Spring Cleaning My Home Challenge The Bathroom
This is by far the room I loathe to clean. But thankfully it’s small and most of the cleaning need isn’t anywhere near the toilet.
My problem areas in our guest bathroom is the sink area. It is constantly covered in toothpaste thanks to Aramis.
This isn’t even a bad pic. There have been days where there are streaks of toothpaste on the counter. Glad you didn’t have to see those! I used the Shaklee products in the bathroom as well. I cleaned the mirror with the Window cleaner. It worked beautifully on the mirror, no streaks or anything. I used the All Purpose spray to clean the counter and also sprayed on the sink. Cleaned up very nicely.
My counter and mirror are always a wreck. I’m not going to sugar coat it. It gets messy people. I normally have about 5 minutes to do my make-up. If I have to blow dry my hair that’s about 30 minutes to be done and that’s straightening some of it. Who has time to flat iron a whole head of thick hair with a 1 year old? Not me!
Yes, that’s a roll of toilet paper you see on my counter/vanity. Ezra likes to pull it off the roll so we can’t ever really put it on the roll thingy in the wall.. So I put away all of the products in their place and cleared it off I started the cleaning. First I sprayed the mirror. I figured it would be best to start from top to bottom. Then sprayed the All Purpose spray on my counter top. It was an easy clean, I’m so glad. My bathroom is all nice and clean now. I did clean the shower area and the toilet. I didn’t want to bore you with those pictures. Yeah and I’m totally in need of a decorator for my bathroom.. I wanted to go with the black and red theme, but I’m not sure I really like it.. Any tips for me?!
Our bathroom is all beautiful and clean now. Want to hear something I didn’t think was possible? It’s Thursday and it’s still clean!! WIN for mommy!
Week 2= Total Success
Thanks to Claire’s Healthy Home for getting me on a cleaning frenzy and supplying the Shaklee cleaning products!
I’m up for this week’s challenge- the #Bedrooms.
Are you following along on our cleaning frenzy?
Wish i could be done with Spring Cleaning but right now we have a huge mess. The kitchen is my problem area. The stove and such.
Alvina my kitchen is constantly messy too.. but i try to give it a good clean atleast once a week.. I think it’s evident- we cook way too much! 😉
I am loving these Spring Clean Challenge post!!! You are totally keeping me motivated to keep cleaning and organizing in my home!!!
Connie it’s definitely keeping me cleaning! LOL It’s a daily struggle!! LOL
You’re inspiring me to tell my husband he should clean ours;)
You know normally that’s the only room my husband won’t touch.. go figure right! LOL But he’s really helpful everywhere else so I don’t mind so much. 🙂
You are a brave and wonderful woman! You are showing the whole world your messy (hardly) bathroom. To be honest, I clean when company is coming over. It’s like a bad New Year’s Resolution. I keep saying I’m going to do better … haha. Maybe I should jump on this Cleaning Frenzy Challenge.
Girl, I didn’t post pics of the floor- LOL But it got cleaned too.. Yeah this challenge has def helped keep me on task.. LOL
Love my Basic H2! Great challenge!
I am def enjoying the products. It’s all I use now.
I’m working on my own Spring cleaning myself – like the real deep stuff, closets, drawers, under the bed..lol, the whole 9 yards.
your bathroom looks great!
Thanks Krissy! You should totally do a post on it! Get people cleaning!