One day closer to the weekend… or maybe not if you’re a caregiver. But none the less maybe a break in your future. It’s my third installment of Thursday Thoughts. Here’s what’s been on my mind lately…
- Lately I’ve noticed a lot of wives are calling us out as Military Wives and using it as a general term for all spouses. Hey ya’ll, there are men among our ranks. We’ve got to start using Military Spouse as the term for the female or male spouse of the Service Member. I always try to be mindful and use Military Spouse. I’ll call myself an Army Wife, but in general we are Spouses.
- Weight and Height- If your Service Member has ever had issues with this, I feel your pain. I think this process needs to be re-done. I know they can’t make a different regulation for every person and every ethnicity, but we are not all created equal in body type.
- Why can’t movers and packers be honest? I have been in on Facebook conversations about how people should feed their packers etc.. For the record I provide water. I don’t recall ever feeding my packers. Sorry ya’ll! Recently a friend of mine psc’d and to her surprise she was missing a whole box of lady products and dog food. Really? Who does that.. She tore thru everything looking too. Not a case of just looked once.
- I’m renting a car tomorrow for a day trip out to San Antonio. I’m headed down for a luncheon and super excited! I’ll be tweeting, Facebooking and Instagramming so keep an eye out 🙂
Ok hold the phone.. The AC guy just came to check on our system and asked if Ezra was my grandson.. Um.. in his defense he was very young.. but then he told me I looked 36.. Get the hell outta my house buddy.. LOL a funny for your day.
- I love that it’s getting warmer. I love wearing extra clothes to hide my chub, but it’s getting hot and I’m working on trying to loose this winter fat I’ve held on for a few years.
- Sometimes I think about my battle with weight and that it has to say something that I’ve been able to maintain this weight right?? I mean I have always worked out like a dog, sometimes a little harder and I can’t seem to drop the weight. I don’t get it. But I guess I can thank God daily for not having any medical issues with being obese. Shit, I just said I was obese… ugh.. but thank God for no high blood pressure, diabetes or hypertension.
- I’ve been hesitant to post about going to a Personal Trainer for some time now. I don’t want you to think this is turning into a Health blog, but I have issues with accountability. And no posting it doesn’t keep me pumped. I’m not that girl. But yeah, I’ve been going to a Personal Trainer on post for a month. I’ve lost 4 lbs.. I’ll take it. It’s a loss!
- I’m a talker. Can you tell? If you know me personally you can attest to this. But sometimes I just want to be quiet. Those moments are few and far between, but yappers do shut up sometimes.
- We want a pet but we can’t have one. Sucks right? And I guess deep down we are cheap too. Our current landlord charges $500 non-refundable pet deposit and an additional $25 extra a month on rent. Would you have a pet? We didn’t have one coming in so it didn’t make a difference. But I’m not going to lie, we try to lure strays to the yard.. LOL
Well, this is what’s been on my mind lately. Not trying to offend anyone just my thoughts. I hope you are having a fabulous day and now I’m gonna go wallow in the fact this guy pretty much just told me, I’m an old mom.. GAH!
What’s been on your mind lately?
I love your honesty! And I totally agree with utilizing the term “Military Spouse,” we don’t want to exclude anyone from what can be a great community.
Thanks Lindsay! Love your site! New follower 🙂
I feel your pain about being obese, but healthy. I just had a check-up and my cholesterol, thyroid, blood pressure, sugar levels, etc….are great…except for the fact that I’m obese. It is very frustrating to work out, sweat, eat healthy, all to lose maybe a 1 lb. if I’m lucky. Thanks for sharing what’s on your mind today 🙂
Hi Crystal!
Thank you! Gosh it really blows doesn’t it 🙁 We just have to stick to it though. It’ll happen. Thanks for your comment doll!
Haha – love your Thursday Thoughts! 1. My husband just became buds with a military husband. He is raising their son while she is over in Afgan. Seems soo odd – he took their boy muddin’ with my husband and son, and it’s actually kind of nice seeing a man take on that responsibility while his wife is away..a lot would just hand them over to the grandparents/aunts, etc.
I am going to miss my winter clothes to cover my gut myself – I have been going to the gym religiously, but my food? Not always the healthiest..I’ve been thinking of hiring a personal trainer..I probably need to get on that!
Well, if you’re an old mom, I am too. 🙂 Old moms unite! Haha.
I’ve been thinking about why people have to be so nasty and hateful. Too much drama and I am out of high school!