I have been volunteering for a very long time. It fills my heart with love and compassion to be able to help others. I consider myself “a Helper” and it makes me so happy to help. During the season of giving I think it’s important to share the importance of volunteerism so that it’s carried into the new year. I’m proud to teach my children about giving and volunteering, Ezra is still too small to understand, but I know that Aramis shares in my love to help. He is always thinking of other people. I’m so proud.
This past week I volunteered with Meals for the Elderly here in San Angelo. It’s like Meals on Wheels, but it’s called Meals for the Elderly (MFE). I came upon this volunteer opportunity thru the Combined Spouses Group (GCSC), here at Goodfellow AFB. The GCSC is the spouses group for all branches that come into Goodfellow. I joined because I knew the President and she asked if I’d be interested in being the Volunteer Coordinator. Why of course! That’s right up my alley! Long story short, the GCSC has a route with MFE. Each Monday we run a route of meals to elderly in the community. I did the route last week and on Sunday I helped out at their annual Christmas Open House.
It was so much fun. In the past I’d worked in catering for holiday parties so it was similar. Their home was absolutely beautiful, the hosts were so nice and gracious. I served wine for the first couple hours and once I realized how dead my arms were I took a break then served food. My friend Lyn also from the GCSC, walked around serving cookies. I don’t know who had it worst, but her tray was definitely heavy! Either way, we had an amazing time. And it didn’t even feel like we were working/volunteering. That’s when you know you are having a good time. We are also looking forward to volunteering during their Mardi Gras event next year. A lot of the volunteers there, this was their 2nd, 3rd or 4th time helping. They truly enjoy being a part of the event and agreed that it’s always a lot of fun.
The reason for the post is to encourage you to give your time. Volunteer! It”s the most rewarding experience you’ll have and you might even make new friends along the way. There are so many organizations in need of volunteers. While we were stationed at Fort Bragg, NC I volunteered with the Army Community Services (ACS) office there. While we were home during Harvey’s deployment I volunteered with the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary. In Tampa I volunteered with the Best Buddies organization. I think by far Best Buddies has been my favorite. Having the honor to work with special needs children is beyond words and I’m so happy I did, it’s a wonderful organization.
Just a few ideas for you! You don’t have to be military either, any organization in need would love your time.
What type of volunteer work do you like to do?
We’ve done a lot. I like serving best. I like to go to our local kitchen and help serve lunch. And, making lunch for them too. My kids have helped, too
I use to Volunteer back in the day quite a bit but I slacked off. I loved going to the elementary schools and help the kids. I also loved going to the older people home and sit with those who didn’t have family it made my heart hurt. I am going to step it back up for the new year.
I volunteer a lot with my Daughters of the American Revolution group – we center around history and children’s education. Unlike many of the groups you see this time of year, we raise funds and work year round!
While my husband and I were stationed in Germany we both volunteered with the USO & The Wounded Warrior Project a lot. I loved being able to give back to the military community!
What a fantastic way to volunteer. I also love to volunteer with the elderly. I actually had one particular lady I visited until she passed away at our local nursing home.
Right now my volunteering is on hold. It’s so funny, I remember starting out with a brand new Meals on Wheels branch in High School, it was so many decades ago when I first volunteered anywhere! Right now all my time is spent donating a house full of items that are useless to m, but useful to someone else. That is my blog experience, I get a lot of crap! But at least I get to donate it!
I’ve been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters in the past, which was a blast. I’ve also worked at the local food bank on a regular basis and loved it. This time of year, I like to “adopt” a kid who is in need and buy Christmas gifts that they need/want. Since having our son, we try to buy for a child of the same age so that he’ll be able to help us pick out gifts as he grows up.
I think that is so awesome! Sometimes I don’t have the money to give, but I try to make time!
We have started looking for family volunteer opportunities and our first one was disassembling computers for our local Goodwill so they could test the components and either rebuild new computers that work or recycle the dead stuff. I’m not sure our 6 year “gets it” 100% but he had fun and I want him to associate good feelings with helping out as he’s getting started.
I’ve always wanted to get into some type of volunteer work with animals! It’s really hard to commit because of my schedule, so for now I just foster kittens for the humane society.
Lately I’ve only volunteered my voice to spreading information about the charities I support. I plan on doing some toys for tots again this year with my girls though.
i’m a brownie troop leader and a sunday school teacher. as my kids get into school full time i want to spend more time where my dad is, he’s in an alzheimers facility-there’s always a need
Volunteering is good for the soul. I need to spend a little more time volunteering throughout the year.
I haven’t done a lot of volunteering in this way since I moved. I was very connected to my last community and knew it well, so it was easier to jump in there. I guess I need to make roots so that I can do the same here.
I love volunteering my time, especially at the holidays. The past two years, we have volunteered with a local Christmas organization that helps unfortunate children get a few gifts for the holiday. I wasn’t able to do it this year – standing on my feet for 4-5 hours while 37/38 weeks pregnant just didn’t seem doable…but I will be back next year!
I love to volunteer in my boys’ classrooms. Their teachers can always use an extra hand.
I try and make time to volunteer but scheduling makes it tough. I love being a girl scout leader for my daughter’s troop.