DISCLOSURE: My friend Colleen is an independent consultant with Thrive. I’ve provided her this post to share her business with you today. I have not tried Thrive but have seen how much my friends love it. I, Candypolooza.com shall not be held liable for opinions stated in this post and not responsible for prize fulfillment.
“Thrive” (verb): to grow or develop successfully; to flourish or succeed. Sounds pretty great, right? But I’m not here to give you a vocabulary lesson. I’m here to tell you about the vitamin (yes, vitamins) that changed my life, because I want you to Thrive too! and there’s a chance to win your first month of Thrive! *
When I first heard about Thrive from Le-Vel, I had no idea what it was. My friend Katie had posted on Facebook about the amazing amount of energy she had, how happy she was, and she was wearing this funny sticker on her skin. I ignored it. She messaged me to tell me about it. I told her I wasn’t interested. She posted again, this time she was up before the birds, and hitting the gym. I ignored it (ok, I was following a bit…but after my morning coffee). I didn’t need this. I never took vitamins. I was fine.
Meanwhile, “fine” meant I was having headaches that were keeping me from work, doing the things I loved, and even landing me in the ER. Fine meant I was drinking several cups of coffee, and usually several diet sodas a day. Fine meant I was grumpy, short with my 8-year-old son, rushing around because I slept in too long, and rushing him to bed because I was exhausted. And fine meant I was barely sleeping at night, lying awake for hours, despite being so tired. So yeah, I was fine. I didn’t need Thrive.
Katie saw all of this. She heard me complaining about all this. She had seen me gain back weight that I had worked so hard to lose, and heard me say I’d never lose it again. I am a single mom, I didn’t have the time or money for this, I insisted. She knew I needed Thrive, and kept on me until I decided to try.
Thrive is 3 simple steps first thing in the morning: 2 Lifestyle Capsules as soon as my feet hit the floor, then a Lifestyle Mix shake that gives me more vitamins, pre and probiotics, and enzymes. Then I slap on that “silly sticker”, the DFT (Derma Fusion Technology) that acts as my battery pack throughout the day, and even relieves aches and discomforts! The first time I tried Thrive, I was skeptical. I felt good that day, and was surprised I wasn’t tired from a birthday party the night before. That night, I slept the best I had in ages. I fell asleep quickly, and woke up shocked that it was the next morning! That alone was enough for me. My mood changed immensely just from the simple fact that I was sleeping! But it just got better. Over the next few weeks, I was waiting for the headaches to hit me, like they do. It never came. I haven’t even refilled my prescription.
I am now happily waking up at 4:30 am and getting my workout in. I feel great all day, and have zero coffee or diet soda. My cravings for sweet and salty things has gone down, and I’m making good food choices, as well as drinking tons of water. There are no more hours in the day than there have ever been, but I’m spending them playing with my son, making dinner with him (instead of swinging through the drive-thru), and packing both of our lunches for the day. And did I mention my digestion is on point
I can’t tell you what Thrive will do for you. It’s all natural, plant-derived, premium nutrition that will fill your nutritional gaps, so it will do something different for everyone. All I can tell you is that it works. Period. What do you have to lose?
My website is https://colleencauley.le-vel.com
Make your free customer account and check out the site!
The Le-Vel Facebook page is another great place to read user experiences:
Signed up as austieb7. Thanks for the chance!
I signed up under skyejaden!