Hey it’s Thursday!
Ok so this morning on my drive home from dropping off Aramis at school I was thinking.. I think a lot sometimes and sometimes my thoughts are kinda funny.. I’m going to start sharing some of my funny thoughts on Thursdays. Some aren’t funny, but it’s what I was thinking..
Welcome to:
I’m wondering why my 2 year old won’t take a nap for me anymore.. On his own. Lately I have been having to lay with him and then I end up falling asleep with him.. That’s a win and a fail at the same time. Specially when I have things I need to get done. Gah!
Every morning I drive by Marquez Bakery. It’s a Mexican Bakery here in San Angelo and I always think, “I really want to stop for some pan dulce, but Ezra would go nuts in there.. I need to come one morning without him.” I’m probably robbing my 2 yr old of a serious life moment.. but he’s crazy and I can’t handle him, the bread and the other pastries I want to add to my platter thing.. at least I know Harvey gets to go in there and get breakfast from time to time.. they asked him where he’d been since he hadn’t gone in a few days or weeks I guess… he told them he was on a diet.. He’s so cute. LOL They got a good laugh out of that.
Even if you don’t see someone everyday, just knowing that they are there makes all the difference for me. My friends Pam and Ashley pcs-in’g very soon and I realize I won’t have a reason of going to off post housing anymore.. Makes me very sad, I’m truly going to miss them.
I also think and realize that this is two more friends moving away in less than six months.. My friends Melissa and Wendy left in December.. This is new territory for me as normally I’m the one leaving first. I feel so alone.. no not really. Leanne is still here and a few other ladies too!! Holla another shout out!! LOL 😉
Lately I’ve also been thinking that the next move I won’t allow any more toys in my living room… It’s that time I think. Which I guess we will see if I can overcome Ezra’s tenacity.. he’s kinda stubborn..
I wonder how my 65 inch smart tv will do on our next move too.. it’s the “little” things that bother me..
Purging, I need to start doing some serious purging. Cleaning out all the crap commencing in 5…4….3…2…1.. ok, yeah not really.. But it’s happening people. In cycles.
Sometimes I wish I could get my house decor together.. My house looks terrible I need help in that department. But it’s too late for this house, we’ll be moving some time next year. I’m not making anymore holes in the wall..
I really like my graphic for this post.. Picmonkey rocks my socks off ya’ll..
This girl had season passes to Busch Gardens for three years while we were in Tampa.. I didn’t get to ride one damn ride.. How does that happen you ask? KIDS! Yeah.. kinda blew a big one.. but oh well. Ask my whatever you like about Sesame Place at Busch Gardens Tampa.. I’m your girl! LOL
I’ll leave you with that one.. Kinda a dumb that I never went with friends, or on my own.. Our last year there I was pregnant, so that didn’t help my cause.. We will go back and I will ride all of them.. even that cool roller coaster next to that bbq place.. I have no idea what it’s called.. LOL
I was lucky with my son, he’s pretty easy going. Once he stopped taking naps, he would sit and play with his little super hero’s or power rangers by himself for hours – I’d have to go up and check on him, that’s how well he plays alone (now it’s with Lego’s)
I am in desperate need to get my house purged myself! My basement is full of boxes of stuff that I am getting rid of in a yard sale from the house, but I still have so much to do. The problem is, I have only 2 days ‘free’ which aren’t really free. The weekends are full of soccer games, and cheer practices, and running to the grocery, and church, and sometimes just wanting to take the kids and go do something fun! I walked in my house last night and shook my head, but I figured heck, I have the weekend right? 😉
Oh gosh Krissy I wish he would play on his own. I have to play with him.. little stinker. Which I know he won’t be little forever so I shouldn’t complain. Lol I need to have a yard sale too! Too bad we can’t do it together! LOL Yeah save it for the weekend 🙂
What is the deal with kids suddenly needing you to nap with them? I always fall asleep too and when I try to sneak away little man wakes up. So there goes my free time! Oh well, I guess getting in a cat nap is not too shabby. And also I’m a picmonkey lover myself 🙂 Okay, off to explore your blog more.
Loved your post today! Thanks for checking out my blog! 🙂