Television is my absolute favorite. I know it’s rotting my brain, but I just can’t stop. I LOVE IT! Even though my favorite Fall shows are on re-runs (No I don’t watch re-runs of those) I’m enjoying new summer television. Most summers I don’t get excited about summer programming but this year I’m really enjoying it. So here’s what I’m watching this summer!
Big Brother is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I don’t get to enjoy it live, so I DVR it and watch after the boys go to bed. Would I like to watch the live feeds after dark? Yes! But I mean really, I don’t get enough sleep as it is so I don’t. I always consider buying the extras too. LOL So far I’m enjoying the game and keeping up with the BB16 Twitter feed. You can get some good updates just keeping an eye on it.
My favorite players so far? Donny hands down. I’m sad that Joey got sent packing at the first eviction. I’m also hoping Brittany makes it a little further. We need a girl to win!!
Ah Bravo.. Truly my favorite channel, unless they are showing movies. I need my shows on 24/7 Andy Cohen! Seriously, I’ve caught myself leaving it on the channel until the info-mercials come on. Not going to lie, I am almost purchased Hip Hop Abs the other night.. For $19.95.. yeah.. But I didn’t..
Here are my favorite shows on Bravo!
Kim Zolciak-Bierman, her honey Kroy and their family are so cute and I can’t look away! Two teenage girls, and four babies under four! I totally cried during the first episode while they showed the birth of their twins too! Makes me want a baby, umm ok maybe not! But I’ll keep watching!
I actually watch all of the Real Housewives shows, but I wanted to spare you. I can’t help it. I’m a bit of a voyeur. But I think it’s healthy, it’s not like I think we are friends, the housewives and I.. There’s a few new ladies on the Jersey crew and the jury is still out.. Even though Theresa & Joe plead guilty to the charges, I am really hoping for the best for them. I hope their girls have family they can reach out to in case they do go to the pen though. 🙁
Did you catch this show last summer? I was completely obsessed with it. Diane Kruger is such a great actor. Her character, Sonya Cross is pretty bad ass. The Bridge is set in El Paso, Texas so you can imagine the type of cases she gets. I’m excited for it to start up again.
This show was the topic of a lot of discussion last year. Was it appropriate for there to be all Latin maids, etc. You know what I thought about the debate? Who cares! I actually like the show too! It’s in it’s second season and more of the secrets are unraveling. It’s on Lifetime and I hope they keep renewing it.
Oh say it ain’t so! This is the last season of True Blood on HBO and I am sad. I love the whole Vampire thing and I’m going to miss this show and it’s serious eye candy. If you watch it, you know of the character deaths that are making me batty. That damn Vampire HEP disease is just reeking too much havoc and I don’t want Eric and Bill to die!! I mean why can’t Sookie zap it out of them? Anyways.. I’ll be sad to see it go.
So that’s what’s keeping me up late at night along with the documentaries and movies.
What are you watching this summer?
*all photos taken from Google search
Bravo fan!!! Oh yes.. waiting for RHONJ to get good!!! It’s slow right now but I’m waiting.. I keep forgetting to watch Don’t Be Tardy! I need to play catch up on that.
I have to admit I haven’t been watching much television lately. Project Runway starts this week and I will DEFINITELY be watching that. I’m holding out for fall when everything returns (but I do love Bravo!)
I watch a little tv over the summer, but I am watching Last Comic Standing and Hells Kitchen!
Oh man. I am a realtity show junkie. Love all the ones you listed .. plus I watch other things too.
Oh Terry we should do a reality tv link up with Shell! I’m sure I watch more, those are the main ones.. LOL
I have so many programs I am watching.At the moment I am watching love and hip hop guilty pleasure lol.
I’m getting ready for Boardwalk Empire to finish. The Bachelorette and True Blood are making the cut, too.
We don’t have cable so I miss out on some pretty great shows. Not too many great shows on regular television but we’ve found a few. I’m glad the library has so many great movies we can rent! 🙂
These are all shows I have heard so much about. I’ve been watching feeds on Twitter and they are all coming across. There isn’t much watching in this house though. We’ve been so busy.
I have a bad habit of staying up late just to catch up Robin! It’s a sickness! LOL
I really want to see The Bridge! I recorded the season but accidentally deleted the first episode! 🙁
Hulu or Netflix maybe Amy? You’ll like it..
I am going crazy right now with the last season of true blood !!
I’m not big on reality television. Mainly because it’s not real. I really like Falling Skies and Under the Dome.
Oh yes Under the Dome! I watch that too!! It’s trash tv.. but I love it Ben. LOL My zone out time.
I’m watching Big Brother, too. True Blood, Reckless, The Lottery, Project Runways(starts this week), Suits, and So You Think You Can Dance. Plus some others… I like tv!
Two words Shell- Kindred Spirits! 😉 Are you watching the late feeds too?
Don’t Be Tardy sounds very cute. I’m not a bit TV-watcher any more (used to be as a kid) so I haven’t seen any of these. Glad you have some favorites to relax to and enjoy though.
Okay, I am so out of the loop. The only one of these shows I have heard of is True Blood!
It’s a ton of reality tv Pam.. 🙁 I should be ashamed of myself! LOL
We were really into 24. Now that it is over I need to find a new show.
My husband and I are watching the second season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix. I love that we don’t have to wait a week for the next episode.
I’ve been real into Pretty Little Liars and Switched at Birth. I still need to catch up on LAST season of True Blood. We stopped watching it within a couple episodes in, so I know we’ve got lots to catch up in!
OMG Yes Carly! I hate it’s the last season 🙁
I’m a bit of a reality junkie so I’ve been watching The Bachelorette, all the Real Housewives shows and Big Brother. I’m enjoying Big Brother this year more than last!
I don’t too much TV watching. Those all seem like great shows
I can honestly say I have not seen any of those shows. I get stuck watching kid shows. But I wish I could watch Big Brother.. I have not seen it in a few years.
True Blood! Yes! And I love Kim Zolciak. I know she has a lot of haters but I think she’s funny. I follow her on Twitter because I did a lot of news reporting about her for a while. Shes really nice. I stopped watched Big Brother after like the 2nd or 3rd season.
we don’t watch much television actually. Right now we’re back on Under the Dome and rewatching The Wire on Amazon Prime
My mom loves Devious Maids! I need to give it a watch!
I like Devious Maids. Haven’t been watching this season yet.
I am watching True Blood too, but am catching up on it from my OnDemand service. I am on season 4 right now, and am really enjoying it!
I love watching crime or true story shows. They’ve always been my guilty pleasure.
Oh Lori I watch those too! I get nervous watching the Drugs Inc shows. Have you caught that one before?
I have watched The Bridge. Don’t really get into the Big Brother anymore.
You’re watching a lot of the same shows I am. I watch a lot of stuff on Bravo. And Big Brother.
I’m a reality show junkie. I’m loving The Bachelorette right now and can’t wait for Bachelor in Paradise to start in August.
I stopped watching the Bachelor a long time ago.. I was watching a preview for Paradise.. could be interesting!
Anything on Bravo is always fun! I have a friend who has never miss a season of Big Brother. She gets SO invested in the house mates!
Wow Cam! I bet she gets the live feeds too then. I wish i had time. LOL
I’ve heard of True Blood. Everyone laughs at my oldest son (including his new wife) is addicted to it. 🙂
It’s a pretty good show Rosey. I like it a lot 🙂
SYTYCD and MasterChef are at the top of my list. I miss Bravo shows!
I’ve never really watched SYTYCD.. I might have to give it a watch or two 🙂
I love watching Big Brother. It is my favourite summer time tv indulgence.
It’s so much fun!!
Bravo Housewives are my favorites to watch – any city! DO you have HuluPlus access? I also fell in love with The Only Way is Essex (a British reality show – much more risque than American shows).
OMG Yes I do Amanda! I have Netflix, Hulu & Cable.. I have tv issues. LOL I’ll have to check it out!!
I’m obsessed with Bravo- I watch nearly everything, but never intently- almost always as background noise.
We could have a TV night. I love your selections!
We are getting caught up on @$! Other than that, we watched OITNB and old 30 Rock episodes!
I LOVE Big Brother, this is my first year subscribing to the live feeds and I’m so glad that I didn’t because boy do they edit stuff to twist things. We’re watching True Blood as well, we’re betting Sookie saves Eric and he turns her.
Oooh that’s so cool Cassie~ Maybe I will next summer..