This is Thursday Thoughts 1 2016. I mean that it’s my first one of 2016. Most of the time I like to do a weekly purge of my thoughts here, but you know how that goes. Life gets in the way, activities and other things fill the days and only work that needs to be posted is posted. It’s life; here’s this week’s Thursday Thoughts.
So much has been in my head so I’m excited to get it down on the blog. I’ve been doing so much thinking, talking and observing. Sounds weird right? But I really have. There is so much happening in our lives and sometimes it’s best to just stop and think, talk about or observe the situation before we can truly make a statement. We never know if our words can be taken out of context and cause pain or joy.
This is the ugly part of social media. How easy is it for someone to leave an ugly comment on someone’s page. If your username isn’t your real name it’s too easy. But I wonder if the people leaving the comments actually realize how much harm they are doing by being trolls. Yep, I said TROLLS.. Don’t be a troll. Be the person you want others to be to you, follow the Golden Rule.
Here’s the definition from our friends at Google:
It’s a great statement to talk to your kids about too. Aramis needs a reminder in regards to his tone to me sometimes, I need to him understand mutual respect. He’s such a good hearted kid that when I bring it to his attention I can tell in his face that he’s realized he’s done something wrong and he apologizes. I always get complimented on how polite he is and I appreciate that because that tells me that I’m doing something right. I’m not perfect by any means but getting complimented on my child’s behavior feels really good and I know he feels good when I tell him how proud I am of him.
Take my word for it.