“Strangers in the Night.. exchanging glances“.. da da da-da-dum… you know the song.. Don’t you? Well it’s a famous song sang by Frank Sinatra.
If you are a mom (no matter if you stay home or work) you have gone thru that one night when your kid falls asleep too early and you think he’ll just wake up earlier in the morning.. Try a couple hours later!? As if it was only a nap.. That was me last night.. Four hours of sleep and my Fabulous Friday began.
There’s my trouble.. LOL So cute!
I agreed to make refried beans for Aramis’ school. Today was teacher appreciation luncheon. I’ve totally made foods in large quantities before. Really I have. Haven’t you? I’ve made droves of rice, buckets of potato salad and big chafing dishes of beans. My husband jokes that we are going to start a catering company one day. I actually think it would be a lot of fun! And it would totally fulfill my want to be a chef- sort of. Anyhoo back to my story- Have you noticed I go off on rants? LOL Totally me.
The beans, well one crock pot was done and they were beautiful. My crockpot was not feeling well I guess and just didn’t get the job done. What to do in an emergency bean situation? Pull those puppies out of there and get on the stove. That’s totally what I did. Boiled them for another hour and they were good. The good pot of beans; I was very excited to use my new Immersion blender on. Take in mind I’ve never used an immersion blender before and I briefly read the directions. Directions aren’t my for-tay. Sadly. Well the pinto beans became pinto bean soup. Oh yes, I got a little too happy with my new toy and blitzed the beans to mere liquid. I ended up mixing the sad beans (after the cooked ofcourse) with the soup and they ended up making a great mix. I was glad I found a fix for my emergency bean situation.
What did I learn? Don’t use faulty crockpots and “
pulse it” on the immersion blender.
Hope you are well rested reading this post I am up and still tired. LOL But it’s ok. I do it all in love of my children and hey that’s just what us moms do right? If you all totally don’t, ya’ll better tell me so that I can quit with all these high expectations. LOL and just in case you were wondering the beans were a HIT! 🙂 And my crockpot met it’s end 🙁 and Ezra was super cranky all day.. ah well- another day. Love my Life!
Poor Pintos didn’t know what hit them LOL!!
They sure didn’t Anjanette! Now I want to make some kind of vegetable soup so I can puree it! LOL