Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, however all opinions stated are my own. Prize fulfillment to be completed by sponsor UdderlySmooth.
Have you been moisturizing all winter in preparation for Summer? What? You haven’t? Shame on you! 😉 I’ve got a secret weapon if you haven’t been! Prepare your skin for Summer with UdderlySmooth products! If you’ve been reading a bit you know that I am a devoted consumer and avid user of Udderly Smooth products! I think I might have a stash in both bathrooms, my purse and my car just in case. It’s always good to have spares, that’s what I always say.
Here’s a few tips on how you can prepare your skin for Summer!
Hydrate -Always important! Drink lots of water to increase the moisture in your body. Inside & out.
Moisturize your skin -Use Udderly Smooth all over and on all of your rough areas and you’ll be so surprised at how soft your skin becomes.
Skip the HOT shower -I know they feel good, but luke warm or cooler is best. A cold water is always best for you face to keep it tight & youthful too.
Do a skin check! Have your spouse, parent or friend check your back for usually shaped moles. Prevention is key.
Yes I moisturized daily!
oh yes sometimes twice a day my skin can be so dry especially in the colder months
My skin needs an Udderly Smooth rescue before summer starts!
Love This product! So cool! Following all
Yes, I took care of my skin this winter.
Yes! I moisturize year round. especially hands and feet. I hate the look of dry heels..ew I wash my hands frequently at work so they get very dry. I love smooth skin
I took care of my skin this winter, but not as well as I could have because I needed #UdderlySmooth to add to my #skincare regimen! 😉
I took care of my skin over the winter, except for taking showers that were probably too hot/long! I knew it wasn’t the best thing, but it felt good with the super cold winter weather we had.
I love these products! They work great on my hands and my feet. Bonus, the packaging and the name is super Cute too!
I tried, but I still feel dry and itchy, so I must not have done a good enough job.
I moisturize all year long, more so during cold, dry winter months
I would moisturize at least twice a day. I have psoriasis so it gets pretty bad in the winter.
i definitely try to moisturize my skin all year round!
I tend to forget to take good care of my skin during the dry and cold winter months.
Yes,I was very diligent with my skincare routine this winter….I used body shrubs,lotions,butters oils,etc….LOL
Yes I take care of my skin all year round. The winter requires extra moisturizing.
I took care of my skin over winter, but nearly as well as I could have!! (:
I tried to take care of my skin this winter by moisterizing whenever possible.
Yes. It was a really cold winter and my skin became extra dry. Have hand moisturizer sitting on the bathroom sink and used it everytime I washed my hands. Also used facial and body moisturizer daily.
I tried to moisturize after every shower with heavy cream but this winter was so harsh!
I tried to take care of my skin this winter. It was just too darn cold!!
I have really dry and flaky skin. Im in need of a good moisturizer to help my skin look younger and nourished.
I try to take care of my skin especially in the winter bY putting moisturizer on my face morning and night because my skin is extremely sensitive and dries easily.
I have to up my moisturizer use in the winter, since my skin gets itchy and my hands crack.
No I did not take care of my skin this winter, and it’s so dry.
Yes! Lots of lotions and body oils after I shower.
By applying lotion after every shower I took to keep my skin soft
I take care of my skin all the time, I use lotion on my hands, feet and legs everyday.
I did take care of my skin this winter!! I have dry skin, and in the winter I absolutely HAVE to moisturize daily especially for my hands, they’ll crack if I don’t moisturize in the winter, it’s awful!
I did, and I used Udderly smooth because it was recommended by my oncologist.
Yes, I moisturize twice daily. I have very dry skin so with daily moisturization and 8 glasses of water daily I can keep dry skin at bay.
I did not take as good care as I should have. I used a moisturizing body wash but it was a harsh winter – that was not enough! Thanks.
Better than I did last yr but I still ahve some major dry spots (elbows, knees and bottom of feet)
Yes, absolutely or at least I tried to take care of my skin this winter. The moisturizer I used however was not very effective.
i think i did pretty good-still room for improvement.i washed and tried to moisturized daily.
i moisturize doing winter but skin is always dry
I have to constantly moisturize . I have very dryvsensitive skin!
Mostly. Not total body though. I babied my feet, hands, face and elbows, but neglected the rest most days 🙂
i did but the winter is so tough on my dry skin.
I tried to take care of my skin. After I get out of the shower, I put lotion on and during the day, I use lotion. I also drink a lot of water.
I took care of my skin, even went to the dermatologist for some cream.
Not as well as I should
I took care of my skin for the most part. My feet though are still rough as sandpaper. :-/
I think I did a better job of taking care of my skin this winter than I have in past winters. I drank more water & I took better care of my feet, which tend to get pretty rough in the winter. I am always on the hunt for products that help me take care of my skin & feet.
I did moisturize today, but my skin is still dry. It needs a great product to help it recover from the winter!
I am actually using the last little bit of my tub of Udderly Smooth foot lotion on my entire body because our winter has been so long and harsh on my skin! 🙂
I didn’t even though I really should have.
use cream multiple times a day or my hands are beyond dry and sensitive
I try my best to hydrate and moisturize my skin, I moved from Michigan to Florida 7 yrs ago and my skin is much drier ever since. I would love to try Udderly Smooth. Thanks for the chance!
I used this product in Chicago. My hands would get terribly cracked and dry. I would use this product and put on a pair of latex gloves and over night my hands would be100% better and so much better feeling.
I have to moisturize or my eczema will get the best of me.
I tried but got so busy… Now I have the result.. Dry and irritated skin! Need it smooth again! 🙂
I never do a good job of moisturizing. Recently started using utterly smooth and love it. Would love to win this!
Thank you.Love taking cooler showers to help my skin.After my shower I moisturize.
oh yes, I started using argan oil and other naturally based moisturing creams and they have worked with NO side effects! yea!
This winter was completely terrible to my skin, lips, hair and everything 🙁 hopefully this next one will be better.
Yes, I moisturized my skin 2-3 times every day. I have to because during the winter my skin gets very dry and itchy!
Yes, I did take care of my skin this winter, I used an oil moisturizer.
I try to keep my skin hydrated throughout the winter, using lotion and sunscreen when weather calls for it. Probably could do a little more for winter care, but try to keep things pretty low maintence.
I put lotion on my feet and hands 5-7 days a week. It helps keep my feet soft and not crack. Have been doing this since I had chemo 12 years ago and the nurses advised it.
this winter was a cold one! I had to take extra good care of my skin because of that. Cold air and then dry heat really flakes my skin. Lots of moisturizer took care of that!
I took care of my skin this winter by using lots of moisturizers and vaseline.
I tried to but wish I’d used Udderly Smooth!!!
I moisturize eveyday. I hate dry skin and do what i can to prevent it. I have never heard of udderly smooth. Would love to try it!
yes, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! #UDDERLYSMOOTH
I did my best to take care of my skin. I use moisturizer on my face, oil on my feet, and lotion everywhere else.
Mostly, but I should do a better job. My feet are especially rough.
I wish i had done more, I would like to take better care of my skin in the future my , the dry old weather has been hard on the skin
I took care of my skin this past winter by always moisturizing after showering along with always wearing sunscreen. Plus drinking plenty of water and taking collagen/biotin supplements.
I tried to take care of my skin this winter, but I failed badly. I attribute my failure partly to being a diabetic. I could use this prize.
Yes I moisturized daily, great giveaway, thanks for the chance
I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Just the usual lotion after showering and face cream each day.
I wish I took care of my skin all winter. Sometimes it is too easy to get busy and not care for yourself!
I must say that I don’t do anything different I’m a soap and water kind of guy. thankyou, ken
My skin is very terrible. I have EXTREMELY dry skin and it is very hard to find products that work for me. I use stuff that they dermatologist recommended and even that I have to use several times a day to make my skin not look dry. So yes I do take care of my skin in the winter but it is a job let me tell you.
I always lotion after showering, but my eczema needs something that doesn’t dry out so fast
I udderly need to win this one I guess I didn’t do a very good job taking care of my skin this winter because my hands are in bad shape sure hope I win this one.
My skin is improving with lotions and creams.
Yes, I used an extreme moisturizer from Gold Bond. My hands tend to crack really bad in the winter, so I am constantly looking for something that works fairly quickly to help.
Yes, I stayed hydrated, exfoliated regularly and used lotion everyday!
I tried but it was such a long harsh winter my hands took a beating. I live in Maine and some products just don’t work.
I didn’t take care of my skin like I should have and now I’m afraid to well my sandals and summer tops, lol. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my skins condition since I turned 40.
I’m obsessed with skincare and during the winter go mad with the rich, emollient creams and oils (argan, jojoba, almond) to soothe my parched skin.
Sadly I did not take very good care of my skin this winter. I am paying the price for that now with super dry skin. I am working hard to moisturize it like crazy and hopefully it will be better soon
No, I didn’t take care of my skin. My feet are now scaly and I have to go through a moisturizing regimen so I can wear my flip flops.
This winter, I took better care of myself and actively moisturized my skin with lotion after taking showers – before I used to just skip this unless I was going out.
I usually try to moisturize at least twice a day
I have a small sample of the hand cream. This product was highly recommended by my oncologist office to counter the hand and foot issues (blisters, etc). Thanks for the opportunity to win a prize package!
I did take care of my skin this Winter. I drank lots of water and washed, moisturized daily and tried some natural coconut oil products too.
I tried to take care of my skin this winter but in Ohio it’s hard to keep it moisturized!
I try, but I don’t do a great job. I’ve gotten better and moisturizing my hands and feet, but kinda ignore the rest. 🙁
My skin gets so dry during the winter. I am always using a moisturizing lotion but nothing seems to keep them from getting dry and cracked.
I tried to take care of my skin this winter…but it is so dry and cracked..Very painful
even with intentions to do so- no i did not
I tried to take care of my skin, but it was just so dry here, we all ended up red and dry anyway.
This winter was especially dry. I used lots of lotion.
I tried to take care of my skin by drinking more water and using a lotion as often as I could!
I used so many creams and lotions all winter that I went through two bottles of the stuff. My skin still feels very dry to me.
I did take care of my skin this winter however, it is still dry. This would be great to get it summer ready.
Yes. I got into a Korean skincare routine during the winter for my face and neck and slathered the rest of my body with moisturizer.
Lets say I tried lol, I did drink plenty of water, always using lotion or soaking in the tub with essential oils, which really helped me because I have very bad dry skin.. Would love to try this product out..
Yes I put lotion on my legs and arms every day as well as facial lotion. Made a real difference. My hands still get pretty dry though even with hand creme.
I did not take care of my skin.i wish I did because now its dry and cracking
I took care of my skin this winter by moisturizing well.
I really let my skin go this winter, the only thing that I made sure to moisturize was my growing pregnant belly to prevent stretchmarks.
I really tried to. Using a wood burner really dries out my skin. I used lotion all the time.
Would like to try their products.
To take care of my skin during winter, I exfoliate often and moisturize like crazy. No dry skin for m!
Yes! I took care of my skin all winter and used extra moisturizer before heading outdoors!
I absolutely did take care of my skin! Regular exfoliation and treatment serums, moisturizing twice a day, and I slept with two vaporizers all winter!
Did I win??
Yes you did Dawn! Send me your info please. Sorry about the confusion.