hmmmm……….
I’m giddy enough about it for all of us. Good Luck everybody!
I would take my 3 youngest boys they are huge Pepa pig fans and of course I have no choice but to watch it also, My youngest is 17m and is just mesmerized by the show.I have nevet been to the bell auditorium we have lived in the area 2 years now I honestly still learning about the area. My favorite is daddy pig he is halariou
Halarious forgot the s somehow. Lol
My husband and I would love to take my daughter Amelia. She is 2 years old and loves Peppa Pig. We have lived in the CSRA for 10 years and have never been to a show at the Bell Auditorium.
My wife and I would love to take our 2 year old to see Peppa pig. She loves Peppa pig and baby George. We have lived in the CSRA for 10 years and have never been to the Bell Auditorium for a live show. I know my daughter would enjoy it and it will be a very memorable day for her.
PEPPA!?!?!? We’re coming for you!!!
Mummy, Daddy, George……..u2!
We are going to win to see Peppa pig. My daughter is really a true fan we have the DVDs and watch it literally everyday that my daughter trys to have a British accent.
Entering again for my chance to win!!!!!
My little girl does not watch TV or that because of her sensory issues but if Peppa pig is on she is glued to it and she absolutely loves with daddy pig snorts. I would love to be able to take her to see this. Also posted on fb
Entering in again for my chance to win my family tickets to see Peppa Pig! We are so excited for our chance to win.
Today is another day and another chance to win I’m determined I hope I win
Let’s go! Sounds like a blast!
My granddaughter will be here from Florida and she loves Peppa. She would be ecstatic about going.
I will take my two daughters to the show and there favorite character is Peppa.
Awesome Naquana! Make sure to come back daily and leave a comment! Good luck!
I’m determined to win these tickets for my daughter. It would be a night to remember for our family.
Good luck Rachel!
Hello, I had been commenting daily but I was doing it under the Facebook post.
Hi Tonya! Please make sure to come to the blog and leave comment as well! Good luck!
Another day and another chance to win birthday tickets for my soon to be 3 year old
Yes Rachel! Good luck!
My beautiful daughter Kaila will be 8 and is autistic and is in love with Peppa Pig she is having a Peppa pig Birthday on Friday. These tickets would be amazing for her.
She would love it Sherry! Make sure to come back daily and leave a comment! Good luck!
I would take my two daughters they favorite character is peppa.
i would take myself, my 2 sons, and husband to go to the show. The boys love peppa and george. We have lived in csra for 4 years now.
I would take my daughter and my niece!!! They love Peppa Pig….my favorite pig is Daddy Pig he’s so funny!!!
Who will you be taking to the show? My daughter lacey and a few of her friends
Have you been to the Bell Auditorium for a show yet? NO, but I have heard a lot about it and would love to attend
How long have you lived in the CSRA? Thirty nine years!
Who’s your favorite pig? Peppa….duh….and George
Go to Candypolooza Facebook page and leave a comment on one of the posts and come back to tell me- Done
Another entry day I am determined to win these tickets
I have been commennting on the Facebook post daily. I hope my granddaughters will still have a chance to win.
I want to when this for my birthday girl so bad. I have three girls I want to take 5,8,11 my 8 yr olds birthday is today. We have lived in the csra for 18 months. We come from California. We love the southern hospitality. Thank yall
Entering in again for my daughter’s chance to win! Here we come Peppa Pig!
I would take my two daughters they love Peppa pig their favorite character is Peppa pig.
Another beautiful day (although rain is in the forecast); another day to Enter to Win tickets to see Peppa Pig! Still haven’t told the girls. Want it to be a Great Surprise!
I will be taking my 3 kids who love Peppa Pig. They’d be so excited! We have never been to this auditorium.
I am getting excited about Peppa coming to our town live.
Entering for a chance to win these tickets. We want to see Peppa pig live.
Another day and another chance on winning my baby some tickets ?
Hi im entering to win 4 four tickets for me and my kods they love peppa and they have had a very rough summer and this show would bring so much joy to them
I will take my son and daughter. My hey love Peppa pig. We saw seseme street live last year. I have lived here for 32 years. Peppa is our favorite pig!
My newly Wed husband and I have yet to be able to take the kids to anything here in the cars. We would love the opportunity to take the kids to see peppa
Entering in again for my beautiful daughter Amelia. We want to see little George!
We have lived in the CSRA for a little over 2 years now. We have never been to a show at the Auditorium yet. I have a severe autistic son who will be turning 9 the day of the show. He absolutely loves Peppa. This would be a great outing for him to stay engaged.
I would love to take my kiddo. We’ve never been to the Bell Auditorium and have lived here one year. Wilbur is my favorite pig 🙂
I like your fb page and have commented on a few posts. Thank you!
I’m excited that we may possibly get to attend Peppa pig live. It would be a great experience for my daughter.
Here I am again trying to win my baby some tickets hope everyone’s doing ok
Missed an entry opportunity yesterday,but I’m back on track to win these tickets for my daughter. Happy October everyone!
Entering again today I hope everybody is doing well
Entering in for my sweetie pie. I hope we win I really want to take my daughter to see Peppa pig, it will be a nice family outing.
Another day and another chance to win only two weeks left ☹️️. Really hope I win
The countdown is here. I hope I win these family tickets for my daughter! I’m excited just for this chance.
Almost missed my entry day today but I’m not giving up hope everyone is doing well
Another day another chance to win for my baby girl.I hope we win I want to do something fun with my family.
Hope everyone is doing well. Entering in for another chance to win tickets for my daughter
Entering again for my sweet boy to go see peppa pig hope everyone is doing well
Entering in for my baby Amelia. I really want to win. I hope we win the family tickets.
Entering again not many more days to enter I really hope I win
Who will you be taking to the show? I will take my friend Linda and her God-Child, Luiz!
Have you been to the Bell Auditorium for a show yet? I sure have, many times!!
How long have you lived in the CSRA? 46 years, all my life!!
Who’s your favorite pig? Peppa!!
Left a comment on your Facebook page!
I hope we win the tickets to see the family and Peppa pig! I’m excited to attend this event.
Entering again today. I really need to win these tickets. My sons loves peppa he is autistic and his favorite thing seems to be tv and peppa pig is one of his favorite plus his birthday is November 5th he will be 3 so this would be the perfect birthday trip. I keeping my fingers crossed
I am entering in again to win the family tickets for my baby girl. I really want to win these tickets for her.
6 more days until we find out if we won the family tickets. I’m really anxious to find out if its my family. I’m ready to be entertained by Peppa pig and the family.
Good Morning!!!!! I hope those affected by Hurricane Matthew are finding things not as bad as expected! You’re in all our prayers! Now down to business: TICKETS TO SEE PEPPA and them! Lol Hoping to win tickets for my little ladies who are huge fans!
Greetings to everyone participating, entering in again to win. Hope everyone is doing well.
Entering again I really need this win hope everyone is doing well
Entering again today I hope all is well
Entering in again hoping that we win. I really want to take my daughter.
Almost at the end of this drawing. I hope we win I want to go to a live show.
I’m so nervous the day of the drawing is coming near and I really want to win I’ve been reading everyone’s comments and I wish you had two sets to give away cause I know me and another determined momma have been commenting everyday at a chance to win these tickets good luck everyone.
Entering again today only three more entries left
Entering in again, we are getting down to the last 3 days of the drawing. Really hoping I win these tickets for my baby girl.
Tomorrow is the day we find out who the winner is. I hope it’s me I want to take my daughter so bad.
Only two more days I want to win these tickets for my sweet boy so bad!!!
Alright now!!!!! We can see the finish line! Hoping to break the tape first and take home these tickets for my smart, beautiful, kind, loving and deserving daughters! Good Luck Everybody!!
This was fun and I wish everyone the best. Hoping that I win these tickets for my baby girl. Good luck everyone.
Ok my last entry I wish u knew how badly I want to win these tickets I really hope I can pull this off thanks so much to candy for the opportunity to do something nice with my family. My husband is a police officer and he works a lot and I’m a stay at home mom of 2 year old and 4 year old boys my life can be hectic I would really love to win these
My two daughters they love peppa pig peppa is their favorite.
We’re about to lose our collective minds!!!!!! Entering to WIN!!!!!! Excited! Elated! Exuberant! Expectant! ALL THAT AND MORE!